"Trying hard or hardly trying"
Hi, I'm always after new female friends to help motivate eachother, I can't add ppl at the moment feel free to add me
Hi, I'm always after new female friends to help motivate eachother, I can't add ppl at the moment feel free to add me
Hi, I'm always after new female friends to help motivate eachother, I can't add ppl at the moment feel free to add me
Hi, I'm always after new female friends to help motivate eachother, I can't add ppl at the moment feel free to add me
Hi, I'm always after new female friends to help motivate eachother, I can't add ppl at the moment feel free to add me
Hi, I'm always after new female friends to help motivate eachother, I can't add at the moment, feel free to add me :)
My phone won't let me add right now, iv lost 18kg in 2 months and I'm after more female friends to keep each other motivated, add me :)
My phone won't let me add right now, iv lost 18kg in 2 months and I'm after more female friends to keep each other motivated, add me :)
My phone won't let me add right now, iv lost 18kg in 2 months and I'm after more female friends to keep each other motivated, add me :)
My phone won't let me add right now, iv lost 18kg in 2 months and I'm after more female friends to keep each other motivated, add me :)
Hi @scattymumcaz I can't add ppl atm not sure why but feel free to add me
Feel free to add me, I can't add you for some reason
Awesome hips
Hi, im just starting out again and have lost a bit but have a long way to go, feel free to add me if you like and good luck
I can't add you for some reason but I'm lookin for female friends on here to, feel free to add me
That was weird
I have a lot to lose and I need female friends to so we can help each other with motivation. Ladies feel free to add me
Thankyou everyone for all your responses, it seems their is nothing clear cut and I guess it's up to the individual. Yes I see a doctor every 2 weeks, she suggested I lose weight & monitors the weight loss (29 pound or 13 kilo gone in 7 weeks) im also booked in to see a dietician but can't get in till the end of the month.…
Yeah @mjsandle16 I don't eat the extra calories iv burnt either
Thankyou @thegreatcanook, I'm loving this app, do you find the calories burnt and food intake to be pretty accurate?
hi everyone, im new here to, i have a significant amoount of weight to lose, iv done it before but have never maintained, i have suffered mental illness & depression & blew up to the heaviest iv ever been. im so unfit to, iv prepped & planned my meals and just started walking today for a hour. i want to do this the right…