

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited April 2015
    Margaret: I’m so glad that you found a framer who loves her work, and knows how to preserve things that are special.

    Lesley: It sounds like you had a wonderful time waking in the park at Latrobe. I share your love of iris, but don’t have space for them. I bought what I thought was a miniature iris at a local nursery several years ago. It produced tiny blooms, but the plant was enormous. I had it removed from my flowerbed because of lack of space there and transplanted on a riprap ledge below our lawn. It is thriving and occasional flooding doesn’t seem to bother it at all..

    Heather: I followed the link that Joyce provided to your page at Amazon. It is wonderful and you look fabulous! This climate change we’re all experiencing is very worrisome. It seems that Northern California weather has moved to Oregon and Washington and we’re beginning to experience drought conditions. You, too? I read somewhere that the Gulf Stream is weakening and England’s mild weather may be compromised. Yikes! I hope not. Old friends are a gift. I had breakfast with three of mine a few weeks ago and it was wonderful.

    Sylvia: My daughter called in professional carpet cleaner last fall just before the baby was born. They did a good job, and the cost was less than $50 more than renting all the equipment and doing it herself. I think it was closer to $30 more. Your son’s health situation is difficult and worrisome. I wonder if he has made legal provisions for his children if his health gets so bad that he can’t care for them. When ours were still in elementary school we wrote a will that identified our niece as their legal guardian in a worse case scenario. They’re adults now, so it never had to be called into play, thank goodness. My daughter will likely have her kids cared for by her husband's younger brother, which breaks my heart. He lives in Chicago and it would be very difficult for us to see them. She loves DDIL, and that may be a possibility. I'm likely worrying for no good reason. I certainly hope it will never be necessary. On another note, the kids are also worrying about who will have custody of me.

    Forever fans: I haven’t seen it. The show I watched at DS & DDIL’s is called Ever After. It is a continuation of the Sleeping Beauty story into modern times.

    Last night we met our sailing friends at a Mexican Restaurant in a nearby town. Two couples went down river in their boats and tied up at the city docks, and many of us drove. We had a good turnout. It was great to see our friends and we had a lovely time, but I over ate. I wasn’t the only one, but I was the only one who counts calories and keeps track. :ohwell: Some of our friends are edging beyond “pleasantly plump.” They’re in their late forties and early to mid fifties. That is the time of my life when I put on the most weight due to stress. I see them and think they’re probably facing their stresses the best way they know how. I would instantly refer a friend to MFP if they asked for help because I think it is great. I don't bring it up.

    Barbie: I downloaded Younger Next Year for Women. It was available in Kindle format through our library system. I'm working my way through it and I'm on Chapter 8.

    Sunshine and breezes so far this morning but it is still cold outside. I plan to spend a chunk of the day washing our sailboat, and then going for a ride in DH’s fishing boat.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    April Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • naiomi2015
    naiomi2015 Posts: 95 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Catcamx3 Welcome

    Lillymay2 I admire you for being able to reach the 20K mark on a regular basis.

    BarbiecatNot a rest day at all, unless you have a different definition of rest. Lol

    Mollywhippet Sounds like you made Austin's day.

    Lauralougreat keep it up. Bonus when someone you love notices.

    ExermommI knew in a woman who was a classmate in grad school who grew up in Lebanon while her parents were missionaries there. She put herself through school dancing for a nearby Greek resturant as a belly dancer. Yes the pic was from Fenway. DH company will ask workers if they would like to use the company tickets upon occasion. By the time they get to us, it is usually a day where rain in forecast. However Friday was clear & sunny by game time.

    Gardengail The iris sound delightful.

    Yesterday afternoon DH and I got home after a day out for a ride. I had horrible pain on my right side. I took some sleeve and lay down w/a heating pad. The pain is less but still present. It goes around from under my right breadt to my back and shoulder. It also hurts if I try to take a deep breath. I also have begun coughing occasionally.

    This is so hard. I had been getting steadily better for a few months. This week ends w/our annual convention. I am chairing a meeting in Friday, giving a workshop on Saturday and have been on the planing committee for honoring my boss upon his retirement. Which will close out the convention on Saturday. I will go to the dr. tomorrow if this persists.

