

  • Weigh in tomorrow. Hoping to be down one kg. not confident though. But I'll be busting my moves on the treadmill today so let the lbs fall where they may! I fell like I'm in the biggest loser temptation room this week. Every day parcels arrive from home with loads of lovely chocolate. I'm not being as strong willed as I…
  • Re: respecting people's beliefs. I respect your right to believe what you want. But I in no way respect the belief that a dude with a beard created the earth in six days and then spent the next 6000 years ignoring millions of kids dying of starvation but made sure to facilitate actors with little statues. Sorry but no,…
  • When people don't bat an eyelid if I pick up 2lts of coke or a slab of choc but if I pick up vegetable juice or rye crackers they feel obliged to tell me why they aren't healthy and I should just get more exercise. F**k the f**k off! my bmi doesnt give you the right to critique my trolley.
  • You have us to a tee! He has recently got the mfp app. He is so competitive! I'm not worried about him outdoing me though, I know my limits and I work at pushing them, not matching his. He's very encouraging, without hurting my feelings. i cook the meals too, which means we all eat what I eat. He plays football three times…
  • Hi, you can add me. I have about 110 to lose. I weigh in every week to keep myself motivated and accountable but I'm not worried to much about numbers. I have some fitness goals, like I want to complete Jillian michaels 30 day shred in jan and hopefully join a sports team in feb/mar. I also have some clothes that I would…
  • I'm bumping this. Everytime I log a cardio workout my cals from walking disappear. I'm getting very frustrated. Can someone help? Thanks.
  • Perfect! Thank you, that was exactly what I needed to hear. I've cut my calls from approx 2500-3000 a day, and honestly, I'm not exaggerating when I say 1500-2000 of them came from chocolate and alcohol. I've added veggies to every meal and Im staying in the region 1200-1500 without too much effort. I don't drive so I'm…
  • To not be a couch potato :) I don't have much time so trying to maximise the minutes I have. I have a good bit of belly fat to lose. What would you suggest to move closer to hiit? Thanks for replying :)
  • Hi I'm looking for some friends too. Sahm to 3 kids, one is only ten months. I've packed it on since he was born, need to get it under control as I'm hoping to go to uni next year. Feel free to add me :)