fnub Member


  • Thanks everyone for offering your input. I'm reading everything and considering the things that you have all said. I really appreciate your time in this matter.
  • Today I'm 100 days in & 42lb's down. That's 100 days of working out, watching what i eat and always make sure i have a deficit. It really isnt as hard as i thought it would be. With my 45-60 min workout on the cross trainer, i can use my phone to listen to my favourite music or watch movies/tv shows etc etc. Plus i burn…
  • Update. Lost another 4.8 in the last 2 weeks. That's .8 over the apps expectancy of 2lbs/week. I can now see the sandwich, I mean the light at the end of the tunnel. As long as you are honest with yourself you can do this...
  • Lunch Idea - TUNA MELT Tuna Melt by notlawfilms@gmail.com, on Flickr
  • This is getting ridiculous...
  • This was merely a test over the past week. Nothing more. I'm not obsessed, just curious to see how my body is reacting to the new lifestyle changes.
  • I find it shocking that none of you could go more than 35 minutes without any water intake. How can you genuinely workout HARD and drink water at the same time? Oh yeah, you're stopping your workout to drink. Glad to hear that you guys seem to know it all.
  • I just started an experiment for this. So many people tell me not to do this because the of how the scale fluctuates and how it can be very disappointing at times. But I found a way to see the difference I make each and every day. I workout 7 days per week and want to see what effect it has. In order to see results every…
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpW3-hafRN4
  • Makes sense. Thank you.
  • Measurements like "1/4 of a bell pepper" really don't mean much - along with "Homemade chicken soup - 1 serving". MFP seems to know how many calories are in a bell pepper. I think MFP can do the math. Also the home-made chicken soup is made up of measured ingredients and created into a meal so I know exactly what's in the…
  • Yes, I measure everything. All I was expecting was the weight loss of 1 or 2lb's per week as the app suggests. About 9 10 years ago I lost over 85lb's and kept it off for 2 years. This was done using a lo-carb method and the pounds melted away. For now I'm going to ignore the scales, keep doing what I'm doing, eventually…
  • For a while now we've had problems with our drinking water. We just rectified that so my intake should drastically increase.
  • Why would you want to eat those exercise calories? How is that going to help me lose weight? I thought this was a basic principle of calories in/calories out.