Late night eating

Hi everyone
I've been logging for almost a week now. I've been trying to get all my foods in before 6 at night. I was wondering if not eating past a certain time at night really makes a difference? Does anyone agree or disagree with this? And have any helpful tips


  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    It doesn't make a difference, it's a complete myth. You could eat all your calories before going to bed and still lose weight?

    The thought of not eating after 6 seems impossible to me haha, I don't usually have dinner until 7 or 8, and even then if I don't eat directly before going to bed I can't sleep and feel ill in the morning!
  • suziecue20
    suziecue20 Posts: 567 Member
    edited September 2015
    [quote="DemoraFairy;33965800 "It doesn't make a difference, it's a complete myth. You could eat all your calories before going to bed and still lose weight?

    [/b][/b][/b]The thought of not eating after 6 seems impossible to me haha, I don't usually have dinner until 7 or 8, and even then if I don't eat directly before going to bed I can't sleep and feel ill in the morning![/quote]

    ^ Exactly!!!

  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Yep! Complete myth :]

    I naturally don't eat after around 7PM because I like an early evening meal (around 4-5! Straight after my work-out!) but the "Don't eat night" fad that has been circling for YEARS is just another pointless and untrue statement!
  • jsmestflowers
    jsmestflowers Posts: 52 Member
    I like to eat late as well, and like others expressed have issues going to sleep otherwise. I think that the point of it rather than really setting the clock (unless your on IF) is that one should not snack all the time. I know a nice lady that is heavy she doesn't ever eat a meal of any real size, she just constantly snacks all day long never really stops. She has not been successful with her weight loss. I don't think that it matters so much when the kitchen closes, just so long as it does :)
  • Werk2Eat
    Werk2Eat Posts: 114 Member
    Myth. I have been on the warrior diet for almost 10 years and I will admit there has been a few times i stopped diet/exercise and gained back some of the weight i had lost, but on the warrior diet i lost like 50lbs in 3 months. I have done this a few times in those 10 years. My eating habits has stayed the same i just stopped counting calories and stopped exercise and thats why i gained some of the weight back. But the diet does work and is sustainable.
  • jaqcan
    jaqcan Posts: 498 Member
    I'd have completely given up if I couldn't eat after 6. What an arbitrary rule. If you're accurately counting calories and weighing your food, there's no need to limit the time frame. If eating late interferes with sleep, that's different, but timing for calorie burn isn't necessary!
  • amb312
    amb312 Posts: 55 Member
    It's a myth but I don't eat after 7 because, unlike the folks above, I don't sleep well and I have weird dreams if I do. I also wake up starving if I eat right before I go to sleep. Do whatever makes you feel your best.
  • vivelajackie
    vivelajackie Posts: 321 Member
    That's one of those Dr. Oz-ish sorts of myths. I have a post dinner snack every night and I eat dinner after 6. It doesn't matter in regards to weight loss. People of course have preferences on when they eat, but that's personal.
  • rfarm004
    rfarm004 Posts: 7 Member
    The research is conflicted on weather or not eating late makes you gain weight. But the digestive system starts to slow down at night, so it's better for you in general if you eat during the day. Personally, I tend to binge on unhealthy foods at night, so to each it's own.
  • jaqcan
    jaqcan Posts: 498 Member
    rfarm004 wrote: »
    The research is conflicted on weather or not eating late makes you gain weight. But the digestive system starts to slow down at night, so it's better for you in general if you eat during the day. Personally, I tend to binge on unhealthy foods at night, so to each it's own.

    False! Eating a calorie surplus makes you gain weight. The late night binge is the problem, not the timing.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    rfarm004 wrote: »
    The research is conflicted on weather or not eating late makes you gain weight. But the digestive system starts to slow down at night, so it's better for you in general if you eat during the day. Personally, I tend to binge on unhealthy foods at night, so to each it's own.
    Cite a single peer-reviewed study that shows eating late, in and of itself, makes you gain weight.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,208 Member
    edited September 2015
    It makes no difference.

    Dinner is somewhere between 7 and 8 pm.

    Then, I almost always have a bowl of yoghurt and sometimes some fruit at about 10 pm or so. Sometimes I also have a slice of toast with honey maybe about 9 pm, in between dinner and yoghurt time. And I've been steadily losing weight from the beginning.

    I prelog the yoghurt, fruit, toast, and honey, or whatever else I am going to eat in the evening so that I know I've got enough calories for them.

    Oh and ... it makes going to sleep a lot easier when I've got something in my tummy. :)
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    It's a myth that, like many myths, has an origin in truth.

    Many people have a habit of overeating in the evening: think a big bag of chips or bowl of ice cream in front of the television. If you wholesale rule out eating after an arbitrary time, that mindless eating is eliminated.

    If you track your calories there's no need for this rule.