Have you had a binge day and got back on track or fallen by the wayside

I have stuck to my calories pretty much nearly every day for 5 months.

I have had a steady weight loss of 1 to 2 pounds per week

However today, I lost my way, and ate a huge bar of chocolate .

Has anyone binged and managed to get back on track long term?

Feel so angry with myself.

I didn't even enjoy the chocolate that much.

Any replies will be helpful

Thank you in advance


  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Yes, I have. Every minute of the day is a chance to get "back on track." This is going to be just a tiny blip in the overall story of your weight loss. Don't let a chocolate bar distract you from how great five months of sticking to your calories is. A chocolate bar, even a huge one, is just a tiny number of calories stacked up against being at your goal for five months.

  • mandy220750
    mandy220750 Posts: 65 Member
    Thanks, for your reply.
    I am determined to get back on track again
    Just worried that I will now put on weight this week.

    By the way I feel sick, too much sugar and fat all at once. Serves me right for being so greedy
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    It's a bar of chocolate... don't worry about it, go back to your deficit tomorrow.
  • vanmep
    vanmep Posts: 410 Member
    I committed to logging every single thing I eat for the year 2016 whether I meet my calorie goals or not. Usually I am within 100 calories plus or minus. But I have noticed that about every 18-22 days I have a binge day where I go over by about 1000 calories. I log it and carry on.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    All the time! it's be a small miracle if I hadn't given in to my feels and eaten all the foods to try and fill the hole on occasion the last 18 months. I just log it, try to learn from and move on.
  • Seffell
    Seffell Posts: 2,222 Member
    I don't know what you're talking about. I've had lots of these. Everyone has. You can't be perfect. Not getting back would be silly. You are not supposed not to have days like these ever.
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,431 Member
    sure I have now & then, but i just go on & hasn't effected my weight loss. Thanksgiving I'm having a binge day for sure
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    in the grand scheme of things - one chocolate bar isn't going to make or break your weightloss journey - i went over my carb goal by 30g yesterday and today just picked myself back up and got back on the horse
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,503 Member
    I've wiped out my entire weekly deficit in a single meal. It happens. Log it and move on! :)
  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    I won't say I binge. (I'm not sure of the actual definition and too lazy to look it up).

    I will say I've gone over my calorie count and this is what I do...

    1. Deduct 50/100 calories over the next several days to make up
    2. Just move on
    3. I try to incorporate the foods I love into my calorie goal a couple of times a week so I don't want to overeat.

    hope this helps!
  • Skipper111
    Skipper111 Posts: 392 Member
    I am a total foodie and regularly do this. I just enjoy the food and move on.
    Every day is a new start, just don't let it carry on to a bad few days which results in a bad week.

  • mandy220750
    mandy220750 Posts: 65 Member
    Thank you for all your replies.

    As I have at last been able to loose a good amount at last using MVP, I guess I am annoyed with myself for eating the big bar of chocolate. It was a huge bar not a single one.

    Also a little scared that I will start eating too much again and go off my diet.

    It's not normal or a regular thing for me and perhaps for others on here. Therefore maybe it's hit me hard.

    I will think positive and as suggested eat 100 calories less for a few days to get back on track.

    I can do this Thanks x
  • hapa11
    hapa11 Posts: 182 Member
    Sounds like you've been doing a great job! Just remember how you felt after that giant chocolate bar; that'll help you get back on track.