mandy220750 Member


  • Slimming world does advocate unlimited amounts of certain foods. Pasta for example which is not low in calorie. Yes I agree a responsible adult can decide on portion size on any diet. But if you are told not to count, weigh certain foods portions can slowly increase. By the way I have lost 8 pounds using Slimming World in…
  • Thanks for your reply. I know that portion size matters and that is why Slimming World may not be fir me. You do not count calories on the plan. I maybe giving up to early. Wonder how long people keep to other diet plans before coming back to MFP.
  • Hi, I joined slimming world 2 weeks ago, third weigh in tomorrow. Lost 6 and half pounds first week in. I joined because I could not get motivated. I had lost 3 stone 6 on MFP but from November piled on 10 lbs. The principles are mainly simple, eat healthy and you will lose weight. However the downsides for me are a) no…
  • Thanks for the reply. I loved my healthy food when focused My motivation was my my health mainly. Keep overeating and trying the foods I thought I was missing out on, but honestly cakes, biscuit s, pastry etc are not that nice now. I guess it's January blues, I do feel low at the moment. Starting Tai Chi at home and find…
  • Hi, I noticed that when my sister drank loads of soda her face would puff up. She also had a round face and used to drink lots of soda. As soon as she cut the soda out (which was very difficult) her face changed and had definition. Try to cut the soda and drink water and see if it changes your face. Hope that's the answer x
  • Thanks for the replies. I think i will continue to use my existing clothes as long as possible. I do have a few things which I bought a while ago which were too small, so hopefully those will fit soon. Just hope these items do not look too dated. If I do need to buy, will buy some interim supermarket lines which are…
  • Started my diet break for Christmas. Have my birthday a few days before, so will enjoy until 27 December, then back on track. Love all Christmas food but will not go overboard. Feeling a little rough after eating things I don't usually have, chocolate, crisps, biscuits, pastry, etc.
  • Thank you for all your replies. As I have at last been able to loose a good amount at last using MVP, I guess I am annoyed with myself for eating the big bar of chocolate. It was a huge bar not a single one. Also a little scared that I will start eating too much again and go off my diet. It's not normal or a regular thing…
  • Thanks, for your reply. I am determined to get back on track again Just worried that I will now put on weight this week. By the way I feel sick, too much sugar and fat all at once. Serves me right for being so greedy
  • Weigh in day, lost 2lb. My overeating by an average of 60 to 80 calories per day has had no adverse effect I am having the recommended 1440 calories per day. Perhaps if I increase this a little it will do me no harm. 2 stone lost since 4 July 2016 my independence day. Have pulled out my knitting and card making crafts and…
  • I already volunteer one day per week and work for another 3 I do eat a balanced diet including fats etc I have just cut out the bad fats and sugar I guess I am just lonely in the evening's. Do not even think about food when I am at work etc during the day. I have some hobbies, and also have to do all my own housework and…
  • Yes Zahra, I have lost 26 pounds in 2 months why the question marks? It is true I lost 10 the first week, must have been mainly water Then 2 or 3 most weeks but a couple I lost 1 or none I don't think that is too fast but steady as I am very heavy Thank you everyone else for your positive words. Some good ideas to help me.
  • I can only do minimal exercise Have arthritis and recently a blood infection which has affected my good leg My heavy weight is preventing me from walking However I am trying to walk more each day I am so unfit with years of neglecting myself I want to change and be able to have a life
  • I am 5 foot 5 start weight 316lbs currently 290lbs aim to get to 170lbs Hope to lose 3 stone by Christmas Taking it in small steps, next goal will be from Christmas to Easter So a long journey. I overeat at the end of the day. Usually, low fat yogurt, fruit, yogurt or ice lolly I have a fridge full of fruit, veg, lean…
  • oops pressed the wrong button. as i was saying never even had any childhood illnesses. So I am taking this leg problem badly I must lose weight for my future Thank you for reading this
  • Hi, Started my diet today. Going ok. I have made some homemade soup which will last a few days. Thank you for all your advise. My leg is very painful today so hard to walk at all. However did go by car into the village and walk through the village to the church centre to drop off some donations and back again of course.…
  • Hi all, Thanks for all the positive comments. I assume I have arthritis. I year ago I hurt my leg which has never got better I now walk with a limp. I have been to the doctors twice, to accident and emergency and to phyiso once. Nobody has given me a definite diagnosis and at every appointment felt as though I was wasting…