

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Thanks so much to those who offered the Craigslist tips. Several years ago a woman in Tigard, OR was murdered by people who came to her apartment to "buy baby clothes" she had advertised on Craigslist. They murdered her in an attempt to steal her unborn baby. The baby died, too. That has really given us a wake up call to be careful of strangers coming to your house.

    I was thinking of moving our items to our storage unit and meeting the people there. Does that seem like a positive idea? I hadn't considered cash only before. I had already decided never to have a stranger come to my door to buy something I want to sell if I'm home alone.

    If you think of any other cautions or ideas that worked, I'd love to hear them.
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Katla - My instincts say "no" to the meeting place being the storage unit, unless it is well-lit and plenty of people are there. Safety in numbers. Plus, if the buyer is looking to rip you off, he/she can now see everything inside your storage unit. Coffee shop, police station, etc.

    I had a nice response set-up for all of you, and hit the wrong button, so it disappeared. So . . .

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    I have only ever sold big items like a sofa, recliner, refrigerator on Craig's List and pretty much had to have them come to the house. I've had good luck with it, but there was a married couple who were murdered when they went to look at a car, which turned out not to exist. Our local police station has a Craig's List meet up spot in their parking lot, which would work for most small items.

    First day of calculus. We spent an hour and a half in the hallway under a tornado warning.
  • SelenaP63
    SelenaP63 Posts: 61 Member
    edited April 2015
    Has anyone else ever had myfitnesspal start them back at day zero? Looks like I've been bumped back to the beginning :( I mean, worse could happen, but there was something about seeing 70 days yesterday that was kinda cool.

    Cool cover, Heather! You must be delighted. Do you have a website or blog we could visit?

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    I have only ever sold big items like a sofa, recliner, refrigerator on Craig's List and pretty much had to have them come to the house. I've had good luck with it, but there was a married couple who were murdered when they went to look at a car, which turned out not to exist. Our local police station has a Craig's List meet up spot in their parking lot, which would work for most small items.

    First day of calculus. We spent an hour and a half in the hallway under a tornado warning.

    my brain hurts just saying the word!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member
    SelenaP63 wrote: »
    Has anyone else ever had myfitnesspal start them back at day zero? Looks like I've been bumped back to the beginning :( I mean, worse could happen, but there was something about seeing 70 days yesterday that was kinda cool.

    Cool cover, Heather! You must be delighted. Do you have a website or blog we could visit?


    yes.. when you miss a day or it doesn't register.. it sucks cuz I wooda been way over 1k by now :0(
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Hope everyone is enjoying their tues.Been in bed part of the day.Asthma flare-up and run done,not surprising with the move.Has taken it`s toll on my body.
    Hugs to all
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Barbie.like the post for healthy living ,need to blow it up and hang on the frig
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    "Lesley: refresh my memory; why is Blaize not allowed to swim?" He he He IS allowed to swim if we have a towel in car so he can swim. He would swim every day if we would let him
    NOT training today, except walking. going shopping for food.
    Food = 1659 as hardly any training

    After training my protein shake is: 250 mL almond milk, 30 gram BioFex protein and 5 gram creatine. need to get used to it again before may challenge.
    Water when walking Blaize is: 500 mL water + 15 gram Refresh
    Need to get amounts of macros right before May

    Need to see Brian about Fibre, not high enough at the moment, needs to be above 21 grams
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Janet - sorry about the D word! lol Hope all is well with the sun spots.

    Pip - I guess they don't want bikers looking like plummers, they might be too distracting to drivers.

    Bkrimpit - good for you, great job!

    Drkatiebug - what an exciting first day!

    Jane - I hope you feel better!

    Lesley - are you training for a competition? It sounds like you are working on cutting? Very impressive!

