
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,002 Member
    evening ladies~ tired and going to bed,,, came home and the contractor came over to measure the cabinets and will probably have to come over weds one more time..Tom took the credit card that we will be using to get the cainets so will have to wait until sunday to order them,,,well my DB and DSIL went to N.H. overnight and invited me up for dinner tonight so had to rush around here to be able to get there but had Baked Stuffed Lobster and corn on the cob,,, boy was it super yummy and yes I will count it... will check in in the a.m. <31nklez8yl0f0.jpg
    this is my dad in the simulator
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Welcome newbies - please stick with us. Tell us more about yourself and sign your post for those of us sextagenarians (word???) who are way more forgetful than you young ones!

    Vegas is sounding even more interesting now that Terri mentioned the swimming pools! While you all are walking your invisible dogs and Pat walks pretend kitty, I will be in the pool running and running! Michele can do her thing in the Deep Water. I just have to remember to pack my water shoes! (We mustn't forget that we'll go to Kim's for dinner on our transporter, too!)

    Went to TOPS to weigh in today and was down the 2.4 I gained last week. YEAH! Thanks for helping to keep me accountable!

    Yanniejannie - so sad about your friend. Are you sure she is alright? Can you contact another relative to be sure? My exhusband left me the summer my mom was dying of cancer. I had put him through Med School and right at the end of his residency he announced he no longer wanted to be married. Found a nurse! We were high school sweethearts and had been together 15 years (married 9). My son was just 2. It was a hard time but one or two good friends plus renewed faith and determination saw me through to the other side. Keep reaching out to her. You DO matter and can make a difference. Just let her talk it out.

    Peach - my used to be favorite breakfast: Left over COLD pizza and hot coffee!

    Allison - so glad you had fun with your dad. My dad was an exec with Cessna. He began working there during WWII. Would you believe I turned down free flying lessons at 16? Darn I wish I had had the nerve to do them - might not have stayed with hubby #1 - but then wouldn't have DS, DDIL and DGS.

    Margaret - love the picture!

    Gail - Glad you can visit with your cousin and the NO trip sounds great!

    Janet - love the Senility Prayer!

    Michele - Love the tree skirt!

    Joyce - I see adds for Splashin Safari. Sounds so fun!

    Carey - you always share the best quotes!

    Heather - your trip plan sounds good. Nice to be in touch with DS#1.

    Teri - You sound like an awesome parent. Keep it up!

    Time to go - I did get today off but will be working T-W-Th. I WILL keep up with you all!

    Toni in middle TN on one of the prettiest spring days ever

    PS - Oh, forgot - I did not eat after dinner 6 of the last 7 days!!!!!!

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Has been a very trying day.!st they told us mom had aortic stenosis and the 2 options were open heart surgery if she was able to have or do nothing.Was crying all day.Then my sis called and said,know it seems like it isn`t as bad as they thought.They are having a meeting tonite.My mom is 80,but has been pretty healthy and us kids never saw her sick growing up.She was in the hospital 1 day other than having her 10 kids.
    Im still fighting this sinutis and asthma flareup.
    prayers are welcome
    hugs jane
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,819 Member
    Jane ... Praying

    Toni ... Congratulations! Great weight loss and self control in the evenings.

    I managed to stay without calories limits, but don't trust myself so going to bed early.

    Beth in WNY
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,076 Member
    stats for the day;
    i mulled thru - soreness n all
    ride hm 2 gym- 12.31min, 14amph, 2.9mi= 90c
    spin- 30min, 72ar, 112aw, 13-14g, 10.8mi= 239c
    ride gym 2 dome- 7.24min, 11.7amph, 1.4mi= 59c
    ride wk 2 hm- 50.41min, 11.9amph, 10mi= 439c
    total cal 827
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    edited April 2015
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Naiomi, glad all went well at the convention. You are likely correct that the swelling is from all the salt in foods you ate. Take care of yourself and put your feet up when you have the chance.

    Joyce, glad your eggs turned out. Are you saying you basically don’t cook? Not like I do, you understand, but mine is laziness opposed to lack of knowing how. Lol And if you don’t cook, does DH cook or do you eat out every day? You know me, nosy, nosy, nosy.

