

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Good morning ladies! I entered the recipe for the egg vegetable dip into MFP. it is only 88 calories per serving. If you want to try it it will tell you the nutritional value as well.

    Joyce - I remember turkey legs at the state fair when I was a kid, huge compared to today! I hope your back gets better.

    Naomi - I hope all goes well with you today!

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Sorry, it did not turn up on the food list when I entered egg vegetable dip. It only turn up in my recipe file. I do not know how to get it into the public file does anybody know how to do this? good news it is only 86 calories per serving which is 1/12 of the recipe. If you want to you can enter the recipe very easily under recipe when you go to login a food item. it only takes a few minutes. it will show you all of the nutrients values and the calorie count per serving. Then if you want to log it in you just go to your recipes and enter it that way.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,098 Member

    My grandmother's aunt was one of those women you read about who was taught to paint in the late eighteen hundreds i.e. a lady of leisure. She had an instructor by the name of White the one who taught White was was E.L. Hosmer who painted this picture. She would buy some of their work and have them framed. This is one of those pieces. I liked history of piece, the subject matter, and the frame. These are the reasons I had it redone. As I said I also like the idea of taking something so old and bringing it back to life. My favorite children's story growing up was Hesperus. It was a story about an old worn out car that was brought back to life by a kind restorer.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    morning kids~
    have second load of laundry in the washer,went to see DFIL , he got violent yesterday afternoon, so they drugged him up with tramedol,so he was blotto this mor ning, got his laundry and left.. took the puppies for a walk around the block and will have to go to work at 1 pm, have the hummingbird feeders ready to go, so might go in a little early to put them up.. I take care of them at work...
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Cynthia: Here is the anxiety link again. I found it thought provoking and hope you’ll find something of value to think about.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    April Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Katla: thanks for the link.
    Margaret: really lovely that you value the painting so much. I have a few special things like that that I cherish.

  • Mufflana
    Mufflana Posts: 18 Member
    Hi.....just come back here after losing loads (over 190lbs) but then thinking I could go back to eating a little more and then a little more etc!!! Hot news is I CAN'T.....well who'd have thought if I go back to my old habits I'd put some weight back on...lol !!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    Mufflana wrote: »
    Hi.....just come back here after losing loads (over 190lbs) but then thinking I could go back to eating a little more and then a little more etc!!! Hot news is I CAN'T.....well who'd have thought if I go back to my old habits I'd put some weight back on...lol !!
    :) Welcome, I've lost weight with the help of MFP and the wonderful friends on this thread and have continued here because I don't want to gain the weight back. I've just kept doing what I was doing before and my weight has stayed where I want it.

    Tell us more about yourself and jump right in to the conversations. We are glad you are here.

    <3 Barbie from NW Washington

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gifFinished two hours of walking the dogs and will soon head to line dance class194904olsgis3xqe.gif
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Barbie , you are so right about enjoying the journey. As much as I don’t like to shop, it gives me such a kick to go into a store and not go to the “Women’s Department”. It still feels surreal. I still can’t believe that I can wear a size 16 pants and some of them are getting big. I know we all say, “I can’t wait until I reach my goal weight”, but I am truly enjoying the journey on the way to mine.

    Katla , I liked Selena’s term, “Menopals”, too. ROF I think it is great that you enjoy the spin classes and it sounds wonderful to work out with line-minded women. That makes me think harder about joining a gym. I sure wish the Y were closer to me. :'(

    Beth , that was a good question about cell phones. Now that you mention it, I’ve never heard of anyone getting butt or cheek cancer from carrying their phone in their pocket.

    Italy , I agree about Vegas. You can walk for miles in the casino’s and malls and see lots in the process. I doubt we would go in the hottest months anyway but I went one year in October and it turned COLD. That was not so much fun. I could have stayed home and had warmer weather. Lol

    Selena , I don’t use the cat swinging expression but I have heard it numerous times.

    Lisa , we don’t question why you are here, but you sure have a wonderful reason. I think it took some of us longer than some others to realize that if we want to live a long and healthy life, we can’t do it overweight and unhealthy. I don’t have any so can’t imagine the joy of holding a new grandbaby, but it has to be wonderful. I hope you are around for that great grandbaby.

    Sue , welcome back. Hope the mouth is all better? I hope you aren’t in the worst of what Texas has been getting. The national weather makes it look just awful. Take care of you.

