

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Dia_nruf: My name here on MFP is Katla, not Kayla. It is made of parts of my first and last names. I decided to explain in case you might have misread it. I’m a Kathy and there are millions of us so I wanted to use a slightly different variation here.

    Janet: You understood exactly the point I hoped to make. We have to take care of ourselves in order to help anyone else.

    Heather: You muddle along famously. I am impressed by what you’re doing with your writing!

    Sylvia: I am so happy that your son survived his housecleaning. I think I understand a little about how he must feel. He’d probably like to be able to get things done by himself, like most of us are able to do. We tend to take our health for granted. He is so lucky to have you!

    Chris in MA: My goodness you were an early bloomer. :bigsmile: Imagine being only 7 years older than your son! :laugh:

    Michele: I haven’t seen the show “Forever.” What network is it on? My DS & DDIL watch a show that is a modern adaptation of old fairy tales using live actors. I saw an episode with them once. It that what this is?

    Beth: I love the cartoon!

    Lesley: I’m happy that Blaize loves to walk. He needed you and is the perfect walking buddy.

    I had a good time at the health club today, but came home feeling unusually tired. DH thinks we’re still having lingering symptoms from our illness a few days ago. He is probably right.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    April Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Sylvia.........I love that saying and use it on my daughter with great regularity. First heard it used by my friend who does marathons.............a wise, wise woman! Hmmmmm.......if I had it on a tee shirt, I could just stand in front of DD and point to it, not even have to open my mouth...........
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Janet - Yes I am only 1 pound from MY goal. And 15 pounds away from the Doctor's goal.

    Take care everyone
    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Michele, and Katla, Forever is on ABC. I watch it all the time. Of course I love any kind of doctor or mystery show.

    Sylvia, I was wondering how your son was going to clean his old apartment. I would think some kind of agency could help him with that or the expense of getting it done.

    I bought a Fit Bit flex tonight. I got the blue one because I thought it wouldn't show up to much. I don't want a bright one. I don't want a bracelet. Is it really waterproof and I can wear it in the shower??? I bought it because I can't find my charger, I have a suspicion my dear fur baby has eaten yet another fit bit product. I am going to try to figure out how to change from my one to the flex on the computer. Going to Christopher and Banks fashion show tomorrow. I have looked over the spring line up but nothing really sparks my pocket book. I am hoping that I see something tomorrow I like. And no, I am not in it. I waited to long to send my name. Well, that's me.

    I have read all the comments since I last commented yesterday but anything i would say, some one else has already said it.

    Joyce, Indiana

  • naiomi2015
    naiomi2015 Posts: 95 Member
    edited April 2015
    Hi Everyone, just a quick check-in. DH and I went to a Boston Red Sox vs Baltimore Orioles baseball game tonight. DH got the company's tickets so the seats were very good Ref Sox won in fine fashion.

    NSVs 1) I was much more comfortable siting in the seats at the park. I could sit all the way back and not feel squished. I guess my bottom is smaller than last season. 2) We parked the car quite a distance from the ball park. The difference was $60 vs $20. I was able to walk back and forth at slowly but w/ no coughing, or shortness of breath. It was a little over a mile each way. It was a goodnight.

    This is a picture taken at tonight's game.dlsp17te96nf.jpg

    Naiomi2015 from 65F at game time in Boston, Massachusetts
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,348 Member
    edited April 2015
    Naomi - Great picture! You could market that! B)

    Sylvia - I was thinking the same thing as Joyce. It can be a huge hassle applying for things, but surely a disabled man should be getting more state help. Over here we do not have very good "joined up" support, but it is there if you know how to navigate the system. (That is a job in itself! ! !) Heavy cleaning is not on, for him or for you. Thank goodness he finally got the better apartment ! ! ! Has he applied for everything he is entitled to? I have no idea what the US system is, but there must be some kind of "safety net". LOVE the proposed T-shirt. <3:flowerforyou:

    I got through yesterday with my calories under :D and with only one drink. :drinker: Having promised you guys was a HUGE help to me. :flowerforyou:

    Now to have breakfast and get on those machines. I PROMISE I will do my 600 calories! o:)

    Heather, alone in Hampshire UK :laugh:


    Oh my word, just looked at my email. Those Amazon guys are amazing, even if they don't pay their taxes :laugh: They have already responded to all the changes I wanted to make to my Author Page. (It takes a couple of days to take effect ). I have a couple more changes I want them to make, but I had no idea it would be so easy and I would get a personal response from cyberspace! ! ! Check out my photo etc if you would like to see a work in progress. :laugh: Go to Heather Eyles in Books and click on my Author Page. Glorious NYC! B)