    Naiomi2015 from 53F and sunny Massachusetts

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,348 Member
    edited April 2015
    Janet - the "shindig" isn't until October! But a lot to organise. At the moment it's 26 people for a long weekend in a self catering group of houses in the Cotswolds. It's called Middle Stanley if you want to google it. DH says it is not as smart as the photos, but in a lovely setting with a tennis court and lakes. It's not my idea of a great birthday, but he wants his family and friends around him. <3 He is an adopted child and has struggled to feel he totally belongs, so I think it's an important rite of passage.

    DH's sister's boyfriend, who went with them to inspect the venue, was attacked recently on the top floor of a multi storey car park at night. He was chopped on the back of the neck, went down, then kicked really badly, smashing his glasses and hurting him. They got his wallet and used one of his cards before he could report it, but the bank have covered it. He is a lovely gentle guy, who stopped when the two men asked him for a light. He didn't tell DH , but his sister did. She says he feels stupid and it has knocked his confidence. He is around 64. :'(
    Could happen to anyone IMHO.

    Heard on the news today that a combination of Omega 3 and B vitamins can help a lot with Alzheimers. This is new research. Worth a try. I have taken cod liver oil for years and eat a lot of salmon. They didn't specify which B vitamins, but vegetarians could check that out.

    Love Heather with a tidy garden in Hampshire UK
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,697 Member

    1st pic 4-20-14
    2nd pic 4-1915
    Wowzers gas he grown
    On the road going home
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,978 Member
    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif Naiomi, the dogs don't know what a rest day is so they want to walk even if I think I might want to lie around and do nothing. When I hurt my back last year and my knee a few years ago and the chiropractor suggested that I rest more, someone told me that I'd need a seatbelt to keep me in a chair.
    smiley-happy110.gif Janet, you did the right thing to change your automatic news feeds. There's no way that I know of to change the news feeds from others. I have a lot of friends so I get a lot of stuff. Some in interesting, some, not so much.

    smiley-cool05.gif Katla, I couldn't possibly keep up with what is suggested in "Younger Next Year for Women" but it inspired and encouraged to do more.

    smiley-bounce013.gifCynthia, I agree about not sharing personal information but the reason we suggest in this thread that you share a name (not necessarily your real one) and a location (in general, not specific) is to make it friendlier so we can call each other by a friendly easy to remember name and the location helps to understand things like why someone's flowers are blooming (they live in the south of the US) and mine don't even have buds (I live in NW Washington) or why it's fall for Lesley (she lives in Tasmania) or why Heather travels by train so easily to exotic sounding locations (she lives closer than I do).

    smiley-bounce015.gifJake is gone for a few hours so I'll spend part of the time with all of you, then do my weight training followed by a few household chores that seem to go better when I'm alone. The dogs took me for an extremely long walk this morning, so perhaps they'll sleep for awhile not want to go out again until just before lunchtime.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,088 Member
    edited April 2015
    Good afternoon,

    Naiomi please take care of you. Sounds like you had too much your plate that did not help with being sick. It might be walking pneumonia or pleurisy both need to be check out be a doctor before they get any worse.

    Sylvia continued prayers for your son. Never easy to plan for the worst case scenario; it is done out of love for those you leave behind.

    Heather enjoyed seeing your children books. As part of the process to teach children to write during a workshop we wrote a children's book. It is amazing how much thought goes into every word you write and rewrite. You will hopefully inspire me to look into getting my book published someday.

    We had a wonderful acapella guest choir today in church.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Barbie: Yes, I understand the explanation about names/places, and it's perfectly logical. Nevertheless, I am choosing my own privacy. Still love you all, though, as I hope you know. ;)

    Margaret: haven't heard "walking pneumonia" for years! My brother and I had it when we were kids.

