

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    the elimination diet:
    "Remove anger, regret, resentment, guilt, blame, and worry.
    Then watch your health, and life, improve."

    Dr. Charles, CoachMD

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gifThis was supposed to be a rest day today bu tbesides walking the dogs, I took a long walk with a friend and rode the exercise bike a lot in the afternoon while watching TV with Jake.

    smiley-happy110.gif Heather, I can't see your author page on Amazon but maybe it's not ready for the public to view yet. Humility is about staying right sized. It is difficult to find the balance between tooting your own horn and hiding your light under a bucket. Saying who you are so your readers can know you without making yourself look more impressive than you are is important. I am reading a series of books now and all I know about the author is that she has written a bunch of books and seems to be living somewhere different in the same region of the US every time she writes a new book. I'd love to know more about her but she has shared very little.

    :D To weigh in on the question about two spaces at the end of a sentence. That's what I was taught when I was in high school in the 1960's. It is interesting to note that when I write a text on my phone, the phone adds a period if I leave two spaces and sets me up for a capital letter for the next word so there is some place in the modern world that thinks there should be two spaces at the end of a sentence.

    smiley-cool05.gif Michele, I disabled the notification feature on MFP that tells all my friends when I complete my food for the day. If you want to see my food diary, click on my name under my picture on my post and it will take you to my profile page where you can click on "View Diary".

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif26,000 steps today--three hours of dog walking, two hours on the exercise bike194904olsgis3xqe.gif

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif

    My word for 2015 is "now"---I won't wallow in the past or waste time worrying about the future

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Ok, today went well. I got the apartment all cleaned up, except for shampooing the carpets. That delight will be tomorrow. I had a little too much help today, with all three kids following me upstairs. Hubby brought over some burgers for lunch for the kids, but forgot to get anything for me! So I didn't have any lunch today. :'( Then I took the step grandson to his concert. I have to say, that went very well. It was on the college campus where hubby works. They made a mistake and told the kids to be there an extra hour early so hubby invited us to come to his office and he would give Austin a tour of his labs. Austin is kind of a nerd, so he liked that a lot. The concert went well, and the kids played beautifully. I took a video, which my son put onto youtube so his mom and real-dad could see it. He was so incredibly glad to have someone come to watch him play. He kept thanking me, and when I took him home he gave me the biggest hug. He's such a good kid.

    My son was feeling a little better today, but he still needs to take it easy. I'm trying to convince him to see a different doctor. The one he has now just doesn't seem to be helping. There has GOT to be more that can be done.

    We went to Walmart to look at computers and cameras. Hubby wants a smaller, lightweight computer that will pack easily for our trip but still has a keyboard and runs windows. Both our laptops are very heavy, and my ipad won't run Microsoft Office, and he hates it anyway. I'm pushing him to get a new camera because the one he has is old and big. It's one of the first Sony DSLR cameras that came out, so it must be more than 10 years old. The viewfinder has quit view finding. It only has a measly 6 megapixels and only 10x zoom. I think a new smaller camera would be good for the trip to Spain.

    I made low salt chicken burritos tonight with my homemade salt free salsa. Yummy!

    Well, I'm going to bed early tonight. I'm best!

    Good night ladies!


  • loralou1571
    loralou1571 Posts: 11 Member
    So today was great! I'm exhausted with waking three dogs for 2 hours. Dog duty in the yard. You know the one with the scoop and bucket. Played with the pups. Awesome grillin with rib eye steak grilled mushrooms and onions. Tossed salad with home made vinagrette. Ice coffee for dessert and still was able to manage to stay just under 1200 calories for the day! 3 weeks ago this would have been unthinkable. I'm finding its getting easier to stay on course. My husband told me today that he can tell the weight is coming off and that I look good! Goes live that man of mine.
  • trailgirl777
    trailgirl777 Posts: 51 Member
    hello....been using the app about a week and half...learning the ropes...looking 50 in the eye next week so thought this thread would work for me now! I have a long road ahead to me to goal. Making it about so much more than weight loss...so nice to see many that are farther on their journey leading the way.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    Did an hour of Bob Harper's Inside Out DVD today. The plan for tomorrow is to do a belly dance DVD. I don't know, I might change that up. See, I have "trigger finger" on my left thumb. I've gone for the cortisone shot twice now, and this second one didn't help at all. I go to the MD next week. I'm thinking that I'll have to get the operation where they make a small slit and cut the sheath. That'll mean that for about 2 weeks I can't go in the water swimming, I'm sure I'll have a hard time holding weights etc., so maybe for now I'll do a bosu workout (since there are places where I have to hold onto the bar) and do the belly dancing when I can't hold on to things because of the stitches. I've aready decided that I can do some tai chi videos and walking ones.

