New to Maintaining!

Recently came to my goal of loosing 80 and I want to keep it that way!


  • rfarm004
    rfarm004 Posts: 7 Member
    Wow! A big congratulations, 80 pounds is no easy accomplishment. Welcome to the maintenance group!
  • Lisa_Aguiar2114
    Congrats! That's awesome! I'm down 47 and am struggling with cravings right now.
  • chopz108
    chopz108 Posts: 3 Member
    Ive lost 114 and want to drop 20 more... but ive maintained my 114 weight loss for almost a year... haven't gained any back.. But haven't lost either... I actually came back here to track again, and see whats next
  • mikehardin62
    mikehardin62 Posts: 122 Member
    Hello everyone. ..i have lost 80lbs...i just want too stay wherei am...i am at my goal weight... :)
  • mikehardin62
    mikehardin62 Posts: 122 Member
    Any input would be quite helpful.
  • mikehardin62
    mikehardin62 Posts: 122 Member
    rfarm004 wrote: »
    Wow! A big congratulations, 80 pounds is no easy accomplishment. Welcome to the Thankyou it my pleasure to be here with all of you
  • mikehardin62
    mikehardin62 Posts: 122 Member
    Thanyou it my pleasure to be here
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    the difference between maintenance and losing weight is simply a handful of calories...some more snacks or bit larger portions, etc...that is the only difference. if you've on average, say, been losing about 1 Lb per week...well get about 500ish more calories per day...that's it.

    i've maintained for over two years (I also don't log)...I do everything i did while losing weight in that while I was losing weight I completely changed my dietary maintenance I still eat a ton of veg and some fruit...whole grains and legumes and lentils and primarily lean sourced protein and healthy fats from things like avocados, nuts, olive oil, etc. I don't eat much in the way of traditional "junk" food. eating out is generally an occasion, not the norm. I exercise the same, if not more than I did while losing. I weigh in regularly, etc, etc, etc.
  • mikehardin62
    mikehardin62 Posts: 122 Member
    Ok...i eat basically what you refined sugar, i dont eat out often and the like. I have been at this weight now for about three months. I take 1300 or so not hungry alot so i know im eating enough. Ok well thanks for the info.
  • ExRelaySprinter
    ExRelaySprinter Posts: 874 Member
    Ok...i eat basically what you refined sugar, i dont eat out often and the like. I have been at this weight now for about three months. I take 1300 or so not hungry alot so i know im eating enough. Ok well thanks for the info.
    Do you mean 2300?
  • mikehardin62
    mikehardin62 Posts: 122 Member
    Recently came to my goal of loosing 80 and I want to keep it that way!

    Well done that i have reach my goal, i would like to try new recipes, cause the fear of goin back to "THAT PRISON" is slowly going away. I knew theres new stuff out there so i think i am ready to try some of it. Eating what got me to my goal is good, but there must ne more.
    Ok...i eat basically what you refined sugar, i dont eat out often and the like. I have been at this weight now for about three months. I take 1300 or so not hungry alot so i know im eating enough. Ok well thanks for the info.
    Do you mean 2300?

    No i take in 1300 to 1500 cals per day....
  • mikehardin62
    mikehardin62 Posts: 122 Member
    Just want say hello and i hope you all doing well on your maintenance! !
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    edited September 2015
    Recently came to my goal of loosing 80 and I want to keep it that way!

    Well done that i have reach my goal, i would like to try new recipes, cause the fear of goin back to "THAT PRISON" is slowly going away. I knew theres new stuff out there so i think i am ready to try some of it. Eating what got me to my goal is good, but there must ne more.
    Ok...i eat basically what you refined sugar, i dont eat out often and the like. I have been at this weight now for about three months. I take 1300 or so not hungry alot so i know im eating enough. Ok well thanks for the info.
    Do you mean 2300?

    No i take in 1300 to 1500 cals per day....

    I take in about 3,000 - 3,200 per day....