    Scary news here. Yesterday evening some kids set fire to the piled-up bales of straw (ready to be used for bedding) at the farm where I board my horse. My horse wasn't in danger (there are four groups of stalls and the straw wasn't near hers), but several others, including the mother and foal in the picture I posted a couple of weeks ago, could have been. The guy that runs the farm kept hosing down the stalls until the firemen came, and a neighbor farmer came and helped pull the straw apart with a machine so the firemen could get it wet as fast as possible. Ultimately no buildings were damaged and no people or animals hurt. I made some brownies for him as a thank-you for handling the situation so well.

    In case anyone has ever wondered why there are no locks on horses' stalls: this is the reason. You have to be able to get them out if necessary.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,798 Member
    afternoon my friends~
    just sitting down for a few minutes.. I have been running around since 5:30.. DH fed, dogs, fed..DH lunch all set for tomorrow, have hot dogs out for him but it is supposed to rain tomorrow so ,he will have to wait a day and I will have to figure something else out...went to see DFIL this afternoon he polished off all his lunch,bought him some chocolate chip cookies, I should have made some but have been to busy and another box of wheaties..
    I did buy some chex mix for myself for snacks, but came home and put it all in little snack bags .. that way I dont go overboard..
    I am tired ,but if I nap now wont sleep tonight... Tom just put some grout sealer on, we have to wait an hr, then put on another coat and wipe the excess off the tile... then I think we will get the toilet in and towel rack and TP holder, and then for the time being think it will be done!!!! whooo hooo
    DB got bit by a tick and he hasnt been feeling well so I am hoping he doesnt have Lyme disease ,Lord he doesnt need that on top of everything else...
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Thank you everyone .... my 1 pound to go could take awhile. If I eat...I have to walk.
    I haven't thought of a reward - perhaps I need more scrapbooking supplies...really Lil :smiley: ?
    The days are longer now..so if I could just get home from work in time I can get some quality time in with my dog.
    Oh yes and DH too... but only during commercials.

    I didn't get my 10,000 steps in yesterday, DM's taxes have to be done by April 30th. So I hope we have everything so I
    can leave it at the accountants tomorrow.

    Painted two doors for downstairs then walked home from the other shop - so that is 2 miles. Now I will go take my dog for a walk.
    Salad is ready for bbq at friends place.

    Take care everyone - have a nice Sunday
    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,697 Member
    Getting the summer bikes ready for tomorrow!!!
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,815 Member
    Happy Sunday! Woke up to rain, should would of been a great day to sleep in, but here I am at work. Last evening DH put grass seed out in the bare spots on the lawn so the rain will safe from having to water again. I just hope it grows. Yesterday was a good day. DH and I went to a bikers of the third wheel meeting and then we stopped in York to visit my DSM. She is having a bad time with her chemo and has decided she is not taking anymore, just do the radiation. She lost all her hair. So saying prayers things get better for her. Last evening was church and I had a bad panic attack as we were sitting in the back corner and there were a lot of people there. I was better once I moved over by the door. Been a lot time since that has happened. Eating was not the best for the day, but new day new start, right!
    I did enjoy the salad supper and I did real well on eating. They had a program that they took from Sister Act. It was very funny. I did have a good time and glad I went.

    Michele--Love the saying about being short.

    Sylvia--I want a shirt with that on it also. You and DH deserve a big HUG. Making that young man feel a part of your family. Sounds like DH needs an extra hug for fixing the stool for you.

    Naiomi--Congrates on the NSVs. I have found I fit alot better in seats now also.

    Heather--Congrates on your winning, but I have no idea how much that is in US money. But winning anything is a good feeling. I also tried finding you and found all the lists of your books. I know how you feel about drawing attention to yourself. I so much like staying in the background.

    Carey--Thanks for sharing your NSVs it is so nice when others notice and when it is our children it is that much better.

    Joyce--Thanks for the link, I found the information about Heather. Sounds so interesting.

