

  • peacemom
    peacemom Posts: 64 Member
    Hi All-I need the support too. I'm almost 50 and would like to lose another 20 before Oct. I've lost 20 lbs. since Nov, but my schedule has changed. I'm finding it hard to exercise and lost my motivation. I live in Ohio. My goals are to set an exercise schedule again, keep stress low, and begin to lose weight again.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,684 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »

    Cute lolol
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Monday morning here and woke to real heavy frost, garden all white and COLD. Had to walk round garden and shiver with Blaize, too cold mummy. he is slumped by the wood fire.
    Last time we walked in Warrawee Park, Latrobe was with Mildred, sad but Blaize truly enjoyed it but DID want to swim in the lake NO way doggy.
    Stan was going fishing but got up early to watch Formula 1race that he had taped at 1am. Said he will go Wednesday now. Fly fishing over at end of April.
    Almost finished making spreadsheets for Tom Venuto's May 98 day challenge.
    Jamie Oliver Cheeky cauliflower and cheese soup with bread roll and apple for dinner. Need to get fibre UP. Shepherd's pie for dinner.
    Rack of lamb and roast veg were fine pancakes NOT yesterday.
    Need to do shopping list for tomorrow.
    Training today: Jeannette's Cardio Kick-boxing, Bob's Kettle-bell cardio this morning and walk dog this afternoon, 2 mile, Food = 1470 is OK
    Love the jokes and doggy photos. I am MUCH happier now ta.
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    All this talk of privacy reminds me of a story that happened at lunch in the faculty lounge of the high school where I taught for 33 years. It was a small town and we all knew each other fairly well. I lived in another small town about 10 miles away and commuted in. The secretary, who was married to the principal of the middle school, lived in the same town as I, or so I had heard. So, in casual conversation, I said, "oh, I hear you live in *******. I do, too. Whereabouts do you live?" I would have been happy with the name of a street or even something vaguer like the south side, but she ignored my question. Everybody was chatting away as we tended to do at lunch, so I thought she hadn't heard me, so I asked my question again. She said, "no, I heard you the first time. I'm not going to tell you where I live." I didn't know what to say, so I just said, "well, I guess I won't be invited to any Tupperware parties, then." She said, "well, if you and your husband and your cat had been threatened before, you wouldn't want people knowing where you lived either."

    I didn't give a hoot about where she lived. I just wondered if it was anywhere close to me. I still think she could have been nicer and answered me in a polite way that would have been vague enough so that I couldn't go TP her house in the night! I though we were at least friendly enough that she didn't consider me a threat. I do value people's right to privacy, especially on the Internet, but I still think this woman was weird!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    Did an hour of a bosu workout today. Decided to put off the belly dancing DVD in case (and I'm sure I will) I have the surgery for the trigger finger. The plan for tomorrow is to do some of the pilates DVD, hold my plank, then take the extremepump class.

    After exercising today went to WalMart since milk was on sale and Vince needed milk. The lady told me that now WalMart has their brand of milk for that same price and so does Food Lion. Also got a pair of shorts. I very seldom can find clothes to fit me at WalMart (especially since they don't carry petite sizes, it seems that they have soooo many of the large sized clothing. I saw some flip-flops, all larger sizes) I'll have to check the stores out to see if they usually keep these items (milk) in stock. I know WalMart sells a brand of eggs that's less expensive, but they only have one row for them and every time I've been there, they're out of them. Then came home and made an apple pie, then tried making the banana chocolate chip bread again. Looks like instead of one loaf (like the recipe calls for) you really need to make two loaves.

    Rainy here. I slept late today, didn't get out of bed until a quarter to seven. Now I just feel like I want to go back to bed, watch some TV, and veg.

    - yes, I did a copy and paste about "Forever". I thought that would be the most efficient way to get it done.

    After exercise tomorrow I need to go to the church to help count the money from the collections, then we'll take it to the bank and stop at the soup kitchen since I picked up the monthly food donations from the church. Then come home and then off to senior bowling! Tomorrow night is mahjongg.