    1,800 is pretty much minimum for a male and that is to lose weight. the average male with little to no exercise will easily maintain on 2300 - 2500 calories per day...

    eat 5'3" wife maintains on like 2300
  • mikehardin62
    mikehardin62 Posts: 122 Member
    Well thats kind of hard when i fill so full after i eat...i dont want to puke right? So i let my stomach settle then im not hungry for hours...
  • ericGold15
    ericGold15 Posts: 318 Member
    Well thats kind of hard when i fill so full after i eat...i dont want to puke right? So i let my stomach settle then im not hungry for hours...
    If you are staying the same weight then whether you think it is 1300 or 2300 calories is academic, and you should not eat more unless you exercise more. Do be sure to eat enough nutrients though. The US RDA is generous but not a bad position.

    I'll be entering quasi-maintenance mode in the next few weeks. By that I mean another 5 lbs loss over the next year, barely enough average negative daily deficit at - 50 Cal/day to register. I'm not entirely sure how that is going to work, but I *suspect* (hope) that continuing a lifestyle change of increased exercise and no junk food will allow me to slowly settle down to the target weight. I view this different than dieting since I will not be actively trying to lose weight, but instead will just reach a new CICO equilibrium. I'm not sure how the body will deal with the caloric requirements of spikes in exercise; I may have to manually adjust. I'll continue to weigh weekly and log my eating to be sure I do not return to bad habits.
  • vixx1405
    vixx1405 Posts: 129 Member
    Congratulations that is a brilliant loss. I'm new to this maintenance lark aswell. I sometimes think I have no idea what I'm doing so this post is very helpful
  • ExRelaySprinter
    ExRelaySprinter Posts: 874 Member
    edited September 2015
    Just want say hello and i hope you all doing well on your maintenance! !

    I'm doing great thanks!
    As a Male, 1300 cals per day is far too low for you!
    I have a leg injury right now, so can't really exercise and even i'm eating 1700......and i'm a 5ft 3 female. When i exercise, i can eat around 2000-2100.
    So if you're exercising, you should probably be eating triple what you're eating now! (depending on your height/weight).
    Try snacking on Nuts throughout the day, they will easily boost your calories.
    Maybe see roughly what your maintenance cals should be. I used this calculator:

    Btw, glad you reached your goal Katie!
  • mikehardin62
    mikehardin62 Posts: 122 Member
    Thankyou Kathie
  • mikehardin62
    mikehardin62 Posts: 122 Member
    vixx1405 wrote: »
    Congratulations that is a brilliant loss. I'm new to this maintenance lark aswell. I sometimes think I have no idea what I'm doing so this post is very helpful

    Me either but folks here are very very, caring and helpful. If i need to know they you should be just hang for the ride, it only gets better from here.
  • mikehardin62
    mikehardin62 Posts: 122 Member
    ericGold15 wrote: »
    Well thats kind of hard when i fill so full after i eat...i dont want to puke right? So i let my stomach settle then im not hungry for hours...
    If you are staying the same weight then whether you think it is 1300 or 2300 calories is academic, and you should not eat more unless you exercise more. Do be sure to eat enough nutrients though. The US RDA is generous but not a bad position.

    I'll be entering quasi-maintenance mode in the next few weeks. By that I mean another 5 lbs loss over the next year, barely enough average negative daily deficit at - 50 Cal/day to register. I'm not entirely sure how that is going to work, but I *suspect* (hope) that continuing a lifestyle change of increased exercise and no junk food will allow me to slowly settle down to the target weight. I view this different than dieting since I will not be actively trying to lose weight, but instead will just reach a new CICO equilibrium. I'm not sure how the body will deal with the caloric requirements of spikes in exercise; I may have to manually adjust. I'll continue to weigh weekly and log my eating to be sure I do not return to bad habits.

    Well at this point in my walk, i am at 190lbs fully dressed. I need another 5lbs. So will am on my way there as fast as i can go...i have adjusted my ... mfp i know where i am at all times...i do 0o junk, no refined sugar, , you know all that stuff. You will be fine...text here whenever you want always glad to talk about this jurney.