SonyaRBA Member


  • I just wanted to reach out and thank you for posting. After reading all the responses, I've walked away feeling less alone. So, thank you! And I hope you find the help you need. I wish you the best!
  • I'm back to old habits (slight anorexia but mainly bulimia), but I just now admitted my relapse to a psychiatrist friend of mine. Its definitely not the cure but a nice start. I have a large house with my own bathroom, so temptation is all around. I have a support husband, so him finding out would devastate him. I'm hoping…
  • I completely understand and relate. You aren't alone.
  • I'm 41. 😁 I struggled for years (anorexia and bulimia), but just now relapsed with mainly bulimia. You are definitely not alone. The struggle is real, but this website helps so much! Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • I have my carbs much lower (5-10%), protein higher (maybe 60%), and my fat is set to something near what you have. All of my low-carb dieting friends have their fat % goals set higher than 45%. It's very difficult to maintain that level when you are eating loads of pure protein topped with cheese (which is how I like it)!…
  • I found a low-carb tortilla that is high in fiber and low in calories, too. It's from La Banderita. I buy it at Walmart. It has only 5 grams net carbs, 6 grams of fiber, and only 81 calories. Works wonders when you drink a lot of water with it. Good luck to you!