Mufflana Member


  • Thanks for the welcome! I am a fifty+ girl living in the south of England, mother of two lovely grown up girls and one granddaughter. Need to get a grip again as have ambitions to be around to maybe meet a great grandchild or two! Good luck to everyone on your own journey
  • Hi.....just come back here after losing loads (over 190lbs) but then thinking I could go back to eating a little more and then a little more etc!!! Hot news is I CAN'T.....well who'd have thought if I go back to my old habits I'd put some weight back !!
  • I use the recipe from a site called 'screwed on straight' they really help me to get to my fat macro some days and also feel like a real treat, so it's a win win.....but, as fluderbye says, they are good!!!! Enjoy!
  • I struggle too but drink better from a bottle!!! Have found green mint tea goes down a treat and also a tea called stomach ease by Yogi teas which is lovely, count them in my water and it's job done. Good luck
  • Bansheecat......I was stuck for 6weeks despite appearing to be in ketosis. Checked out the egg fast and did 1 day....dropped 2lbs and so continued to eat loads more eggs but not exclusively. This has broken my stall and the 2lb loss stuck and more is having at least one egg/fat day per week to keep it…
  • Thanks for this, gonna watch tonight
  • Celery and peanut butter, coconut - fresh or dried but unsweetened, peanut butter fat bombs and double/heavy cream for my coffee.....thanks for starting this, there are some great ideas above that I will be using
  • I stay away if at all possible, for me it is white carbs, bread and potatoes and crisps, once I start it is a steamroller effect....and I end up weighing nearly as much as the steamroller too! I find that the longer I don't eat these trigger foods the less I am really craving them and it is then easier to look at them and…
  • Darkest Dorset here, logging daily and finally off a plateau! Down from well over 300lbs and now just 8 away from going under the 200's......adding you now and if anyone wants, please feel free to add me
  • Just over 3lbs gone since I joined this challenge, I am delighted as I had been stuck for nearly six weeks....still shooting for the 12 lb loss but will be delighted with any more progress !! Congrats to all those who are hanging in and posting your success
  • Great results, thanks for letting us know, it all helps to push us forward......
  • Ok, fell off wagon as went away unexpectedly but am back on....this challenge IS acheivable by those of us, like me, with a lot still to lose. I appreciate why some people want to advise that it is too big a goal etc but it doesn't matter if none of us make the 12 but even get half is progress and this helps…
  • Just the motivation I need to get me into the zone! Count me in too please :)
  • I use Stevia now as a sweetener when I need it, no problems with it at all for me, I hope it might be that way for you too. Used to eat Atkins bars a lot but finally figured that were making the sweet cravings worse, stopped them and now I can walk past chocolate bars and cakes without drooling!!
  • Just got started with lchf and I am loving it, my goals are both weight loss and better health, less creaking joints etc, so not much exercise at the moment. Glad to find this for support