    katla - "Forever" is on ABC on Tuesdays at 10. Here's a bit of synopsis: Dr. Henry Morgan (Ioan Gruffudd) is a New York City medical examiner who studies the dead for criminal cases, and to solve the mystery of his own immortality. Since his first death 200 years ago while working as a doctor in the African slave trade, Morgan disappears almost immediately each time he dies, and returns to life naked in a nearby body of water. Having also stopped aging, Morgan's long life has given him broad knowledge and remarkable observation skills which impress most people he encounters, including NYPD Detective Jo Martinez (Alana de la Garza). Flashbacks depict events from Morgan's life, during which he has fought in wars and been married, dissected, and hanged for heresy; when he has been exposed, Morgan has fled to somewhere else in the world. Only antiquarian Abe (Judd Hirsch), whom Morgan and former wife Abigail found as a newborn in a German concentration camp during World War II, knows that he is immortal. Morgan is stalked by a murderer, "Adam", who has learned his secret, and claims to have had the same "curse" for 2,000 years.

    naiomi - wonderful NSV's. Is that pic of Fenway Park? Boy, I remember going there when I was in college

    Heather - loved the reviews of your books. Can't wait for it to come out. Congrats on winning!

    Alison - those stretched out pages are a real pain. Try viewing them in Chrome. For some reason, they aren't stretched out in Chrome.

    Made chicken for later in the week now have a banana chocolate chip bread in the oven for Vince. I'll probably wind up freezing that.

    - welcome! What a handsome boy there in your pic

    Sylvia - I can see why you got out of bed as soon as Molly passed gas....so funny. I'm constantly amazed at how big your heart is

    Cut the grass, I used the push behind mower, then put the Paver Sand down on the front sidewalk.

    Carey - wonderful NSV's. Doesn't it just make you feel wonderful? What an incentive to keep going. Wish Bryan was like ds#2....<sigh>. How hartwarming, thanks for sharing

    Janet - I can't wait for the skinny/straight leg style to be out and boot leg/flare style of legs to come back in. I can't wear skinny legs, so it really limits the pants I can get. When we go to FL, we drive right thru. Then again, it's only 10 hours. But when we lived in PA, we always spent the night in Statesville. I think the only time we didn't was bc (before children) when we had the dog.

    Vince says that RIGHT NOW weather.com is calling for rain tomorrow. If that happens, I'll make the apple pie. Hope I peeled enough apples.

    toni - even tho there's nothing you can do about the closing, I'm sure it helps people to get it off their chests. Sorry you are the "receiver" tho. The Green Room is the local community theater. Went to go see "trip to Bountiful" tonight with some other gals. We knew one of the ladies in the show. She was very good. We had dinner at this restaurant before the show. At first I was going to order the grilled chicken, but then I wasn't very hungry so I just ordered two sides of veggies. Green beans and the other was a veg medley of zucchini, squash, carrots, some onion. Just water to drink.

    Alison - I've found it hard to go "cold turkey" giving up sweets. I seemed to do better when I just cut back on them and before you know it, I wanted less and less.

    Sylvia - loved the commandment joke! thanks

    Welcome to everyone new.

    Michele in NC
  • dfbias
    dfbias Posts: 11 Member
    This is today's joke:


    A man who was just married was flying to the Florida Keys for a business trip. His new bride was to accompany him the next day. When he got there he E-mailed his wife to let her know he made it there safely.

    When he sent the E-mail he miss-typed the address. In Boston, a grieving widow, whose husband has recently passed away, receives the E-mail. She reads it, screams, and faints.

    Hearing her grandmother’s cry, the widow's 18-year-old granddaughter runs into the living room to see the computer on with a message. It reads:

    Dear love,

    Just got here. Preparing for your arrival tomorrow. Can't wait to see you.


    Your Husband

    P.S. Sure is hot down here.


