gisem17 Member


  • Why is food addiction so controversial? Because whichever side you land on, someone gets offended. If I say I have a food addiction, everyone who has been involved with a chemical addiction is immediately offended because I dared trivialize their experience by comparing it to my own. When they say I don't have an…
  • Somebody once suggested weighing the finished recepe and setting the number of servings to the number of grams. Then when you serve yourself, weigh the serving and enter the number of grams as the number of servings. I am not qualified to address the other issue, sorry.
  • Is it possible that 150g of water evaporated while the dish was cooling down?
  • Look in Setting, under My Account, Edit Profile. Look at Units, you should be able to change it there.
    in Question! Comment by gisem17 April 2021
  • I'm not endorsing this, but if you are sure you know what you're doing, you can manually set your calorie goal to whatever you want it to be. From Goals, go to Calories, etc. and enter what you want it to be.
  • Using 2000 steps = 1 mile If I add slow walking 2mph for 210 minutes (3.5 hours) as an exercise, according to MFP 14000 steps = 900 calories. If I change my activity level from "Sedinary" to "Active" MFP gives me an extra 650 calories. Change to "Very Active" and I get 1050 extra calories. So 14000 steps is a little less…
  • Insulin bonds with carbs to allow the carbs to be absorbed by the cells in your body and used as fuel. The more insulin in your body, the more your body wants to convert carbs to fuel, not store them as fat. That is assuming that your body is working like it should. Some people have a medical condition called Insulin…
  • This app will only help you lose 2 pounds per week. Jan 1, 2021 is 6 weeks away. To lose more than that, you have to abuse the app and that is not recommend. Now if you're talking Dec 31, 2021... there's plenty of time to reach your goal. Better yet, why dont you say "This app will help me lose 20 pounds, that's my goal"?…
  • I'll go the other way. Getting organized with personal financial management has helped my personal weight management. Learning to use a budget, plan every penny before it's spent and stick to the plan has help me use MFP as a budget, plan every calorie before its eaten and to stick to it.
  • Those stats sound familiar. I am about your age and I started at about your weight. I lost 20 lbs in three month, and I'm just getting started. If I can do it, so can you. Use the app, trust the app, the app is your pal (bad pun intended). Seriously, if you follow two simple rules, you'll do fine. 1) record everything you…
  • By "snacking" and "break failure," are we talking about binge eating? For someone suspected of having Binge Eating Disorder (BED), the number one, most highly recommended recommendation is to have them talk to thier doctor or therapist. If you are determined to beat this on your own, first be kind to yourself. Setbacks…
  • Welcome and good luck. You might want to fix the typo in your username. Dobby was a free elf, not a lef.
  • I got mad at myself for having to buy new shirts to contain my belly. To spite myself, I decided to get serious and lose the weight.
  • Good for you. I think somewhere in the back of my mind, I'm hoping to do something similar for maintenance. Figure out what maintenance calories looks like and learn to eat like that without counting. But that's a long ways off. First now, I need the discipline of counting calories to stay on track.
  • I consider Thanksgiving to be a mini Christmas. So as soon as Halloween is over Christmas can begin.
  • I agree with encouraging him to get on the MFP app. Point out that it not only tracks food calories consumed but also exercise calories burned. If/when he joins, make sure you invite him to be you friend (assuming you use it yourself If not, start) and share your diary. That will make it easier for him to record food you…
  • Hello, welcome back.
    in Hello! Comment by gisem17 November 2020
  • No ads. That's all I know and that is not enough for me to justify the cost.
  • People want to believe that a good strategy for rapid weight loss is to exercise hard and not refuel afterwards (eat back those calories). In their minds, the extra calories burned exercising creates a larger calorie deficit and therefore a faster weight loss. The problem is, that strategy puts you at risk for under eating…
  • I just took my first update photo. I was amazed what a difference 10 lbs made. (Sorry, cant figure out how to get the photos out of the app to show you.) Stick with the program and you will do great.
  • Unfortunately, you can't control where the weight comes off. If you're losing weight, sooner or later it will come off your belly. If you are using the app like you should, if you honestly and accurately record everything you eat into the app and you stay within your budget, you will lose weight and it will eventually come…
  • Willpower is a muscle that needs to be exercised in order to get stronger. I'm not saying you should go looking for temptation, but as temptations find you and you willpower through them, the willpower muscle gets stronger and it becomes easier to do so.
  • That is not the solution, that is the problem. The solution is to identify the reason behind binge eating and address that. And that is unique for each individual. I can only offer my experience and hope it helps someone who is experiencing something similar. I agree.
  • High protein food doesn't trigger a binge. The point is, for some people, like me, some foods are trigger foods. I thought those were high carb foods, I stand corrected, they are high-carb high-fat foods. Regardless, they are trigger foods and trigger foods need to be avoided if I stand a chance to lose weight. They are…
  • It is hard to be "eating in a deficit" if you are constantly binging on high carb, high fat foods.
  • For me, certain carbs, like donuts and chips, are trigger foods cause me to binge eat. I cannot hope to lose weight unless I learn to avoid those foods. I can manage carbs better when they are balanced with proteins and fats.
  • First, no judgements here. MFP has done a good job of creating a judgment free space. Besides, we all have our issues, if we didn't, we wouldn't be here. Second, dont give up on the app. The app works, but only if you use it. I know it's a little tedious at first to enter everything you eat, but it gets easier. If you…
  • I am about 15 lbs away from being overweight. After that, it's a 40 lbs journey through overweight to get to normal. I dont know yet if I actually want to go all the way to normal or if a little overweight is my ideal. First question to ask is what does your doctor think about being a little overweight? My guess is that it…
  • The best definition of introvert is someone who recharges by being alone. So, at the end of a long, hard day, do you want unwind alone maybe with a good book, video game or solitary walk (introvert) or with a group of friends maybe at a bar or a party (extrovert). It has nothing to do with social skills that can be learned…
  • As an experiment, I changed my profile from male to female. I lost 300 calories from my daily budget. 100 because I am no longer bound by the 1500 minimum, the rest because the average female of my age, height and weight burns fewer calories then the average male. I agree with others that the difference probably isn't due…