jinkoori Member


  • Stuck at home today. It's raining hard and my sneeze attacks are bad. Just did planks and other core exercises. Jumping rope and other bodyweight exercises. Off ice jumps.
  • I once struggled with this, too. I used to love carbs and was an overeater even though I wasn't overweight. But it's changed now: I don't feel compulsion anymore, and I crave more healthy foods. I'm also surprised since it came somewhat suddenly. I felt this change when I resolved to myself that I want toned, muscular abs…
  • It's a workout that uses no weights. Only your own body weight.
    in abs Comment by jinkoori December 2015
  • I think it varies for everyone. For me, because that's what I was doing before: do core exercises and eat anything in moderation as long as I don't get past my calorie limit. Although I lost weight, the ab muscles were still hidden under my "skinny belly fat". Also, I used to be an overeater, but when i overcame that, i…
    in abs Comment by jinkoori December 2015
  • I also want the same thing. So I've avoided all white carbs. I think it helps. I've also increased my intake of protein. My rule is that fat is better than sugar, so I turn to cheese and yoghurt to curb my cravings. Then, I do bodyweight cardio to burn fat. While watching videos, I do core exercises. I take at least a 3km…
    in abs Comment by jinkoori December 2015
  • Hi. It's not about the scale numbers. It's about being healthy and doing good to your body. Even if you starve yourself and wear yourself out and successfully lose weight, it's not good. From what I've read, you've been running farther, lifting heavier, and doing better. That's a lot to be cheerful about. :) It's not about…
  • yum kimchi
  • I understand. I also struggled with overeating before. And it's a struggle everyday. The only difference is perhaps, the cravings get weaker and weaker, but perhaps never to the point when they'll be totally gone. We're human, anyway. I suggest you rid your house of any food that you are always tempted to overeat. Also,…
  • Hi! It's not about the number. It's about your health. Love your body, desire its maximum health. :) I suggest you try sports. They have helped me realized the importance of a strong, healthy body. Enjoy yourself, enjoy life. ^^