  • dfbias
    dfbias Posts: 11 Member
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Peachstategal - I've been using a basic FitBit Zip for a couple of years. The first one I got from BestBuy as a gift, and when it failed had to deal with the FitBit customer service to get it replaced - it was a big hassle. Then I lost that one going through airport security late last spring. Boy, was I annoyed! At that point Kohl's began selling them, so I got a new one since they have such great return policies. Then that one started behaving oddly, even with a new battery. Kohl's immediately replaced it with a new one, no problems / no questions at all, so I would recommend getting it at Kohl's. I believe they are the same price everywhere. If you have a Kohl's discount % it does not apply to the FitBit, but you can use that Kohl's cash against the purchase price.

    I cut all the irises that were in full bloom in my yard this afternoon in anticipation of the coming rain. There must be 30 of them in the house and I sent a bunch next door. Smells great!! The buds will survive the rain just fine, but I didn't want to waste the blooms.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Marking my place. :flowerforyou:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    catman, welcome! You sure have a cutie sitting on your lap. Tell us about him, got any more like him?

    Sylvia, your son one day will realize that he is going to have to accept help if not for himself but for his children. I can't remember if he takes the infusions or not. If he does then he may have to take some harsh talking to, some tough love from a Mom who loves him. Does he realize that to be on one of those infusions that someone who has the same disease he has and has been taking them has to die. And if he doesn't take care of himself, there is the next person in line who would sure love to take the infusion. By accepting help he is buying time with his children. Hi lungs, what function he has left in them, need to be babies, pampered as much as he can.

    DrKatiebug, I set it up last night in probably 2 minutes. It was easy peasy!

    Thisis where I found Heather's info http://www.amazon.co.uk/Heather-Eyles/e/B001K8FOKC It shows her picture, a short bio and a list of her books. It doesn't mention the new book.

    Pip, my son in law has a deal through Amazon that I can buy from them but if I put his name, in the code they provided him, that he gets a percentage of any sales of his books. It's a great deal for him. I'm sure he doesn't get that much but every little bit helps.

    Michele, looks like you did a cut copy paste on the ghist of the show Forever. Covers it pretty well. I guess I missed a show because I didn't know Abe was not Dr. Morgan's biological child.

    Gail, where I live I could have gone on 3 different corners to get my Fit bit, on one corner is Best Buy, the purchase price would have gone toward reward points but I don't buy much there. Across the street is Kohls and I also bought something else last night so I got $20 Kohl's cash and it goes to Reward points, on the other corner is Target which you just pay for it and all you get is the Fit bit. So I went to Kohl's!

    I forgot to go to the fashion show today. I got all involved in watching the golf match. For the few of you here that keep up with golf, we have a local course, Victoria, that hosts a tournament on the Web.com tour. It's a tougher course than most and they really enjoy it. I have always heard them say how much they give to local charities and they really do. If I purchased a 4 day ticket for The Victoria National, I could request the whole ticket price to go to a charity of my choice, well the ones offered. I would have it all go the the local MS society here in town. So they don't give a portion of the ticket price, they give the whole thing.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,086 Member
    Good Evening,

    drkatiebug I agree with on what a great group this is. I rarely respond to any of the other sites. I found sometimes those who responded would be very negative the opposite of what I believe helping each other to be our most healthy selves is about.

    Today I took a painting I found in my mom's house to be reframed. It is so old the work of art was falling out of it and the matting was faded to a stained beige. The matting was also creating stains on the picture. The woman who helped me was wonderful. She recognized the frame as a hobnail frame. The frame is not is mint condition but that is part of its appeal. She loves things vintage and we had the best time figuring out new matting for it both color and style. She wanted to stop all her other work and work on it immediately. I could tell she knew what she was doing because she wanted to keep as much integrity to the original framing as she could.

    It is a watercolor of daffodils painted in 1891 by a little known artist. She was able to show me what it will look like when it is finished. To take something old and broken and turn it into something truly beautiful made my day. I should have gotten a picture of the before so I could show you its remarkable make over. It will be ready in about a week.