    Not having a good food day. I work until 4:30pm and DH was home today and shampooed carpets, our littlest, oldest fur baby, Toby has not been feeling well since yesterday. If not better tomorrow will have to make a trip to the vet. I have my dentist appointment in the morning and trying not to get to stressed about that.
    Also my half brother Mike is to be in town tonight or tomorrow. It's kind of a long story, but he is from my dad's first marriage. We are 10 months a part. There is another brother and sister who I have known most my life. But never met Mike and my dad never saw him. After (my real) dad passed away I found him on the internet and we have talked on the phone one time. Anyway he emailed me acouple weeks ago saying he will be here in town visiting the other brother and we could get together and meet. Last year he told me this and never showed. So really have mixed feelings about him showing up. So have to get back on track and remember God is in control. Have a good rest of the day and Thank you all so much for all your support and friendship. It means so much to me.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,348 Member
    Vicki - what a very stressful situation, especially as you don't know if he is going to turn up. I send you my very best wishes and remember we are right there with you. :love:

    I have just had a return email from my London friend (the one that cancelled my visit a while ago) to say that her cancer has spread to the top of her spine. She said she is reeling. :'( She wants our help in how to go about self publishing her memoir, so at least I can help her with that.
    I know some of you (Jane?) have been through this with dear friends. She discovered her secondaries 8 years ago at the same time as I found my breast lump. I do feel a bit helpless, but will do my best to be a good friend.

    Heather, feeling sad in Hampshire UK
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,697 Member

    They r ready!
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Those saddles look hard. :s
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,697 Member
    Cynthia- They r I guess. U will never c a rider with a big squishy seat, no those are uncomfortable
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,978 Member
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good early evening beautiful ladies :flowerforyou:

    Thought I would pop in for a minute and say hello! I`ve decided I`m retiring this year, so getting things ready is taking a bit time. I`m also decluttering the house! I`ve been spending an hour or so everyday shredding old papers :s . I have 17 years of "stuff" to get rid of.

    I try to check in every so often and I always think of everyone and send well wishes <3 ! Hopefully I`ll have more time this summer to pop in and chat!

    Vicki :) Sending you a hug!

    Heather :) Sorry to hear about your friend :'( . Wishing you the best of luck on your book!

    Cynthia :) Glad the horses are okay!!!

    I will do my best to pop in more often! Thanks to everyone who sent me a message <3 !

    DeeDee in rainy dreary NC
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    It’s been a good week, and even though it doesn’t look like it on the scale. My trainer Rose measured me and I have lost 6.5 inches since mid-December. In the kitchen, the experiments continue to amaze and delight my poor DH, the guinea pig for all my self-taught home cooking. Friday night I made cauliflower soufflé in single serve portions. Delish! Thought we’d freeze half of them, but DH is eager to have them again tonight with our baked ahi tuna.

    Next week is the last week I’ll be home before I head out on a grueling business trip to NY, immediately followed by a week in Honolulu to do oversee renovations to our rental condo. I’ll get back with barely 24 hours to spare before my DB and his new girlfriend come stay with us for a long weekend. Then, I hit the road again to Kentucky.

    Michelle: I had trigger ring finger about 12 years ago. A hand specialist did the surgery under local anesthetic and it has NEVER come back. I believe the bandage was little more than gauze and a bandaid, and I don’t recall having to limit many activities. I recommend the surgery. You’ll surely find other activities that aren’t hand intensive to keep up your daily calorie burning.

    Heather: I sit in awe of you and your ability to publish so many books. Loved your Amazon bio and can’t wait for the new novel. You know your pals here are good for a few extra stars.

    Gail: Glad you are enjoying those irises.

    Joyce: I have personal familiarity with the charitable nature of the PGA. When I lived in Hawaii my organization was a regular recipient of funding generated by the Mercedez Open.

    Margaret: There is a special place in heaven for people who see the beauty in old, worn items. Good for you for teaming up with someone who can help rehab a beautiful piece of art.

    Lesley: What time is dinner??? I LOVE rack of lamb, tho have never tried to make it myself.

    Cynthia: Glad you got good sleep.

    Sylvia: I have to echo everyone who commented on how lucky your son and grandkids are to have you in their lives. Happy dance on the repaired toilet.

    Janet: Thanks for reminding me to bake more chocolate bran muffins. I like ½ of one as my pre-workout nibble. The other half is reserved for when I have to have a little sumthin’ sweet.