    Sylvia , I’m glad we didn’t have any of those pigs 285 miles south of San Antonio. They don’t sound like they would be very good pets. Lol :s When I was looking for a laptop to travel with, I couldn’t find any with windows, at least in my price range. I had a 17’ laptop for my last two and when the most recent one dies, I got a desktop. I used DH’s laptop the first time I traveled but like you say, they are so large an bulky. So I wanted something as inexpensive and lightweight as possible. After returning 2 or 3 I ended up with a 10’ laptop that is so easy to just stick in my purse if needed. I don’t have windows or the worst is no MS Word. I like Google Chrome fine so that is no problem and I don’t travel often any more. I wish you luck. I’m so excited for your trip. I hope you find the time to give us reports often.

    Toni , your busy days sounds like more than I could do, for sure. Congrats on being able to handle all that. Happy Anniversary!!! That is what DH and I normally do and one year we both actually forgot it. There was a lot going on and a few days later one of us realized it had passed and boy were we glad that only one hadn’t missed it.

    Mary , it is fun to live in a neighborhood that has garage sales. Twice a year we do a neighborhood garage sale where everyone that wants, puts their “stuff” out on the same day. We get tons of traffic. The only problem is, if I’m selling that day, I don’t have time to go shopping at all the neighbors. Well, according to DH, that’s not a problem, it’s a blessing. Good job on catching up! Great job on calculating the calories for the dip.

    Lesley , glad you got the cable fixed. I had to laugh about you not being all dressed up for the cable man. *you hussy* lol

    Joyce , I so totally agree about hospitals sending people home when insurance tells them to. Isn’t it interesting that our health care has come down to insurance companies, from hospital stays to the drugs we take. DH was trying to get approval for one of his heart meds. The insurance company was talking to his Cardiologist and asked why he thought it was medically necessary to take Drug A rather than Drug B. The Doctor told them, “Because I’ m trying to save his GD life!”. It finally got approved. Oh yes and the Doctor asked the insurance clerk how many years of medical school she had. Lol I think I’d cry if I ever got into a size 12 jeans! So exciting.

    Heather , I’m really enjoying your book. I’ve had limited time to read so not quite half way through it. I certainly would have never guessed that it wasn’t professionally published. Still so proud of you!!!

    Mufflana, I’m guessing you are new here, so let me say Welcome. Yes that is a hard lesson many of us have learned the hard way. This is a life journey, not a diet. Congrats for figuring it out before you had gained more. This is a great place for support and information so come often. Good luck on your journey.

    Welcome to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I can’t decide if the no nicotine is getting easier or not. I think I am doing better, but when I want it, I WANT IT. No giving in though because I know it will get easier. DH is very proud of me, which is nice. He quit before his heart surgery. I haven’t been sleeping the best the past few nights and for no apparent reason. What’s really strange is that no matter how much I need it, I can rarely sleep when I try to nap. I got up this morning and was down another pound. That’s two this week, which hasn’t happened in months. Glad to trim down before the cruise cause I will drink my daily allotment in calories and then eat too. Raining and will continue through tomorrow so probably staying in.
    My best wishes for each of you to have a positive day. <3

    The thought for the day:
    Life is not about how fast you run
    or how high you climb
    but how well you bounce.

    - Vivian Komori

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,732 Member
    morning peepheads-

    tngram- HAPPYYYY ANNIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was very sweet of you hugging him... awwwwwwwwwww. There have been times when my husband and I had forgotten our anniversary. one time we were in the car and it was I think late july or august and I said, didn't we just have an anniversary? and he said, oh yeah we did.. we were both like, oh, oops, late happy anniversary and laughed. I tend to celebrate or remember the day we met vs the marriage anniversary date.

    re vegas - this trip that we are doing this year will be our last big trip, so I probably won't be flying anywhere to meet up with you peeps. HOWEVER, JUST PUTTING IT OUT THERE[/i] this last trip will be IN VEGAS on the WEEK of 4th of July. Kirby is turning 60 on 7/10. we rented a condo at the SIGNATURE hotel, soooooooooooo if anybody wants to take a trip maybe we can hook up and run to fremont street together!!! I HATE air conditioners and have to take a sweater with me so I can put one on as soon as I get into a casino. I LOVE the nice hot evenings. oh and there will be one day during the week, I think it's on a Wednesday that we will be renting a cabana so THAT'S the day to come, LOLOLOL... I think we will have a $400 spending credit to use, BAM!!!