    :heart: MNMargaret

  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    I have a FitBit Charge HR and love it. No need to update on computer results there at a touch.
    "Sweet Blaize" huh he would swim every day if we let him
    Drove and hour to Latrobe and to a park so we could walk Blaize. Not done that walk since Mildred. He really enjoyed it but was eyeing up the water, drat him. He was only a little sick when Stan whizzed round a corner and Blaize fell about in back of car
    Rack of lamb in oven, vegies ready to cook, pancake mix made and blueberries thawing.
    I love the smell of iris and grow them here
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,341 Member
    Joyce - You are a genius! <3 I have no idea how to do a link, but I guess I'll have to learn fast! My new novel will probably be available at the end of the week. My proof copy arrives by post on Tuesday. If I have no changes then it can go live. If I need to change things they have to approve it all over again. :'(

    Janet - it is pretty much sorted out now. Some people I had worked with on educational texts had somehow got linked with me on the search engine. The boffins at Amazon, who must be in India by their names, answered a flurry of emails from me with great patience. Amazing, as the books are nearly all remaindered. (Not much money for them ). I am sad that The Trouble With Herbert, one of my favourites, only still exists in an edition with a boring cover. The original cover was like Herbert Saves The Day, the sequel. But I think the Author Page looks ok now. :D

    Bit of gardening today. My peas never came up, so will be resowing those. Still no rain. :'(
    For dinner I will be using some of the left overs from last night's slow cooked lamb shoulder, which was heavenly. Going to make a curry with chickpeas, mushrooms, frozen peas and spinach from the garden. I will have to freeze the rest of the lamb for another day as their is masses of it!

    Nice to have DH back. He is going to show me his photos of the venue, but I think he has a pretty good idea of where to put everyone now. It's almost as bad as a wedding! I am going to think about decorations and table settings. I made him measure the table which seats 26 - 28! ! !

    A couple of old friends have been communicating with me, which gives me a nice warm feeling. <3 Love old friends who know you so well, inside and outside, for better, for worse. <3

    Love to all. Heather, in still sunny Hampshire UK
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Joyce, thanks for the link to find Heather's bio.

    Heather, you are so multi-talented! Plays, books, stage productions, etc. (followed by being a wonderful chef). :)

    Gail, I will check out the fit bit at Kohl's and compare it to what Costco is selling. Thanks for the help. Maybe if I get one it would motivate me to move more.

    Margaret, it is wonderful to be able to restore vintage or antique pieces to show their beauty.

    Michelle, we love "Forever."

    Rain, Rain and more Rain here today!

    Carol ~ GA

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :D Joyce, thanks for the link to Heather's author page on Amazon.

    :D Heather, your bio was perfect....informative but not too much and the picture is fabulous.

    B) The sun will be shining today so anything I do outside will be great. Some friends arrived from out of town yesterday and we'll be meeting them for Chinese food this afternoon.....bad on sodium, but good on taste, and the conversation will be great.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif Now it's time for some pre-dawn dog walking.

    <3 Barbie from NW Washington
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Alison: your eating plan sounds really good. I should nudge myself a little more in that direction (besides the meat, which I don’t eat).

    Katla: thanks for sharing your story. I need all the inspiration I can get :) and I am impressed by your decisions to concentrate on yourself.

    Katie, Katla and others: agree with not sharing ALL information everywhere. That’s why I don’t post my full name or location, for example.

    Carol: “unknown green leafy thing”, lol. Did it say anything on the package? I’m curious!

    I finally got a good night’s sleep; the first in a few weeks. Gives me enough physical energy to do some cooking and some extra housework, and mental energy to look forwards. Hope it stays that way for a while.

    Hope we all have a good day!

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Joyce, my son IS on infusions, and takes them regularly, along with the rest of his meds, but nothing seems to be helping. In fact, he's getting worse. This stuff is synthetic. Medicare refused to pay for the natural one. He was on the natural one for a while, before they made him switch, and I thought it seemed to be helping, but he says it was no better. I don't understand what you said about him taking his infusions means someone else has to die.

    Leslie, Blaize sounds like a fun little dog. I love dogs who swim.

    I guess the carpet cleaning is on hold for today. The elevator is out again, and no way can I carry that thing up six flights of stairs.

    I got a huge surprise yesterday. For weeks the toilet in "my" bathroom wasn't working. I had to use the shower sprayer to fill the tank every time I used it. Well, yesterday while I was cleaning the apartment, hubby was here fixing my toilet! I discovered it when I was going to bed last night. What a nice surprise! He even hung a new picture behind it! One of his photos of a spider web covered with beads of dew. It's beautiful! That was because he broke the picture that had been hanging there. I hated that picture anyway.