    - I agree that this is a great site. The people are so helpful, not judgmental at all. Maybe it has to do with the fact that we've "matured" and realize that there are different ways to get the same conclusion...I don't know. I one time took this picture my father had to be reframed. I remember it being in my grandmother's house! Behind the picture was this old newspaper, I guess they had used that as "filler". Was pretty interesting to read. How I wish you'd taken a pic of the "before" of that picture. Would be so interesting to see. I bet she's going to do a fantastic job on it.

    - I'd like to know, too, how to discontinue getting those notifications on my phone. It always looks like I have so many things to check out and it's just "xxx liked your status"

    - I don't look good at all in skinny leg/straight leg pants because my calves are so large.

    naiomi - sadly, I suspect you will have to go to the doc tomorrow. Actually, even if you do feel a bit better, might not be a bad idea. You don't want this hanging around for months and months. Perhaps he can give you ideas of things to do or a prescription.

    - so sorry about hubby's sister's bf. Just terrible!

    pip - loved the smiley face on your door and your "greeters"

    Think I'm going to veg for a bit and then make up the bed in the back bedroom. I've had the sheets washed, need to make up the bed in case someone wants to spend the night. Last time Jess was here colby came too. It was his birthday the day before. I didn't know this. Fortunately, I had an ice cream cake so we used that as a "birthday cake", I had some candles and birthday hats. Just the other day she said "ma, thanks so much for making Colby feel so welcome and celebrating his birthday". Boy, if I'd known it was his birthday, I would have done more!

    Cynthia - I thought cynthia WAS your name. Learn something new every day. At least it's something easy to comment on, that's what's important. Why in the world would some kids set fire to the straw? That was nice of you to make them some brownies as a "thank you". You know, now that you mention it, I've never seen locks on horse's stalls. Just never thought of it. I know when I first started taking spinning classes, the seats were SOOO hard I didn't want to go to the bathroom. Now I have no problem at all and I no longer need the cushion seat that I had. I bet pip is used to hard seats.

    Alison - hope your brother doesn't have Lyme disease, either

    Vicki - I love the movie "Sister Act". Do hope you get to meet your halfbrother.

    Heather - so sorry about your friend. You're so right, just being there is a big help.

    DeeDee - you have no idea how much you've been missed. Have you had times today when it was just a downpour? We have.

    Rori - you sound so busy! Say...if you would like company to Hawaii, I'm available. Just sayin'...... When you had the surgery for the trigger finger, did you actually watch them cutting you or did they have it somehow "tented" so that you couldn't see? I've been reading on the Internet and some people have had tremendous pain. But I know that I have a high tolerance for pain (when I get a crown and they have to drill the tooth down, I don't take novacaine) so I'm thinking that I may go the route of the local but I'm thinking that I'd like to know that I can get the general if I find that the pain is too much. I don't think it'll be, just not sure.

    Sylvia - breathtaking picture

    peacemom -welcome. Come if often for lots and lots of motivation

    Michele in NC
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Sylvia's talk of shopping reminded me. If was pouring down rain here today and we were under a tornado watch all day. A woman at church was wearing gray pants and a sleeveless top with gray and Aqua geometric prints and an aqua sweater. I had the idea that we could go to the mall and walk and I could look for something similar to make my gray pants look springy and give me something new to wear to Calculus class. We got our walk in, but I came home empty handed. I found one really pretty one, but the 1x was too big and the 16 was too tight. I needed a 16w, or 0x, but they didn't have it. I found another really cute sleeveless one, but the tail hung down below the sweaters I tried on with it, and I don't do sleeveless without a sweater. One day! One day!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,684 Member
    Today was my crap day, no workout and ate like crap. Back on the road again tomorrow. I don't feel bad about it cuz I rarely do it
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    Good Evening Lovely Ladies,
    barbiecat wrote: »

    I thought this was so cute that I had to copy it too. Pip, I find it so hard to believe you didn't do any exercising today. Good for you. Even you pros need a day off every once in a while.

