rfarm004 Member


  • I wouldn't worry too much about increasing calories, the holidays tend to give you ample opportunity for extra food. Continue to use myfitnesspal and change your weight goal to maintenance. Congratulations on your weight loss!
  • Wow! A big congratulations, 80 pounds is no easy accomplishment. Welcome to the maintenance group!
  • The research is conflicted on weather or not eating late makes you gain weight. But the digestive system starts to slow down at night, so it's better for you in general if you eat during the day. Personally, I tend to binge on unhealthy foods at night, so to each it's own.
  • I keep them until I run out of space. I'm bound to gain or lose more weight eventually. Congratulations on losing 2 sizes!
  • The latest research shows it doesn't matter what you eat, as long as you stay below your calorie intake. A low carb diet is helpful in controlling your appetite and keeping your blood sugar stable. A high processed sugar diet, is it good for your health? No. Will it keep you from losing weight. No. My sugar is always over,…
  • Most restaurants have their calories posted online and it's actually the law that restaurants have the nutrition contents available (that being said, how many follow it? I don't know). But I usually look up online before going to a restaurant and then choose what I want based on the calories.