    Have a great night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • JupiterKL
    JupiterKL Posts: 4 Member
    Okay ladies I'm joining the group. Rededicated myself this morning, again, but this time I mean it. I need some accountability and encouragement. Came in well under calorie goal today and went to yoga class - kicked my lazy butt.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,224 Member
    Hi all. Well as I posted on my home page, the road to hell is line with good intentions! I just couldn't seem to get here much at all last week. But I'm trying! I'm here today; finished my food and exercise diary, got my 10" walk in after I ate, and managed to get another 30 minutes in at home. 10 of it was on my real elliptical and the rest on the cross trainer. The 10 minutes did not bother my knee, so I'll just keep upping the time on it. Next to try: swimming! I really miss the pool.

    Hope all are doing well and hugs to those who need them. I'll do my best to be here more often and support all of you! Meg from chilly Omaha
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,094 Member
    edited April 2015
    Good evening,

    Selena my days of logging in went down to 0 briefly too. The next time I logged in my numbers were back up.

    Heather congratulations. The next time we put in an amazon order your book will be in our order.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good evening, all. I've had five pages to catch up on, whew!!! We had our trail ride charity event and Saturday I spent helping set up, Sunday was the event itself, and today was recovery!!! We had well over 70 riders and I have to say all the trailers lined up were quite an impressive sight to say nothing of all the horses lined up going off on the ride. We had a new venue this year and I heard absolutely no negative comments; a huge success and our largest yet. The people were just delightful.

    Our wisteria is in bloom!!! It's dripping off tons of trees all around and very lovely.

    Had a strange incident today; walking around a store and got a sudden horrible pain in my foot...........had to limp out leaning heavily on DD, sure I had a stress fracture and would be heading to the dr. She drove us home ( all of maybe three minutes) and I got out of the car very gingerly and had NO pain in it at all!!!!! Happy and confused.

    Cynthia.........Oh, the thought of that fire scares me; I really hope they catch up to those kids and prosecute them fully.

    Sylvia..........Enjoyed all the jokes. I vote for a cleaning company for the carpet in the apt. BTW, I do have a toliet that needs attention if your DH is avail...........

    drkatie.......I think that was more than a strange response; it was rude. She could have handled it much more gracefully.

    Carol.......There was no inventory type list in the delivery? Good thing you liked it; good grief, what if you were allergic? You couldn't even tell them what you had eaten.

    Barbie........Your "rules" are great, sums it all up. I like them!!!!

    Katla........I haven't sold but I have bought very happily.........including the car I've driven the last 5 to 6 years.

    Oh, Heather........What can I say that will be big enough to tell you how proud I am to know you????? SUPER congrats.........toasting you with my mug of tea. May your sales be many and your reviews be positive raves!!!!!

    G'nite all

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    I have only ever sold big items like a sofa, recliner, refrigerator on Craig's List and pretty much had to have them come to the house. I've had good luck with it, but there was a married couple who were murdered when they went to look at a car, which turned out not to exist. Our local police station has a Craig's List meet up spot in their parking lot, which would work for most small items.

    First day of calculus. We spent an hour and a half in the hallway under a tornado warning.

    my brain hurts just saying the word!

    Glad I can reciprocate, because reading about your biking makes the other end of my body hurt! That same part Carol was talking about hurting. LOL!

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Meg, so glad to see you! We've been a little worried.

    We went to the banquet, and I was surprised that hubby had arranged for me to have a salt free meal. What a guy! I wore my new outfit and felt really nice. It's so great to go out in public and not feel like everyone is staring at me because I'm so huge. I felt downright skinny, but when we got home I had hubby take my picture and was disappointed that I still look too big. I don't see myself the same way in the mirror as when I see a photo. And I look so old! Kind of a downer. Oh well.

    I wound up with a speckled top with 3/4 sleeves and a wide neck which I thought showed off my new collar bones. Once I saw the picture I thought the collar bones looked a little scary. Also pair of dressy black slacks. I took two pairs into the dressing room. One was a "curvy fit" and one was "modern fit". The curvy fit were great. The modern fit were ok, but a little tighter than I like. Then I noticed that I had grabbed a size 12 instead of a 14. So I was tickled that I could even get into a size 12!