    Allison, you are so good about visiting DFIL and who know if he’s always even aware, so I think it’s a good idea to try to spend a bit more time with your Dad. You are such an angel, but there is only so much time in a day.

    Heather, I think it’s great that you are ready to work on another book. If you quite fancy (In my fake British accent) carrying on with the book you already started, then that is the one you should do. I think staying at a fancy hotel sounds wonderful.. Sometimes we need to pamper ourselves. Plus, who cares about the expense; your ship may be coming in any time, if that house really sells. You have a wonderful time on your trip.

    Yannie, don’t ya just hate it when your mood is off and you don’t know how to turn it back on. It happens to the best of us and all we can do is hope it will pass quickly. Good for you for going on with your exercise. ((Hugs)) Our azaleas and dogwoods bloomed about 1 ½ to 2 weeks ago and they are finished. I pass two beautiful dogwoods on the way out of our subdivision and hated that the blooms didn’t last any longer. I love them.

    NMMargaret, I understood that the old frame lost a few with age. Very understandable. But I was thinking you replaced the frame and just had that duplicated. Is that the original frame with new matting? **Light bulb moment** How cool. See I thought you had a new frame and had them to the missing tacks just like the old one. Just ignore me. And I wasn’t even a blond.

    Lisa, I thought you were in some foreign country the way you talked. LOL N, S, E or W, Texas is Texas. You are old enough not to pay any attention to those yuppies even if it weren’t in your imagination. LOL I’ sure you will kick some business butt today. How long are you away from home. And do I understand that you have an elliptical in your hotel room for did you go to the work out room? Yes, mfp knows it’s unhealthy to eat under 1000 calories a day on a consistent basis. One thing is to finish your food diary before you put in your exercise. I don’t eat back my exercise calories anyway so I add them at the end. We’re glad to have you with us.

    Sylvia, that is so sad that DGD had such a bad experience at her first dental outing. I don’t even mind dentist because they are so much better than when I was a child. I swear those needles were the size of a #2 pencil and the drills were the ones that carpenters use. Now it seems like a breeze. And the better dental care a child gets, the fewer problems they have as adults, so I hate to hear that children are afraid of dentists. 

    Mary, you are wise to have the moving sale and try to get rid of anything you don’t want to take with you. Less is better in a house you are trying to sell. Even something as simple as a linen closet: Over stuffed looks like you don’t have enough room. (Sorry, the old Realtor in me comes out once in a while) And who know, you may end up having another sale down the road, as you find more things you don’t want to keep. Good luck. ((Huggs))
    Carol, so glad you had two fun evenings. Sorry about Sunday but I have heard that “if you play. You pay”. If you needed it then maybe that was the way for you to get some rest. I want to hear more about driving the getaway car. What kind of assignment is DD on?

    Pip, congrats on the gain. What gain, you may ask? Well we’ve all heard it said, “no pain, no gain” and you told us you were in pain from exercises, so I figured it must mean a gain. Just hope it’s not a weight gain.

    Katla, I’m glad you thought to invite DH to exercise. Did he not want to go out for breakfast or just didn’t want to go exercise that early? Hope ya’ll have fun.

    Pat, welcome. You already know this works and here you will find great support and information. We have a number of ladies that reached their goals years ago, but they continue to log their food and exercise to stay on maintenance. We are happy to have you and wish you luck.

    Beth, I hope your son will be able to catch up. Who will instruct him at home? On the weight thing, yes consistency certainly makes it easier, but when you go off track, the trick is to get back on “now”. Remember you don’t have to wait until tomorrow or Monday or whenever. When you see the problem, make a move to fix it. I miss lots of foods that I use to love, but I enjoy missing the weight more. You can do this and we are with you.

    Terri, what a terrific win to get to go to the Olympics and have all expenses paid. Wow. We drove down from Charlotte and just stayed one night. It was also the day of the bombing, so lots closed to traffic. At least we got to go. Sounds like it was dangerous at the ball game. Or were they all just aiming for you?? So glad a ball didn’t hit your phone. That would be the pits. Verizon really does push those I phones. I got a Motorola Ultra and have been very happy with it. Let us know how you like the I Phone and who knows, I may go for it next time. I do like the droid not what I’m used to it. I’m with you. A 14 year old should be able to do a simple task like that without mistakes. If he’s not held accountable to make it right, why should he be more careful the next time? IMHO

    Allison you dinner sounds great and well worth the rushing around.

