tinahagar498 Member


  • Thanks so much for the video link! I just want to say that I live in Antofagasta Chile and that Chile as a whole is a very poor country. As in many countries, it is a small percentage of people who have all the money. The minimum wage here is $200.000 chilean pesos. Imagine $200 every month as your pay for working 35-40…
  • Thanks for the advice. It is good to hear from other people that are still eating and enjoying some regular foods! I have been reading many books and had a look at the GI value of many foods. I will have a look for this book also - thank you! I am feeling dizzy and weak again today. I am not sure if my blood sugar levels…
  • My best breakfast options are definitely some sliced meet and maybe quesillo. Like queso fresco as mentioned before. It is true that we don't have cottage cheese here. My husband doesn't even know what it is ha ha. I do enjoy eating fruit and although I don't eat a lot of it I won't be giving it up completely. The…
  • Ah thanks for the YouTube URL! I'll be watching this asap. And thank you to everyone for the great advice. I will absolutely be making changes and not following the doctors medium-high carb diet plan. I will aim for under 100g of carbs and add in avocados, olive oil, almonds etc. I just need to learn a whole new way of…
  • Please don't say things like I thought your post was a joke and criticise. It is unhelpful and not everyone knows about diabetes or insulin problems before being diagnosed. Of course I am not ignorant to my problem and have since writing this post read many books. All support and knowledge from people that have this…
  • I lost 7lbs in the first week but it was just the weight that I gained the week before. I'm now back to the same weight that I have been for over a year and can't lose no matter what I do. The doctor told me to follow this diet plan. Today I've vomited and felt really weak all day. I am going to go back to eating whole…
  • Thanks everyone. It's really good advice. I was very suspicious of the bread and pasta that's for sure. I've not had much appetite so I haven't eaten much. It is true that the health care in chile is not fantastic however I have private medical insurance so it's not as bad as it could be. The doctor gave me this diet. It…
  • I've never been tested for PCOS so I am not sure. The side effects are normal and have passed now but I just need help with a few food ideas. Also some support with anyone going through the same thing would be nice. Diabetics are also told to eat bread, rice and potatoes so I'm not concerned. The amounts I am allowed are…
  • i would love more friends too. i need some help keeping on track!