    Lisa - thanks for sharing, it wasn't necessary, but I appreciate your honesty. Kirby's sister is going thru her 2nd one. she is obese and is having all kinds of issues. I guess she didn't follow thru on the first one. we r here 4 ya babe!!!

    I made my diary viewable at somebody's request, forgot who, but I must be a different cracker cuz i'm not curious about looking at other peepheads diary. who was it that posted that I gave them good ideas for their meals. I couldn't help but laugh to myself cuz I don't think I have a creative food intake at all! oh well, glad i'm here to help! :0)
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited April 2015
    Selena in UT - we must have posted at almost the same moment yesterday... thanks for the encouraging words. Judgements are funny things--as I found after I lost all the weight that I couldn't bear for a while to be around the morbidly obese in restaurants. I finally realized, I wasn't judging them, I was still judging me--it just killed me to see that reflection of myself. I got over myself after a while. Then I had to get over wanting to preach the gospel of gastric bypass, chapter and verse, as I realized I was gaining weight. Then I wanted to recant... well, you get the idea. Other people's journeys of self-discovery always seem to be such fairy tales. I found out that underneath, I'm kind of a goober. :)

    Sylvia - Love the javelina story - On the computer subject, my boss got me a Toshiba Tecra R940 for work, which will take my HDMI cable so I can hook my little flatscreen TV monitor to it AND my logitech keyboard to it, plus it's light weight. I've bought Toshibas for years and loved them. If you're an Apple chickie, of course I can't help you. Apples are so idiot-proofed that I can't fix 'em if they get wonky, so I don't play with them. I bought myself an Acer personal laptop on my last buy because I wanted a touchscreen, but it's heavy, and I wouldn't recommend it.

    Toni - Love "The Three Little Javelinas," especially with coyotes. There's actually a government-sponsored trapper who keeps the number of predators on the ranch fairly low, but it keeps me and my Daisy (our rescue girl-half border collie and half cowdog, we think) pretty restricted on what roads we can run, as I don't want her stumbling into a coyote trap. #72 on the list of odd things about ranch living. And I think "quirky" may be one of the nicer adjectives leveled at me. I can be... polarizing, as I seldom pull punches anymore. Luckily, I tend to use my powers for good and not evil. >:) Mostly.

    I will, eventually, pull my head out of my... posterior, and notice more of what y'all are doing, and reach out to provide support to those where I can. I promise I'm not always as self-centered as I am right now--just something that's pretty normal for me in the first stages of a life change like rearranging the way I think about food and fitness again.

    In the meantime, if you do know anyone who's had gastric bypass or contemplating it, please don't hesitate to point them my way, I'm more than happy to discuss my experiences with it. You can "friend" me here if you like, send me their e-mail, and I'll reach out, or I'll send you my e-mail to pass along.

    A picture of my Daisy-girl, on a wildflower safari in the front yard, for a smile for today:

    Lisa in Texas.


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    smiley-cool05.gif Janet, my husband gave up smoking in 2004 the night before he got his first stent. He loved smoking right up until the cardiologist told him something that made an impression on him. He had a hard time for awhile but got through the hard part and is still alive and active over 10 years later at age 69 and happy about the decision.

    smiley-cool05.gif The time I like to look at someone's diary is when they say they are having trouble losing weight and don't know why. I look at the diary and sometimes see something that allows me to make a suggestion. My diary looks almost the same every day. Not eating creatively is part of what helps me stay on track.

    <3 Barbie
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    edited April 2015
    Good afternoon ladies!

    Here I am lolling on the bed at my hotel, sipping a cup of tea. :bigsmile:
    On the train to London I was reading and some stupid business man decided it was his private office and was having long and loud conversations with work colleagues. I told him what I thought of him as I got off! ! ! ! ! !
    Then from London to Nottingham I was watching a downloaded programme on my tablet and some posh man was holding forth at high volume. That time I moved further away. :) Altogether a good journey and I even had time for sushi at the station. :D

    My son is coming to reception at 6pm. I have a voucher for a free glass of wine, so we'll probably do that first. Must ring my uni friends to set up lunch tomorrow.

