rich421 Member


  • Ok thanks. I guess I'll do some cardio now because if I remove any more cals I'll be at 1700-1800 and that's no good
    in Guess BF% Comment by rich421 April 2016
  • I've actually gotten some advice from a buddy about competing at that weight. How would go about losing the rest of this body fat without losing more muscle. My lifts are starting to suffer and I wanted to add more muscle to my frame before the meet
    in Guess BF% Comment by rich421 April 2016
  • 6 foot
    in Guess BF% Comment by rich421 April 2016
  • Really? I lost 25 pounds and calipers said I was 20% when I started. Guess I'm more fat than I thought.
    in Guess BF% Comment by rich421 April 2016
  • Well I was only 161 when I started dirty bulking and got up to 194, but looked terrible. I have been trying furiously to get rid of the lower gut and sides but nothing seems to be working. I have taken away calories, did extra cardio, and cut carbs. Not sure if it's bloating. Right now I'm doing strong lifts 3x a week and…
  • Thanks for the feedback. I am currently running stronglifts 5x5 as I was stuck strengthwise in my bro splits. I was cutting at around 2200 calories with 40p/40c/20f macro. I just this last week upped to around 2800 for a slow lean bulk. My maintaince numbers are around 2400. So you are saying go up to around 2500-2600, or…