Liam680 Member


  • One suggestion I have is to set you goal lower and when you achieve that set a new goal. That way you can reward yourself for more frequent successes along the pathway to your ultimate weight loss goal. I have found that it has taken me years but by tracking what I put in my mouth I am making slow progress towards the…
  • I have a premium membership and use the bar code scanner frequently. I knew it would make people mad when they took that critical feature away. I have been using this app for several years and my frustration continues to grow with their poor software design. I have been looking for alternative solutions. The inability to…
  • Lucky I don't really like candy corn anymore. Yuk, But Reese's PB cups, I can't resist. I always try to avoid Halloween candy, but when the holiday comes, it is hard to stay strong. I saw one post about making pumpkin soup or even Pumpkin muffins would be a nice treat without the candy intake. My issue I would do that, and…
  • Sine the lock down I have been enjoying far to many comfort foods. Then I noticed my pants were getting hand to button and then u voting the scale and realized I had gained back all the weight room had lost when I was last watching carefully. Then I went to the dentist and as part of new screening they checked my blood…
  • The circumstance you talk about are pretty similar to my own. A couple things that have been helping me are: Reading this blog, I have found lots of articles that motivate me. Experimenting with new recipes found here. Another is thinking about the reasons why I wanted to lose weight in the first place. In that effort I…