gouldyftw Member


  • The exercise you enjoy the most! Any sport or activity that you will do consistently week after week is the best one. My preference is mountain biking.
  • Although as the outside of the bread burns/browns, energy is released... So in theory the toast will contain slightly fewer calories than the piece of bread. Unfortunately, you'd probably need a science lab to work out the exact number... Assuming you are trying to lose weight, I would go with the bread measurement (i.e.…
  • Daily weight fluctuations are normal... I've attached a screenshot from Withings Health Mate which I am currently using to track my weight. Each of the blue dots is an actual daily measurement with the thin line connecting them, and you can see the fluctuations in these measurements. The thick blue line is the trend of my…
  • Do whatever makes YOU happy... don't worry about what other people think (especially not on your birthday!). Clearly the fact you're even thinking about going is because you want to!
  • You will be most successful combining diet and exercise. Bare in mind that walking counts as exercise though! You may find this webpage helpful for some simple ways to burn 100 calories relatively quickly. http://www.sparkpeople.com/resource/fitness_articles.asp?id=1777 For example, walking 20 minutes at 3mph... 10 minutes…
  • If people are trying to bring you down, it only means you are above them ;)
  • One look at the nutritional content will tell you it's at least as unhealthy as McDonald's and other fast food!
  • One or two days will not make a difference in the long run, in the same way that you wouldn't consider one or two days long enough for a diet. It sounds like you've got a good excuse for a 'cheat day' (or two) use it! Just make sure you get back into your healthy routine on Monday :)