    One more thing - today I won the Euromillions lottery draw. :drinker: £3.20 ! ! ! ¤¤¤ ~
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,798 Member
    morning ladies,
    my page is all stretched out again,,, geesh I can't stand that.. didnt sleep well last night..DB and DSIL want to go overnight to Rhode Island, and they want me to go up at dinner time and give Faith her night time pills and heat her up a healthy choice dinner, I was in a fog when I got up and the DH asked if I wanted to go to the shore walk on the boardwalk and go for fish and chips.. I said yes then remembered I have to do that..so we will go somewhere close instead..
    DH will be driving both ways to florida which is a long way and it worries me ..
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Sylvia: oh my goodness; I’m so sorry about your stress. Hope your son is OK. THANK YOU for the circus/monkeys pic! Maybe this is my new motto!!

    Alison: nice plan to go out with your dad. Will you enjoy the air museum too?

    Yanniejannie: glad your crown is fixed and glad you got a compliment on your surgery!

    Michele: always impressed by how much you do!

    Joyce: you can wear the FitBit in the shower, but I never did. It’s hard to get the water out of the space the tracker fits in. I just put it on the sink during the shower, and then put it on again afterwards.

    We plan our work seasons every summer, and had scheduled a free week this coming week. We've had to work very hard to KEEP it free, but now we're here and it's nice weather. We'll be visiting friends a couple of hours away later in the week; otherwise just trying to relax a little. Unfortunately, the builders were in the apartment above us this morning and I just freaked out. Drilling and cutting in the concrete floor all week for weeks on end, and then on Saturday? Uh-uh. Apparently they were "just" removing some wiring, so no drilling, but heads will roll if someone does this kind of thing in the weekend again.

    Thanks for all the support after I gave the people in the meeting the e-mail middle finger. I really appreciate it. You know what? Not one of them mailed me back. BTW, I have been working in my new job since late March, overlapping the two so the old job can be transferred properly to the people who will be doing it after me. I like the new colleagues and the work so far, so that's good. It was probably time for a change; just too bad the process went so badly.

    Enjoying my guy's presence; he was gone for most of the week and I'm sensitive to the feeling that I am the only one fighting my "battles". It's good to have your partner around and in your corner!

    Hope we all have a good day.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:

  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Good Saturday Morning!

    Sylvia, I am keeping your son and his children in my thoughts and prayers. How scary for all of you.

    Jan, glad you got your crown back on. I lost one last summer and the dentist was afraid it wouldn't stay on but so far has done well. I hate going to the dentist.

    Joyce, let us know how your FitBit works out. I've been looking at them at Costco and thinking about getting one. I'm afraid I would be embarrassed at how few steps I take.

    Heather, I looked for your Author's photo on Amazon but it said one wasn't available. Maybe it is too soon to see.

    Katla (AKA Kathy)! I love the name Katla.

    Not much going on here. Day after day of rain. I need to plant some grass and flowers but am waiting for it to be sunny.

    Carol ~ GA
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,978 Member
    Best ever fitness book for people our age! "Younger Next Year" by Chris Crowley and Henry S. Lodge. The science is awesome and it is fun to read. My husband and I are reading it together. It will become an important part of your lifestyle if it isn't already. Tina

    I wanted to repost this and add that I read "Younger Next Year for Women" a few years ago and it made a huge impact on me.

    <3 Barbie
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Mornin' all...
    Joyce...I don't like the fitbit flex band either so I made a couple if "sleeves" from cloth remnants and Velcro that I can wear on my ankle or affix to my bra. I got the idea from the etsy site and figured I could make it myself. Works great and yes, the flex is waterproof for those who swim or don't take it off in the shower.

    Great action pic Naiomi!

    Chris in sunny and potentially warm MA
  • catcamx3
    catcamx3 Posts: 8 Member
    New to MFP. Looking to stay connected and motivated. 52 yrs. I lost 40 lbs 15 yrs ago (divorce diet - lol). Have kept it off until this past year. Have crept up 8 pounds! A sore back is preventing me from working out like I used to so I am really struggling with exercise versus diet to lose/maintain. Looking forward to getting to know you all!

    SW 140
    CW 139
    GW 130
    UGW 125
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    edited April 2015
    I hope everyone has a good day today. It is overcast and windy here.
    Rained during the night.
    I think things look a little more greener today because of the rain.

    Yup, not sure why some pictures seem to be huge and make the page really big... but hope the Under Armour people work on that.