    Katla, who will have custody of you? Where do you go boating? And how far is it from your house? That must be lots of fun.

    Naiomi, I hope your pain goes even more quickly than it came. You need to be in good shape for the convention.

    Heather, that is terrible about DH’s sister’s boyfriend. That would shake anyone up.

    Barbie, I don’t know why it is, but I can get more done around the house when DH is out. Could it be because I keep stopping to talk with him? I hope you enjoyed your alone time.

    Allison, woo hoo on the bathroom. Will keep DH in my prayers to not have Lyme desease.

    Vicki, did I understand correctly that you have never met Mike? I would think it would be interesting to meet him. Hope it goes well.

    Heather, so sorry about your friend, but glad she reached out to you. As hard as it is, the best you can do is be there for her. ((Hugs))

    Rori, congrats on those inches. :p Way to go.

    DeeDee, so good to see you. Congrats on retiring and I hope you like it as much as I do.

    Sylvia, what a cool picture. Thanks for sharing. Gosh, talk about getting your blood pressure up! Glad you cooled down before heading home. I hope the storm missed you. Gosh some of those have been fierce. ROFL, I love both the jokes. LOL

    Peacemom, welcome. You will find this a great place for support and information. What’s in Oct. that you want to lose the weight for? Did you lose the 20 using MFP? Good luck.

    Lesley, what does the challenge consist of? Are you competing with others or just yourself? I’m sure you will do great, whatever it is.

    Katie, I agree that the secretary could have been much nicer about your question. I would have just given a general answer and let it go at that. Talk about people skills?

    Michele, how nice that you had what you did for the birthday boy. That was special and you are too.

    I hope you all have a restful night and a happy and healthy day tomorrow. <3

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC

  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Thanks Janet. I'm working on "Being Kind to me!"

    Katla: Thanks for the advice. I've been focusing on health and prioritizing that. One gap I really have is having fun. Definitely something to work on.

    Sylvia: Absolutely loved the Ten Commandments joke...thanks for making me laugh. :D I've done a lot of searching for laptops over the last little while. The lightest one with the most power ( I like a laptop that can replace a desktop) is the Surface 3 (but it is definitely not the cheapest). Would you be able to post your recipe for salt-free salsa?

    Vicki: I hope Mike shows up and you get the opportunity to meet him in person.

    Heather: So sorry to hear about your friend.

    I've finally given in and downloaded and installed Chrome. I really can't handle the scrolling anymore. I hope that this bug gets fixed quickly so I can go back to my original browser.

    Thought for the day: "We have to learn to be our own best friends because we fall too easily into the trap of being our own worst enemies." -Roderick Thorp

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,086 Member
    Sylvia love the spider web.

    Michele there was part of an old newspaper in this picture frame, too. I think you are right they used it as filler. It was fun to find. The problem with newspaper is it is so acidic which was not the best for the painting.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Barbie: I’m about half way through “Younger Next Year for Women.” I like the basic message very much, and the idea that we can lead a relatively good life for a long time during our later years, and end our lives with a short period of decline rather than a long, constant erosion of health, happiness, and mobility. That seems like a better alternative to me than what my parents went through. I couldn’t keep up with the book's suggested activities and am not interested in many of them. The authors make a good point that being active is, and should be, enjoyable. I agree with that.

    Heather: Middle Stanley looks spacious and charming. It will be a wonderful place to celebrate your DH’s birthday. I’m so sorry to hear that DH’s sister’s boyfriend was attacked. He’s probably embarrassed and that is why he feels stupid. A thing like that can happen to anyone. I am so sorry that your London friend’s cancer has spread to her spine. I would be so afraid if I was in her situation.

    Pip: I love the three dogs with their angel. The bikes look great but I agree with Cynthia that the saddles look hard. I wouldn’t want squishy, but I’d like them wider where I put my sit bones.

    DeeDee: Congratulations on your decision to retire. I was nervous about taking that step but I’m happy that I did.

    Rori: I believe you are the busiest person I know. Congratulations on your successful cauliflower souffle. Power washing the boat for 3 hours burned 825 calories according to MFP. I am whipped.