    Lisa - that is quite a story! Like there is with me I bet there is a lot behind the food addictions. It takes us a long time to find equilibrium. This group keeps me at it. Sooooooo grateful for them. :flowerforyou: <3

    Katla - I have always had a sixth sense, though DH tries to tell me I'm imagining things. I'm always right though, especially about people and like most teachers I can spot trouble when it's round the corner! :laugh:

    Selina - thanks for the links. The problem is I hate doing that stuff. Part of me is just pleased to have got it out of the cupboard and another part wants lots of people to see it.. :noway:

    Janet - hope you continue to get on with the book! You ladies are lovely!
    With regard to the curry - "curry" is a generic term, mainly used by the British in India, to describe that continent's spicy food. India is a huge country and each area has its own style of food with different spices predominating. The word curry is rarely used. The heat in a curry comes from chilli or black pepper and all the other spices give it its flavour.
    I was brought up on curry as my father was in the Indian army during the war and used what was then called in the 50s Madras Curry Powder, which came in a tin. He used left over cold meat. Needless to say, that is not authentic, but it gave me a taste for spices and my cupboard is full of them. They are calorie free. :laugh: I do occasionally use a curry paste, Patak brand, different hotnesses, but they are very salty and have oil in them. A spoonful in lentils is tasty. :)

    Well ladies I must ring my friends now. Speak later

    Heather in Central Nottingham near the castle.
  • SpeedRacer13
    SpeedRacer13 Posts: 104 Member
    Good Morning all!
    You can call me Jeanne or Speedy or Speedracer...just be nice! :p I've been on here since February and have lost 7 pounds. Goal weight (I'm 5ft2in) is about 125 or so. It seems so many women want to be skinny, I just want to be healthy and fit into my clothes! LOL..it's easier and cheaper to lose weight than to buy a new wardrobe. I've never had to lose weight before and it's not really that easy or fun, but it's doable! I guess that's part of the aging process.
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good morning! Yesterday was another day of having a hard time stuffing in enough calories. I'm (honestly) a little concerned--I like to eat! I inadvertently ate a few more calories yesterday than I thought I was because I forgot to log the cheese I had for dinner and then had an evening snack. I cooked a made-up dish last night and it was really good. I put tilapia in a pan, covered it with salsa (yes, I measured it), and baked it. I put it on a tortilla that I had crisped in a frying pan and topped it with chopped cabbage, chopped radishes, some cheddar cheese, and light sour cream. My daughter stayed for dinner and she really liked it, too, and couldn't believe how stuffed she was after a +/- 400 calorie meal. I wouldn't have added the cheese except that I knew I needed more calories and a little more calcium never hurts. I think that, next time, I will cut up the tortilla into wedges and serve it on the side. It was difficult to eat politely with the fish on top--not that it distracted from the yumminess. :smiley: Tonight is grilled chicken marinated in light zesty Italian dressing, a locally grown garnet sweet potato, and locally grown asparagus. While the grill heats up, I will brown 1/2 lb of 93% lean ground beef to add to a jar of pasta sauce so that I can have spaghetti and a salad for dinner on Thursday and, while I'm grilling the chicken, I will grill two hamburgers to be eaten another day. In order for me to have time to walk after work, I need to have foods that have a very quick cook/reheat time so that it isn't 9 p.m. before I ever get dinner. Enough about my cooking--my meals are so incredibly boring compared to Heather's!! :grin:

    The boy child called last night and wants me to come to Charlotte on Friday afternoon to bring a load of his stuff home for the summer. That was NOT on my list of things to do on Friday!! Not to mention that Friday afternoon traffic is beyond horrendous in Charlotte! *heavy sigh* He also told me that he is pretty sure that he is not going back to UNC Charlotte next year but is, instead, going to attend the community college in Charlotte and get his associate degree (for college transfer). If his grades are decent, he will automatically be accepted at eight of the state colleges. I'm not entirely happy with that decision. Logically, I know that it makes sense. He is carrying the full burden of tuition--read: loans--and it will be so much less expensive to attend a community college. I think I am just so worried that he will drop out altogether. It would be so much less expensive to live with his dad and go to the community college there, but he and his father really don't get along and he is well aware that his dad doesn't want him. He could live with me, but I can't afford to support him. We discussed this at length when we talked about college. I simply can't afford to feed him and take on the added utilities, etc. Also, since he's been away at school, his IBS evidently gives him very little problem and I'm afraid that moving back home would make that really flare up. Kids!!