    Today I am off to do DM's taxes...last persons tax return for the year. Hopefully I get a chance to get a walk in or else get home early enough to get a walk in.
    My goals for April - 120 miles and 20 days over 10000. So far I am at 68.3 miles and 8 days over 10000. Every day now has to be
    over 10K. Oh dear - I will have to go walk around the block at the scrapbooking weekend.!!

    Best get the food choices under control this coming week.

    Ohhh, the Will & Kate baby watch is picking up!! So exciting :)

    Must run and get breakfast and get going with my day

    Enjoy the weekend everyone!!

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan.

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning! Oh, boy, is it stormy here this morning. My first clue was when Molly jumped into bed and snuggled tight up against me. She is normally very aloof, but when she is scared (thunder and fireworks) she wants to be with me. It's actually sort of sweet, so I let her snuggle till she passed gas, then I got out of bed. :s

    We were supposed to have the little guy up at the soccer field at 7:45 this morning for pictures, but we didn't go. We figured it would be rained out. Nobody called, though. There is no shelter there, so they couldn't do it indoors. Besides, we don't buy the pictures anyway. I know it's a fundraiser for the Y, but we can't afford every package of pictures these kids are offered, there are MANY, and we can take our own pictures.

    Hubby just left to go swim laps at the pool. I didn't go because my old doc (the one who just retired) said I should hold off on aerobic activity and weight lifting till after I see my cardiologist next week to see about this heart murmur. She said walking is ok, though. I'm not sure she realizes how much effort I put into my walking. ;)

    I don't think there is any agency here that helps with moving and cleaning. Even if there was, he doesn't want strangers to see his mess. Heck, he didn't want his mother to see his mess either! But now that ship has sailed.

    Hubby is taking DGS to his soccer game (if it's not rained out) so I can have two uninterrupted hours at the studio this morning. Then at 2:30 I'm taking the step-grandson, age 13, to his band concert. He plays the trombone, and with his mom in the hospital and my son out of commission, the poor kid doesn't have anybody to be there for him, so hubby and I are going. He went with us to dinner last night and called hubby Dr. Shirley. (Yes, our last name is Shirley) Hubby told him to call him grandpa, and I thought the poor kid was going to cry. It was pretty sweet. He's a nice kid.

    After the concert, more cleaning at the old apartment. So, we aren't going to make it to the lake today. Too bad. Hubby loves it out there.

    Well, I need to get going. I hope everyone is having a fantastic weekend!


  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Joyce, I always take my Fitbit Flex off to shower. Changing your stats to the new one is easy if you have the app on your phone or iPad. Just click on the icon, then your account tab, then "set up new device" and follow the prompts. Easy peasy!

    There are lots of cute bands on Amazon for cheap. They come from China and take ages to get here, but they do give you options. I got the blue one, too, but decided pretty early on that I wished I had gotten the black. I ordered a black, a pink, and a black and white polka dot one to have some options. Tony Burch makes one that looks like a real bracelet that comes in either silver or gold. It costs $200. Maybe, if I had to present a serious professional public appearance, but otherwise I can't imagine spending that kind of money on top of the cost of the device.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sylvia: I love the motto, “Not my circus, not my monkeys.” I wish I could follow it when one of the kids needs something. Mom hormones pack a big wallop, even when the kids are adults. You and your DH are wonderful grandparents. The “call me grandpa” story brought tears to my eyes.

    Lillian: Congratulations on being so close to your goal! Have you decided on a reward when you get there? I like new clothes or doing something fun as a reward. Everyone has a different idea of fun.

    Naiomi: You have two wonderful NSV’s from attending the baseball game along with the fun of going to a game. Amazing photograph of the pitch. WTG!

    Heather: I went to Amazon books and found a lengthy list of Heather Eyles titles. Yay! I was hoping for a bio and picture of you, too, but I didn't find one.

    Cynthia: It is wonderful that you like your new job and new coworkers. That is a huge plus. It is nice to have your husband at home, too.

    Carol GA: I like the name Katla, too. Thanks for your comment.

    Tina and Barbie: I put “Younger Next Year" on my book list. I hope the library has it. I’m trying to get rid of shelves and shelves of books to reduce clutter and make room for new ones. It is hard for me to part with “old friends.”

    Catcamx3: Welcome to a great group. I found that diet and exercise go together to improve health and drop pounds. In the course of my journey, I’ve frequently burned some calories in exercise in order to make up for a splurge or earn a treat. The combination has helped me keep my morale high and given me a sense of control that I really like. What is UGW?

