The0dora07 Member


  • Sorry to hear about your dad..that's horrible. He should be encouraging you!!! I used to work out in my garage. I don't have a basement and I didn't have enough room in any of my living space to work out; I went to the local hardware store and bought a cheap area rug (the ones you put on your patio, approx $20), threw it…
  • Abs are made in the kitchen :| You have to figure out how much you should eat, then count calories and weigh your food. Portion (and Self) control is key to everything but especially dieting. The key is 80% diet, 20% exercise..there is no trick to avoid that
  • Very rarely do I weigh myself unless I am cutting. I normally take measurements every two weeks or so, and use the body fat measurement to track fat loss. If you're working out consistently you will gain muscle (which weighs more than fat) so your scale will be higher, yet, you'll feel skinnier. That is ulimately the goal…
  • Cheat day is sometimes critical to shock your body. If you get your body used to feeding it all this healthy stuff, it's not a bad idea to throw in a cheat day every two months or so. Any lifter you will ask, will tell you they have a cheat day. Google Dwayne Johnson's cheat meal! You will be surprised. Also - do stick to…
  • I go to PF and I have the $20/month membership (Black Card) because it allows me to bring in a person everytime and a few other perks. My BF lives out of town and when he comes to visit he can come to the gym with me. I have never had issues with PF. They are always nice and professional, and they do allow me to…
  • I tell them lifestyle change! Lots of good food and hard work :) But great job! this is a good issue to have to worry about
  • It also depends on how long you'll keep it off once you start eating more calories...
  • You're welcome! :D It is a great site!
  • Agree with jkwolly..some people are not well documented. :'(
  • Oats, dairy, eggs, fruits, veggies, red meats, poultry, seafood, sweet potatoes, quinoa, brown rice, protein shakes, etc. We mostly eat/cook in so we increase his servings to get him to his necessary caloric intake to maintain. Restaurants add too much sodium.
  • Strength trainer here! I despise cardio :neutral_face: I do it, because I know it's good for me, but I enjoy strength training 3-4 times a week and yoga once a week. You're not alone :#
  • MY BF has to eat 3500 calories a day to maintain..of non-junky calories. It can be done, and I agree with everyone else; you're fatigue because you don't eat enough, and/or you don't get enough rest,'re hangry :wink: Good luck and get well
  • To me discipline in my diet is key! A lot of people "diet" for a bit and then they "fall off the wagon" and expect to not gain the weight after they get off the "diet". If you don't think of it as a "Diet" is won't be as difficult. Instead of saying/thinking "I can't eat bread" for example, say "I don't eat bread"...I know…
  • I would recommend a bit of both. Strength training will help your muscles grow which in the end will increase your metabolic rate and you will burn more calories. ***Make sure your form is correct and you challenge yourself to increase your weights little by little. That's the only way your muscles will grow. Cardio is…