    Sylvia: I hope you are able to find a good deal on carpet cleaning. Be sure you price the cost of renting equipment in your community so you’ll have a baseline to judge whether you’re getting a fair deal. Today’s joke is great. I love the old woman’s reply regarding her birthday drinks.

    Janet: I don’t know who will ultimately have custody of me other than the Lord. I hope to have custody of myself for a very long time before then. It was nice to feel wanted though troubling that they expect me to be unable to take care of myself.

    This was a productive day & I am ready to rest. The boat is basically done, but there are some details I’d like to improve on if the weather is good again tomorrow. I am looking forward to yoga in the morning and hope to play on boats in the afternoon.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    April Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.


  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    MNMargaret, sounds like you found a kindred soul to repair your painting. Hope you can enjoy it for years to come

    Heather, we need to plan a book signing affair of our forum. It would all be fiction but we could plan on a menu, what we wear, etc. I looked at Middle Stanley and it looks like a very nice place to have a relaxing celebration. That cottage looks divine. Wish I could see it and not just the internet. I can't imagine a table that seats 28 people. How cold you have conversation with some one at the opposite end of the table? Your bio is quite interesting. You are a woman of many talents. I still think you should write an illustrated cook book.

    Sylvia, when my friends sister was on the infusions, they must have been the natural infusions. She said that the waiting list is very long to be able to receive them. The only way your name gets on the list is that the person who was receiving it dies or gets a lung transplant. I hope the synthetic ones are cheaper! You have such a sweet hubbie. I hope you tell him that most of us old women love him!!!

    cutemax, did you mean a breakfast at a church?? And it had cream cheese brownies? Weird. That's not my idea of a breakfast food. Of course something as good as that can be eaten anytime!!!

    Pip, your husband's bike looks very uncomfortable. Although I do love the color.

    Dee Dee, welcome back. So good to hear from you. I never had the opportunity to retire. I just stayed on sick leave with my MS until I realized I couldn't go back to work. But my husband retired in about 2010. I never knew it would be so difficult. All the paper work, pensions, health insurance. Then you have to 'learn' how to be retired yet useful. Good luck.

    peacemom, welcome! You are my hero for working with at risk children. You are literally changing their lives for the better.

    I don't like the term 'skinny jeans'. I don't like the connotation of skinny. I think skinny is an unhealthy look. When I see runway models or some Hollywood actresses, I see skinny unhealthy women. Remember Twiggy from way back when??? I think trim is a better word. I love my boot cut pants. With the 15 pounds I have regained, my thighs are pretty bad. I want to thank everyone who is continuing to kick my butt every day. I have finally worked myself up to 6 miles on my bike at home. But I can only ride about 1/3 of a mile without stopping and resting. The rest may only be a few seconds but I still have to stop. Today I weighed .4 of a pound less than I have been. So I hope it will continue, I saw that 190 coming on it's way and I refused to do that.

    Going to have company this week. My brother and his wife moved in with her Mom who has dementia several years ago. She owned her home and they thought it would help her if they moved into her home rather than have her move into their home. Plus their son who couldn't keep his sperm under control and his girlfriend what is the most fertile woman I know, needed a place. They they moved into his parents house (my brother) rent free and everything. So all of their furniture was left for their son. She is now in another apartment, he is with another girl now, and has her own furniture. So they have two households of furniture. Most of theirs was very antique from my Dad's parents house. Paul can't stand to let anyone else have this furniture except family. So next week he is coming to town to bring our Grandma's bedroom set to my sister and a china cabinet set to me. Then I will give our china cabinet to our oldest daughter. Christina's room is a good size, has a very comfortable bed in it and it's away from everything. My sister has a good bed also, a sleep number, but she lives in a tiny house and he would have no quiet place. So I need to do some cleaning up to get ready for him. He will only stay one night. This in May, DH, Michelle and I will take a Saturday one day only trip to see Christina. We take these trips frequently but my girls only see each other when Christina and family come up here. We are going to fix her fire pit and make s'mores!!! I had bought 4 decals to help my grand daughter's personalize their own rooms. When we left after helping them move in they hadn't gotten a chance to put them on the walls yet. last week I asked Christina is the oldest had gotten hers up yet and she said no, the room was to messy and no wall space. I was flipping mad. I paid over $50 for these 4 decals and one DGD still hasn't got hers up yet. I was prepared to gently give her a piece of my mind and to let the girls know that Grandma is done giving, and how I felt. But she sent me a picture of the one decal that had come in by the time we helped them move. It looks real nice and she had redone her dresser and made it very artsy and teenager hip looking. I ordered all 4 decals on the same day and two came in and the other two came in this week. So they will get them when we go down. I am hoping they will have a place ready for them so that I can help put them up. Christina has the kind of attitude that anything given to them, including money, car, etc, is a gift to them. And when you send a gift, the sender loses control over it the moment it is given.