    Janet, Selena, etc. - The alcohol work is a once in a while thing for daughter. We know the lady in charge of it and she will randomly ask Katherine to do some. It is fun to do it with her and I feel better knowing that someone is looking out for danger as she does it. I just need to remember that *I* need to look at the list before we start out so that I can map a route that takes the least time. She would have us backtracking all over creation if I didn't sneak the list to look at while she is in a store.

    Beth - In addition to what Katla posted, breast tissue is much more likely to grow cancerous tissue that other portions of one's anatomy. Someone asked about butt cheek cancer...I don't think I've ever heard of anyone getting cancer in their butt cheek, but there is a lot of breast cancer. I've also read that men should be careful of carrying their phones in their front pockets because of an increased risk of testicular cancer. Evidently, carrying a phone in a case attached to one's belt is the best way to carry it on one's person. Mine is typically in my purse or on my desk. I do put it in a pocket when I walk. This is also a reason I get a little anxious when I read about my pals here carrying their Fitbit in their bra. :confused:

    Jane - I'm glad your mom is doing better! You have definitely had more than your share of stress lately.

    Okay, this has gotten very long and I have forgotten the rest of what I was going to say, anyway. Hope everyone has a great day!

    Carol in NC
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Hump day.Mom home,doing good.
    Thanks for the love and support.
    hugs jane
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning! I just got back from my eye doctor appointment and my eyes are a mess. I can barely see the monitor. I hate when he dialates my eyes, but it has to be done. A couple of weeks ago I had an incident where my right eye was EXTREMELY blurry - almost to the point of blindness - for about 45 minutes. I rushed to make the appointment to have it checked out, but then of course had to wait 2 weeks for the appointment. He guessed it was an ocular migraine, because my eyes looked fine. A little bit of cataracts but not enough to do anything about. So that's a relief. But he said if I've had one occular migraine, I'm likely to have another. More joy.

    Now I'm back at the studio sitting till my eyes get a little bit better. I'm such a baby.

    Pip and Tina, our anniversary is New Years Eve, so if we ever forget that one it will be time to put us in the home. I do often forget how many years it is, and have to ask hubby. I think we got married in 96. Or maybe 94. We lived together for two years first, so the dates get blurred in my mind. Pretty sure it was 96.

    Janet, we went to Las Vegas once, and couldn't get out of there fast enough. I hated it! The crowds and the traffic. All the cigarette smoke in the buildings, the sound of slot machines everywhere. We left and went to the Red Rocks park where it was beautiful and peaceful. We are not gamblers at all. I was amused driving down the highway seeing signs for brothels. You don't see that so much in Kansas.

    Well, I think I'll go try toglaze something. Have a great day everyone!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,732 Member
    Happy Hump day.Mom home,doing good.
    Thanks for the love and support.
    hugs jane

    glad to hear!
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Good morning -
    Home for a bit after proctoring and chillin' until I leave for work at 12:00. Thanks for the well wishes on our anniversary. I snuck hubbies card into the bathroom so he would find it when he got up in the middle of the night. It had a frog couple on it (I collected frogs when I taught and still have a few). Inside it said "I will love you until I croak!" This morning I found a note from him in the kitchen that said if I would love him until I croaked he would love me "until the cows come home". So sweet.

    Kim - enjoyed seeing your list of "fun stuff" in your goals. What do you plan next week?

    Sylvia - wonderful trip for you and DGD! I love KC - used to live there in the 70's.

    Joyce - you cry baby you! What an NSV! Sylvia can be the official ant watcher but she has to save some time to draft up plans for the transporter! OK - I might come to the park in Indiana BUT I won't and I repeat WON'T
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    ooPS - accidently hit "Post"

    ...ride that coaster! No way, Jose!

    Allison - call me "kid" anytime.

    Pip - Vegas trip sounds fun. I would love to see you but you need to let Kirby monopolize your time in July. Do you really mean it will be your last trip anywhere ever?????? What if you live to 125? Just sayin'

    Lisa - loved seeing Daisy dog!

    Speedy - glad you are here and glad this is your first real challenge with losing weight. I have been there and been there and been there since about age 17. Believe me it is much harder at 65!

    NCCarol - tilapia sounds delish! You seem like quite a cook. How did I miss that? or Are you turning over a new leaf?

    NSV: At school everyone raved over my weight loss. They said I had lost 10 years along with my 30-40 pounds! Felt so good.

    I just read a quote that said FILL YOUR DAY WITH KINDNESS - I realize that is what all of you do for me each day. You are the best!