    When we got home I realized I had forgotten to put my fluffy house slippers in their normal safe place, and they are nowhere to be found. Possibly they have relocated themselves to the back yard, and there is a good chance they may no longer be in one piece. I asked Bruno about it, but he isn't talking. It's too dark to go out to look.

    Tomorrow is my cardiologist appointment so grandpa is picking up the kids from school. That's a first.

    Well, I'm off to bed. Good night everyone.

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Today's joke:


    Q: What do you get when you cross Bambi with a ghost?
    A: Bamboo.

    Q: What's a haunted chicken?
    A: Poultry-geist.

    Q: Why did the monster eat a light bulb?
    A: Because he was in need of a light snack.

    Q: Why are most monsters covered in wrinkles?
    A: Have you ever tried to iron a monster?

    Q: What kind of mistakes do ghosts make?
    A: Boo boos.

    Q: Why couldn't Dracula's wife get to sleep?
    A: Because of his coffin.

    Q: Why do mummies make excellent spies?
    A: They're good at keeping things under wraps.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member
    stats for the day:
    1st day on skinny bike:
    ride hm 2 gym- 11.32min, 15.3amph, 2.9mi= 106c
    spin- 35min, 80ar, 118aw, 13-15g, 13.8mi= 321c
    ride gym 2 wk- 52.49min, 12.9amph, 11.3mi= 465c
    ride dome 2 tan- 16.33min, 10.9amph, 3mi= 180c
    ride tan 2 hm- 5.14min, 11.2amph, .9mi= 67c
    total cal 1139
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,392 Member
    Did 10 minutes of pilates, held my plank for 2 min 40 seconds, then took the extremepump class. I got there early and just did tricep exercises and ab exercises on my own since I knew that I'd have to leave early to count the money at the church so in all I'd say that I took the class for an hour. The plan for tomorrow is to do some stair stepping on the ATM machine.

    Before exercise went to Lowes Foods to get some cereal for Vince that was on sale that I had a coupon for. Then after exercise, went to the church to count the money, then took it to the bank, then dropped the donations off at the soup kitchen. I'll go back to the rectory tomorrow before going to the Green Room to get some other donations they have, volunteer at the Green Room, then take the donations to the soup kitchen. Depending on whether it's dried enough in the backyard, we will either go to ceramics or we'll start putting down the grass seed.

    Update: Vince just asked me to go to the post office before I go to the Green Room. hmmmm...church, post office, Green Room, soup kitchen

    After the soup kitchen, came home and started to get dinner ready, then went to senior bowling. Didn't do all that great, not bad either. On the way home stopped at CVS just to get items on sale, then home to finish making dinner. After dinner went to play mahjongg.

    Will probably be skimming the posts tonight as I don't seem to have a whole lot of time

    Sylvia and everyone else:
    one of the things that I'll be working on will be a ceramic turtle. But I want COLOR. I don't want it to be a boring drab green. Like the praying mantis is COLORFUL, the snail will be painted making us wonder if it isn't from the 60's. Yes, that one's going to take a long time to do. Especially now, if the weather is nice on Tuesdays and/or thursdays, I'll be home probably in the pool or working outside. So I won't get to work on it very much. However, I'm trying to come up with colors for the turtle. I don't know how much work it'll be to make the shell all different colors. Any ideas anyone? Like I said, I probably won't get to it until the winter. But I want to be thinking (and changing my mind)

    - great words to live by

    - looks fantabulastic

    pip - never knew that bike shorts were higher in the back! Thanks for telling me

    - whenever we've sold something on Craigslist, sad as this is, Vince would have a gun with him (he has a concealed carry permit). We'd usually meet in a neutral location, like in the parking lot of WalMart

    In some ways I find that the "number of days logged in" is a bit of a bogus number. If you log just one item, MFP counts it as you've logged in for the day. So if you know that you're going to be away, just log one item and you'll keep your days.

    JupiterKL - welcome! Tell us more about yourself

    Michele in NC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member