    Joyce, Indiana. Rainy headache weather
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Lesley, what does the challenge consist of? Are you competing with others or just yourself? I’m sure you will do great, whatever it is. I am competing as a LONER in the challenge. Have been in a team before and they fell apart. This way I do my own thing, work out my food and training
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hello everyone!

    DeeDee: retirement! Wow! Looking forward to lots of time? How many hours a week have you been working lately?

    Sylvia: the kid arsonists were supposed to be locked up. They are from a kind of treatment facility near the farm. Yesterday evening (a day after the fire) they were still missing from the facility. Lovely photo! Love the lines.

    Lesley: refresh my memory; why is Blaize not allowed to swim?

    Katie: you’re right; that woman was a bit strange! You were just being friendly and she could have explained her situation differently.

    Michele: Cynthia IS my name, lol! Just not my whole name.

    Joyce: hope your headache is better.

    Well guys, time for another True Confession. We all knew I was not doing so well lately in the food department. But I weighed again this morning for the first time in several weeks and it’s official: I’ve gained back all the weight (17 kg, about 36 pounds) I lost last year. So I am going to need all the support you can give me (even though I often think I take more support than I give)!

    I tweaked my breakfast this morning (half portion of oatmeal and a soft-boiled egg instead of just oatmeal) and will look out for more tweaks in my day. Maybe soup more often. And back to regular gym visits, even if it’s just a couple times a week. I want to feel better!

    Hope we all have a good day!

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,341 Member
    edited April 2015
    Pip - the bikes look great, but I second the others on the knife edge saddles! Cool colours! My DS#1 used to be a keen cyclist and trainer until depression got the better of him. I would love to ride, but round here the lanes are narrow and twisty and the hedges come right up to the road with no edges. Buses and lorries can come speeding along. I would be in fear of my life! You do see hardier souls than mine in their lycra, but I am a coward. :'( I have biked in other countries and even in London, which was safer!

    Joyce - I have given up giving nice things to my messy relatives. Some people do not know how to take care of things and they get lost, trampled on and broken. I only give the kids money and something perishable, like flowers, food or drink, to the adults. Then I don't get upset about it. :)

    Going to ring my friend with the cancer today. Hope she can get that memoir published with a bit of encouragement. She certainly has a story to tell. It is written, but she has stalled on getting it published. The other good thing is, she has a wedding to look forward to in September when her younger son gets married.

    DH told me today that his nephew, who did the dash to the Philippines to get back his daughter, has had to go back to court because the mother was asking for more access. Apparently the mother was laughed out of court by the magistrate! Phew! :D

    Love to all. Heather in still sunny Hampshire UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,793 Member
    morning my friends~
    I got a good nights sleep ,but had to take 3 tylenol,because I was up and running all day long yesterda. even though I only got a little over 10,000 steps yesterday felt like it was 30,000.
    Has Meg checked in lately? havent seen her in awhile..
    DB is going for blood work this morning to see if he has lyme, he does have the bullseye which isnt good..
    got kudo's from both Sean and Jean.. Faith said to Sean was that your sister that came up and helped me? she is just sooo nice lol.. she has had TIA so she gets wifty sometimes..
    doing a couple of loads of laundry.. dont work until 12:30 today..
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    edited April 2015
    Good morn,all. Yesterday...Sunday....was a rainy,read the paper ,my fav kind of day.Made roast chicken,baked potato & frozen green peas on the side.The chicken was 5lb,so lots left over. Then bones into slow cooker on low for hrs. Froze most of the golden brown broth,along with several zip,locks of meat.
    Love getting several meals from easy recipe.Will have DHs fav noodle soup today.