    Toni, I’ll probably be with you in the pool while the others are walking. Or, maybe sitting beside the pool sipping a cool drink. Congrats on your loss. Keep up the good work. And way to go on not eating after dinner!!! You can do this.

    Jane, glad it may not be as bad as they thought for your Mom. Keeping you both in my prayers.

    Pip, way to bike through the pain. You are the bomb, you pip.

    Welcome to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    Update on no nicotine. Today is day 5 without a single puff and it’s a bit easier each day. I still feel like I want to eat all the time, but it’s not a craving that I can’t ignore most of the time. I do also still chew on the end of an old vaper to satisfy my oral fixation. And I wonder why I have so many wrinkles around my mouth? Duh. Thanks for all your support on this part of my journey of life. We are finally supposed to have two days of sunshine without rain. I have also lost another pound while not vaping, so that is encouraging. What’s really encouraging is all you lovely ladies. I wish I had words to express how much I love and appreciate you.

    I hope all you special ladies have a happy and healthy day ahead. <3

    The thought for the day:

    You are defined by your habits - choose well.
    - Jonathan Lockwood Huie

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Mary from MN - The acres aren't ours, there's just so much work to do to keep it running that they supply a house as part of my husband's job. Its a great thing, if you never forget to buy the eggs... a 45-minute drive for anything you need starts weighing on some folks. I usually work solely online and on the phone.

    Javelinas look much like wild pigs, tusks and all. Not quite as scary, but I wouldn't be hugging on one, either. They smell rank, but some folks out here hunt them for barbecue. Not on the ranch.

    Lisa from West Texas
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi friends. I'm really trying, I promise I am thinking of you all! I shopped til 8:30 after work and I have a sore throat so I*'m going to bed but wanted to say hi and I will try to be a better contributor! Meg
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Allison - your dad looked like he belonged in the airplane! Looked like great fun for him.

    TNGram2seven - good job on the weight loss! And not eating after dinner! Keep it up you're doing great!

    Jane - we will continue to pray for you, your Mom and your family. (((Hugs)))

    Janet - 5 days! Yea! You can do it! I know that I have in the past chewed on suckers candy canes hard candy just to have something in my mouth. I know that I occasionally had a real cigarette maybe 3 times the first year and always was happy that I quit.

    Lisa - very interesting about the wild pig. My husband was a dairy farmer as a young man. His brother still has the family farm in the red river valley of Northern Minnesota. Now it's mainly cash crop with a small heard.

    Meg- hi!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,076 Member
    Damnit- thanks! I am going to be more of those tomorrow, whaaaaaaaaa
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Sorry, no time to read or write tonight. It's been a very long day, and I'm off to bed. Will do better tomorrow.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,142 Member
    o:) Mary in Minnesota, our mantra when we put our house on the market was "Trust God, Clean House, Stay Busy". We kept the house clean, rented a storage unit to put things in to make the house seem less cluttered and kept busy sorting through things and getting rid of things that we didn't need any more. We were very busy with all of that the day we got an offer on the house and were almost disappointed that we'd have to stop our organizing and discarding so we could actually move. Best wishes to you.

    <3 Barbie
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,476 Member
    Did about 10 minutes of pilates, then hold my plank for 2 min 40 sec then did Jari Love Ripped and Chiseled DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do Gilad's 45/45 split DVD

    Cynthia - loved those horses. They are such majestic animals.

    lattequeen - welcome!

    Carey - whenever I made beef barley in the crockpot, I always use the hulled barley. It seems to hold its shape better than the pearled. One time I used the pearled barley, and after being cooked for so long, it turned to mush.

    One time I made these rugs (latchhook) for the bathroom. On the back I put this stuff called "saf-t-bak". Basically, when it dries it turns into a rubber. Well, I put that on the back of the tree skirt. Not so much so that it would not slide but more so that it would help hold the stitches in place. Now I want to buy another container of it just to have. Amazon only sell it in 16oz containers, and the one I had was 32oz. I used most of it up on this tree skirt so I'm thinking that I should get at least another 32oz container.