    Katla: Hope you’ll share some of the wisdom from Younger Next Year for Women. I’m sure you’ll work off those dinner calories washing your boat!

    Naoimi: You’ve got to get better! So many big events counting on you.

    Barbie: A seatbelt! LOL. I don’t see that in your future knowing how much you enjoy the jaunts with the frisky poodles while listening to inspirational speakers.

    Allison: High five for getting the bathroom reno to the final details. Hope DB doesn’t have Lyme’s.

    Vicki: Can understand your anxiety about meeting Mike. I have similar family dynamics on my late father’s side of the family. Hopefully, the meet up goes well and is full of God’s grace and blessings.

    Pip: Love the bright colors. I love riding but don’t own a bike. You’re inspiring me to check Craigslist.

    Dee Dee: Great to see you. How exciting to be planning for "re-wirement", as a good friend of mine calls it. Shred away and enjoy seeing your load get lighter.

    Stay well. We can do this.

    Colorado Foothills

    April 2015 Goals and PROGRESS to date:
    *meditate for 20 minutes every day - accomplished 90%. Sometimes can’t get to 20 mins.
    * cardio 5 times, burning 1600 calories/week – accomplished every week but one. Hamstring injury.
    * 90 minutes of strength training per week - accomplished
    * eat 1200 calories, but not the full amount of exercise calories daily - accomplished
    * more water! – Yes!
    My word for 2014 is mindfulness.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Vicki, he got more than a hug for fixing the toilet. ;)

    Cynthia, I'm so sorry about the fire that threatened the horses! Those kids should be arrested. Lock them up and then set fire to their bedding!

    Pip, I LOVE your dog pictures!

    Naomi, I enjoyed it as much as Austin did. Plus, it's always fun to be somebody's hero. He made me feel like that.

    Katla, I'm going to call around and price carpet cleaning. I thought it would cost lots more. Thanks for the suggestion.

    Janet, I'll try to post a picture of the spider web. It's not a good picture, but hopefully you can see how beautiful it is.


    I went to my clay club meeting in Joplin today and got in a very heated discussion with another member over a difference of opinion. When it was over, I left in a huff and went to SAMs club. I was feeling a little light headed, so went over to get my blood pressure checked and it was 174/44, so I sat in the snack bar for a while and drank water, then checked it again a couple of times before I felt better.

    I went to Kohls looking for something to wear to a banquet tomorrow night, but couldn't find a darned thing. Why are clothes so ugly and so expensive? I did find some pants for the girls.

    When I got home, we hurried to walk the dogs because there was a storm coming. It seems to have passed for now.

    Well, I have to get laundry started. Have a great evening. Those in the path of the storms, take care!


  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Today's jokes:


    A woman in Atlantic City was losing at the roulette wheel. When she was down to her last 10 dollars, she asked the fellow next to her for a good number. "Why don't you play your age?" he suggested. The woman agreed, and then put her money on the table. The next thing the guy with the advice knew, the woman had fainted and fallen to the floor. He rushed right over. "Did she win?" he asked. "No" replied the attendant. "She put 10 dollars on 33 and 46 came in."


    A woman is in the bar of a cruise ship and she asks the bartender for a scotch and two drops of water. As the bartender gives her the drink, she says, "It's my birthday today, and I'm on the cruise to celebrate my 80th birthday."

    The bartender says, "Well, since it's your birthday I'll buy you a drink; in fact, I'll take care of this one for you."

    As the women finishes her drink the woman to her right says, "I guess I should buy you a drink."

    The old woman says, "All right. Bartender, I want a scotch and two drops of water."

    "All right," says the bartender. As she finishes her drink, the man to her right says, "Since I'm the only one around you that hasn't bought you a drink, I guess I might as well buy you one."

    The old woman says, "All right. Bartender I want a scotch and two drops of water."

    "Coming right up," the bartender says. As he gives her the drink he says,

    "Ma'am, I'm dying of curiosity. Why the scotch and only two drops of water?"

    The old woman replies, "Sonny, you learn that when you're my age, you can hold your liquor but you sure can't hold your water."