    I read the board every now & then. Enjoy the posts,but there's no way I can keep up. You have good advice to offer. Seems best to skim & go.

    My post was 2/3 rds cut off,so will try to remember to CC & P from now on,Pat
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :) Cynthia, I support everyone's decision about privacy. I post on another site (not MFP) and use a different first name and make no mention of where I live. On this thread it's nice that so many of us use names of some sort that are recognizable so we can have friendly chats.

    :) DeeDee, congrats on your plan to retire. I've been retired for ten years and I highly recommend it. I had more money when I was working and more joy and serenity and now.

    :) Katla, I couldn't have kept up with the exercise plan in "Younger Next Year" but the book inspired me to get and use a heart rate monitor for a year. It was also part of the push I needed to put strength training into my exercise plan. Joining a gym didn't work for me, but my at home program that I created with the help of "Strong Women Stay Young" has been great.

    smiley-happy110.gif I did my weight training yesterday and rode the exercise bike along with a lot of dog walking and a bit of pulling weeds in the yard.

    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Cynthia ... I was getting ready to post this morning with words very similar to yours ... I, too, am putting weight back on. Your plan is a good one!

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good morning! I ended up doing a fairly lazy weekend. When I was talking to my mother last night (weekly phone call), even she suggested that I may have been just too tired to sleep last week since I had so many very long days.

    My unidentified leafy green things: I really don't know what they were! They were bigger than spinach leaves and pointy. The reminded me of an arrowhead because they were pointy and the had a notch in them with a little more leaf before the stem began. The pretty much just tasted like a green leafy vegetable. :confused: There was no name on them because they came straight from the farm and were in a bag like you use at the grocery store (thin plastic) to put veggies in.

    Janet(?) - Kale is so trendy now that I'm surprised you haven's seen it. It can be bitter and just not very good, but I like limited amounts of it in soups (just tastes sort of salty) and I really liked the way I cooked it on Saturday. I had some left over and my daughter had some on Sunday and even she liked it! I have enough to do the same recipe again, I will just need to not add quite as much salt.

    Pip - My son rides his bike a lot and I enjoy riding as well, but I have a REALLY hard time with my lady bits being really angry at me after a ride. Does the really thin hard seat help with that?

    I got more sleep last night, thank goodness! Maybe it was the rain and the open windows that helped. Or maybe it was because I didn't push myself so hard yesterday and was more relaxed when I went to bed. I had a wonderful 20 minutes or so of just lying in bed, looking out the open windows, and listening to the birdsong this morning. It made it easier to get up and leave for work.

    Speaking of the rain! I had one more pissed kitty on my hands last night. First of all, I had the audacity to close the blinds while she was looking out the window. Then, she wanted out. I kept telling her that it was pouring rain and that she didn't REALLY want to go out, but she didn't believe me. I went to deadbolt the front door for the night and she ran over and asked to go our that door. Well, I'd had enough of her sulking and abuse of the blinds so I opened the door and told her to go right ahead. She stuck her head out the door, skidded as she reversed, and took off the other way to get away from the rain! The only problem came in that she didn't believe me when I told her it was raining outside the back door, too! :lol:

    Michele - I hope you can get your thumb fixed soon! That has to be a real annoyance, in addition to painful.

    Sylvia - I sure do wish you lived close to me! You do so much for your loved ones.

    I'm sure I had more to say, but the phone rang and now I've lost my train of thought. :confused: I hope everyone has a great day filled with good choices!

    Carol in NC