    Gotta go make breakfast.


  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,793 Member
    morning sweet friends~
    my my everyone is so busy..
    I am always busy lol... got up at 5:15 dressed and hopped out the door and did the grocery shopping.. I was a bit off this morning when it comes to shopping.but oh well.. came home and put it away, have pot roast in the crock pot.. DH is busy trying to finish up the bathroom.. got him some nibbles to take with him.. he is leaving work on friday 11:00 am. and will probably get as far as Virginia or a bit farther the the first day, then he will take the next day to drive through but wont get there probably until around 6pm, so long day, and he knows if gets a little tired to stop at a rest area and take a nap...
    forgot to ice my heel so will do that it is bothering me, and I will be damned if I will get my heel operated on.. once we get the bathroom done will post a picture for y'all
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Sylvia, so glad the concert was a huge success. I’m just so happy for that boy, that he has you and your DH in his life. He is one lucky guy. DH had chicken burritos last night and I had his leftovers minus the tortilla. What’s on the menu tonight? Oh yes, it’s Catfish done the southern way. Cornmeal and all. Yum yum

    Barbie, where do you change the notification settings? Even more important, how do I keep from getting all those notifications of others on my phone? Geez I went to settings Auto News Feeds and “unchecked” those, so I’ll see what that does. I just love having all of you OSP’s in my life. (official smart person)

    Loralou, ain’t it great wen our Men actually give us a weight compliment? Woo hoo Keep it up!

    Trailgirl, welcome. You will find this group is definitely as much if not more about health as it is weight loss. I know that for me, the weight loss is important for my health. When I started this life long journey, what I didn’t know was that these ladies would have such an influence on me and that I would actually start exercising, too. Hell, I didn’t know that I “could” exercise when I started. Come often and you will get lots of support and information. Please join in and tell us a little more about yourself.

    Michele, why can’t you wear the skinny leg pants? I never thought I could but now have two pair and actually think they look good. Not that my legs are actually skinny, but the pants look so much better than I expected. Great explanation of “Forever”. I’ve seen it a few times but it is not on my radar for some reason.

    Gail, I’ll bet your house not only smells great but is beautiful with all the irises in there.

    Joyce, thanks for the link to Heather’s info. That didn’t come up when I did my search, only the books. We have so many impressive women in here. I hate that you forgot to go to the style show. I was looking forward to hearing about it. Oh well. Hope you enjoyed the golf.

    MNMargaret, I know what you mean about some other forums and groups on MFP. I was visiting one for a while and the owner gave such condescending responses that it was a total turnoff. I rarely even peek in to other groups on here anymore. I love all these ladies. Good move on your painting and how wonderful that you found someone that will do it justice.

    Heather, you have to be getting excited with the book so close to totally finished. I know I’m excited for you! This upcoming shindig sounds pretty elaborate. How many people are you expecting? I trust we will see pictures?

    Barbie, I hope you have a wonderful day out in the sunshine.

    Sylvia, congrats, not only for the working toilet but also the new picture. Don’t the little things just make your day?

    Allison, I can’t wait for the picture of the new bathroom. Glad the finish is in sight.

    Welcome to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I slept great last night and feel so much better today. (well, except for my back) Will try to get a few things done around the house today. I need to get the Good Will boxes out of the guest room and to DHs car. Then he can take them whenever he wants. I just want them out of the house. I’ve been without bran muffins for a few days so made a new batch this morning. I wanted them for breakfast. Now that I know the real calorie count for them, I’ll try not to eat so many at a time, but I really, really, really like them.

    I hope you all have a happy and healthy day. <3

    Thought for the day.

    Ask yourself if what you’re doing today
    is getting you closer to where you want to be

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • catcamx3
    catcamx3 Posts: 8 Member
    Weighed myself this morning and gained the one pound I had lost. I know it's the big picture I need to look at, but it's disappointing because I felt so good about yesterday. At church this morning breakfast abounds and hard to turn away. I took a small portion of "something" that looked good, but quickly tossed it when I realized it was some type of cream cheese brownie! Looked more like a wholesome egg/wheat casserole. That's what I get for not putting my glasses on first.

    I will try harder to quit making excuses and just get back to exercising. I know it will make a difference, not only to burn calories and increase my metabolism, but it also helps my desire to make good choices.

    Thanks for listening. Good day to you all!