    Lisa in W Tx
    - I never count the calorie counts on the machines, either. I do look at things like duration, steps/minute, etc but don't bother with calorie counts. Usually the machine doesn't ask me things like male or female, my weight, etc

    - welcome!

    terri - I've found when I have hot flashes, I have some frozen grapes. I'm totally with you on the order. I fully agree with natural consequences. To me, your coworker should have been more understanding.

    Meg - feel better fast

    Went to ceramics, finished putting the first coat of paint on the shell. I'd like to go tomorrow because this one gal is going to be there and I know that she's into "funky" colors. The shell will be orange/yellow/citrus burst (yellow with bursts of orange), I want to ask her about colors for the body. Vince suggested purple. I want to get her thoughts since I know she likes "funky" colors and that's what I'm looking for.

    Also, someone else has one of the turtles, I counted the parts on the shell. If I do it three colors (red/white/blue), I'll wind up with two reds next to each other. hmmmm......maybe the shell can be red/blue and the parts on the edge can be red/white/blue. What was the name of that program where you can put the pic and color it in?

    Michele in NC
  • naiomi2015
    naiomi2015 Posts: 95 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Lestan48 a day of solid accomplishments for you! Yay.

    MaryHope the phone people live up to their word.

    Ihannon062709Hope your flights and shopping go as planned.

    Terri_mom Helping a teenager to be responsible and accountable seems like good parenting to me.

    Home later than I planned. Up later too. On the plus side I did a little time on the elipitical.

    Naiomi2015 from 41F rainy Massachusetts
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Michele: Here's a link to free photo editing software and reviews of them. techradar.com/news/software/applications/best-free-photo-editing-software-10-top-image-editors-you-should-try-1135489

    And other reviews at this link: digitaltrends.com/computing/best-free-photo-editing-software/

    I've worked with GIMP before and it has a learning curve, maybe one of the others listed here will be easier to use.
    Hope this helps,
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Barbie - thanks! We talked about it tonight and made a similar plan. instead of having a moving sale this weekend we are going to wait until we get an offer. We will declutter, organize, and set it up. We have a 40 x 60 pole building to do it in.

    Michele - your tree skirt is perfect! The penguins look so adorable! You are so crafty!

    Naomi - thanks! Still waiting for a call...their day must last forever!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • marlenejehnzen
    marlenejehnzen Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Everyone. I'm a newbee. My first day posting. I am inspired by what you have posted. I am a size 18, I dread trying on clothes. See something cute and by the time I find it in my size, I don't like it anymore. At the point of not looking for clothes I like. I just try to find something that I can fit into. You motivate me, I can't wait to shop for clothes I like. I just have to take one day at a time.
    Looking forward to making some new friends here.
    Marlene, from Michigan
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Did you know that you can use eggs to make veggie dip? Follow celebrity chef Rocco DiSpirito's easy and delicious recipe for an extra boost of protein when you munch on your favorite crunchy veggies.
    12 hard-boiled eggs
    1 tbsp white vinegar
    3/4 cup organic mayonnaise or ( 1 cup Greek yogurt )
    1 tbsp yellow mustard
    salt, to taste
    pepper, to taste
    paprika, to tasteDirections

    1. Chop the egg whites.

    2. Dump the egg whites, yolks, mustard, mayonnaise, or Greek yogurt, white vinegar into a food processor and process until smooth.

    3. Season with salt, pepper and paprika.

    I thought you might enjoy this recipe from Dr Oz.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Patmid & Marlene from MI: Welcome to a great group of women. Heather is right. The secret to success is to stick with MFP after you’ve reached your goal.

    Terri_mom: Soymilk makes sense for easing hot flashes just a bit because it contains plant estrogen. I’ve been through menopause for "a while", but enjoy soymilk on my breakfast cereal. Best of all, I like the way I feel AFTER my cereal and soymilk breakfasts. I agree with you about having your son do the work of getting his sale items packaged and to the buyer. I love the term “free range parent.”

    Caro: I have an iphone, too. This is my second and I expect to keep it a while longer. Eventually I’ll probably get a newer version of iphone. I’m happy with the product. I log every bite and swallow on the MFP app on my phone. I don’t miss days, even when I travel because I always have my phone along.

