Looking for motivation in the journey to lose 70+.

Hey everyone,

I just recently got back on track with losing weight. I lost about 65 pounds 3 years ago and kept it off for a year, but have put most, if not all of it, back on. I was 10 pounds shy of my goal weight then and hit a plateau.
I've beaten myself up over it enough already and have decided that this time, I'm going to keep it off!
I know I'll need some help along the way, especially when it comes to getting into the habit of exercise. So support and motivational friends would not only be awesome, but would make the journey so much easier by sharing the struggles, as well as the triumphs, with others.
I've an open diary and would love to be able to swap recipes (I've always been a picky eater with a sweet tooth and not a very good cook.)
Feel free to add me for motivation and sypport. I know I'll need it! Hope to make some wonderful new friends along the way.


  • Liam680
    Liam680 Posts: 6 Member
    The circumstance you talk about are pretty similar to my own. A couple things that have been helping me are: Reading this blog, I have found lots of articles that motivate me. Experimenting with new recipes found here. Another is thinking about the reasons why I wanted to lose weight in the first place. In that effort I suggest you might make a little list of the reasons you want to lose weight whatever they are and keep that list handy so you can re read it when you are having difficult times when you need a reminder. For me I just made a little text file on my computer and keep it on my desktop so I can just click on it any time.
  • VansBel374
    VansBel374 Posts: 23 Member
    That sounds like a really good idea. Thank you!