    It is a gorgeous morning outside and I’m thinking of washing the sailboat. We have a social event this evening but I could be done and get myself cleaned up in plenty of time. DH and I talked about waiting until tomorrow for that task because it will be a bit warmer. We’ll see whether the morning heats things up to a good temperature.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    April Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.


  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,348 Member
    edited April 2015
    Sharon and Katla - many thanks for exploring in the wilds of Amazon. :laugh:
    I can see my photo and bio on Heather Eyles' Author Page, but it may not be up yet for the public. They said it would be a few days. The Author Page link is somewhere in the list of titles that comes up under my name. Second, I think. It doesn't come up if you just do a straight book search, you have to press the link. I am still corresponding with them as to what books should be on there or not. I want it tidy for the big launch! ! ! ! ! :drinker:
    I am already feeling a bit embarrassed about seeking publicity. I am not that type of person. Something about it makes me feel uneasy. If I do push myself forward for any reason I often experience shame afterwards. My upbringing, I guess. So I am quite conflicted. My DH hates it even more than I do. He is a very reticent man and can't see the point in any of it. He hadn't even told his family I had written children's books. His nephew was amazed when he saw them all in my study bedroom when he came to stay. DH hates boasters or "celebrities" and won't even watch them on the TV. Of course, that doesn't help my embarrassment any! ! ! ! He did hardly any publicity for his books. The strange thing is, that when I first started this project, I just wanted them out of the cupboard and into cyber space. Now I want to make a "proper job" of it. I have shyed away from exposure for so long and self sabotaged myself many times because I was afraid.
    Do any of the others of you who are in the public eye feel like I do? Drkatie - you seem to have a public face at church. Sylvia - you are learning to push your pottery forward and getting media coverage. The painting and mouse lady is good at it. How do you all feel about seeking recognition? I would love to feel better about doing it. :blushing:

    Heather in UK

  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Allison: I appreciate your fb post. It had me in tears. Thanks for sharing it with us.

    Katla: You mentioned that you are handling stress differently. Any suggestions that you can share?

    Pip : 993 day streak! Holy guacamole batman! That is dedication!

    I love the cartoon

    Janet: Take care of you and your back. I found that something repetitive to do with my hands, like playing with an elastic was helpful when I quit smoking.

    Lillian: Only 1 lb away from your goal weight. You can do it!

    : Glad that you were able to walk that distance, isn't it amazing how all that hard work starts to pay off?

    Sylvia: You are an amazing caring woman. I'm privileged to know you.

    I've had a couple of NSV's lately that I thought I'd share. I went to a pot luck supper for friends of my family last weekend. One of the people I used to jam with didn't recognize me. She said "OMG - I didn't recognize you, you've lost so much weight!" It seems as though the inches I've lost are showing especially since I'm at least 20 lbs heavier now than when I last saw her.

    Visited my cousin in the hospital and she told me I'd lost weight and I'd better quit before I got too thin. Once again I'm heavier than she's ever seen me by at least 20 if not 30 lbs. Isn't it amazing how our perspective of ourselves can be so different from how others view us?

    DS#2 was chatting about some pic's he saw at grandmas and said that his favourite pic of me was when I was a teenager and was wearing a teal blue dress. He said I was so pretty in that pic, and then said I was pretty in all the pic's I've taken. OMG, It just about did me in! All I could do was laugh, but I wanted to cry. He touched my heart.

    Thought for the day: "If you really put a small value upon yourself, rest assured that the world will not raise your price." - -Author Unknown

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,697 Member
    Lilymay2 wrote: »
    Janet - Yes I am only 1 pound from MY goal. And 15 pounds away from the Doctor's goal.

    Take care everyone
    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan

    Yeayyyyy, 1 stinking pound!!!!!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,697 Member
    edited April 2015
    To all of you who shop at Amazon I thank you. As a former employee and stockholder make me that money!

    To the person who dressed up at the Cattlecall interview process, it does feel good to get dressed up I'm glad you felt the confidence.

    I had a couple of compliments one in particular today which made me feel good. At the gym, a girl asked my advice. She called me a machine, she's probably in her 20s early middle 20s that made me feel extra nice somebody so young asking my advice.
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    To all of you who shop at Amazon I think you. As a former employee and stockholder make me that money!

    To the person who dressed up at the Cattlecall interview process, it does feel good to get dressed up I'm glad you felt the confidence.

    I had a couple of compliments one in particular today which made me feel good. At the gym, a girl asked my advice. She called me a machine, she's probably in her 20s early middle 20s that made me feel extra nice somebody so young asking my advice.