    Alison: I love the picture of your dad in the simulator. It looks like fun. Thanks for sharing.

    Jane: Hugs and prayers for both you and your mom.

    Meg: Sorry about your sore throat. Thanks for stopping by.

    Michele: It sounds like you’re having a lot of fun with your turtle. I’m looking forward to eventually seeing its picture.

    DH joined me at the gym, we had a terrific lunch out, and even spent some time on the water in the fishing boat. It was a stellar day! Now he’s exhausted and I’m happy that the fatigue was created by having a good time.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    April Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Heather, it is odd what words mean to you in the UK and what it means in the US. To me, a legacy is what we leave from who we are, like tenacity, humor, work ethic or just being a thug. The monetary things we get is an inheritance. Good luck on which book to write. I like going back to your old one.

    NMMargaret, why would anyone throw out a picture like that???? Who painted it?

    Mary, Minnesota, I used to ride every coaster in an amusement park. Now I limit myself to this award winning wooden one. I feel like my MS lesion has been shaken apart when I get off. But I just have to try this new one. I will probably go on the other one also. It's right next to where we always eat. It is the only place in the whole amusement park where you can get a real meal with fruits and vegetables. Good for you on getting your phone. Well it's not here yet but maybe a little closer???? Your husband is a saint!

    Katla, selling your house at a yard sale. That is the sale of the century!!!

    Allsin, my Dad was a very proud WW2 vet. As a young man he always wanted to be a pilot. So when he went into aviation school after high school he found out he was colored blind that that grounded him. But it allowed his to go to Arkansas and meet my Mom. So it was meant to be. So he was stationed in Guam and repaired the planes. Anyway, he loved to go to the concerts the armed forces would put on. What a way to be in the military! Him and I would go to all the concerts we could together. Our city made the LSTs during WW2 and we have one of them docked on our river as a floating museum. I would love to tour it just in honor of him but the have such narrow stair cases (or maybe ladders) that this 66 year old still heavy lady with MS can't do.

    Terri, Millwaukee, my daughter puts her phone in her bra but it does cause a lot of moisture to accumulate and ruins a phone. Maybe you co-worker is jealous because she doesn't have custody of her 14 year old and is taking it out on you. I am assuming since you said something about yours that she doesn't have custody of hers.

    Maryanne, that is pretty close to an eating disorder to chew your food to get the pleasure of tasting it but then spitting it out. What fun to be with those ladies.

    Jane how did your Mom go from A fib to needing open heart surgery? When my Mom was in the hospital for her broken hip and we knew it was cancer that made it happen, two of us would get a brother on the phone and put him on speaker phone so that when the doctor came in all of us could hear him and talk to the doctor together. Still praying for all of you.

    Janet, my husband has this will power problem. If i fix something and freeze the rest of it, he will take it out of the freezer in the middle of the night or any other time and eat another portion. It is difficult to cook just 2 portions, especially since he doesn't like single portions. Lunch time we are on our own. We don't even eat at the same time. I eat my healthy lunch and he generally eats his pop tarts. I just do a lot of research on the different places of where to eat, most of it is on the data base here, sometimes I just have to do an add quick calories and just not have the macros listed. We have light snack things to eat in the evening, like several different 100 calories things. But he ruins it all by taking 2 or 3 100 calorie ice cream cups and strawberry preserves and making a milkshake. Before my diet, my cooking was usually hamburger helper type things and something that I could make a gravy with cream of mushroom soup with a meat.

    Sylvia, good luck with the dentist. I have heard that going to a children's dentist ruins them when they are an adult. My dentist pre numbs my mouth with a gel and then waits a bit before using the needle.

    I had a patient that was trying to quit smoking and she cut drinking straws the exact length of a cigarette, painted the tip red and just kept that in her mouth. It helped.

    Been cleaning house some today in prep for my brother coming some time this week. I have also been washing the dishes that were in my china cabinet. I know I could take them to a consignment shop the way they are but I would get a better response if the were clean. I have been checking the bottoms of some of these dishes and what nots to see if there is any kind of marking on them. Most are just made in China. I have this clear little, about 3 inches high, boot that Mom kept toothpicks in. I was really thinking that it was old. But no, made in China.

    Joyce, Indiana