

  • Sorry I've been MIA. I have been so busy with work and then when I get home I am exhausted. I also found out something that is super exciting but was very unexpected and has caused me to raise my calorie goal.... I'M PREGNANT! Definitely was not expecting this to happen now, actually I really was afraid that I would never…
  • Well yesterday I went over in calories because I was so starving at lunch time when I went to run my errand I grabbed some mcdonalds because I didn't think I could wait til I got back to eat my salad, then I took my sisters and gma out to dinner last night. So I'm probably close to 500 or 600 over. Just gotta be under the…
  • Well I ended up not working out yesterday. I tried to do the Jillian Michaels kick boxing DVD that I found in one of my unpacked containers last night but my puppy dog just would not let me do it. He kept jumping up on me. I guess he thought I was playing. I was still under my calories even though I didn't tweak anything…
  • Even though I did all that prepping i forgot to make my guacamole for snacks and salads so I went to the grocery store to buy some and then also got sushi and ate it. But it didn't kill my calories so I just need to tweak the rest of my day a little bit or add in a bit of exercise and I'm all good to go! I am feeling well…
  • Paleo is super awesome! I am mostly paleo right now I did 100% last year and it was great but I needed a bit of a change! Add me if you want! I have tons of great recipes, paleo and regular!
  • Sunday share: Hi I'm Rozie, 24, from Houston TX. I have been married for 3 months. I have an amazing husband and an amazing dog named simon. He's my baby, he's a lab pitt rott mix and he is the sweetest dog ever. I have right around 100 lbs to lose. My goal weight is 200lbs right now because my frame is very very large…
  • So far today is going well. I realized I can sit here and make a plan for how I want to lose weight all I want but it does me no good unless I put it into action. So today I am really really starting to put my weight loss plan into action. No excuses. I am going to open my food diary so If anyone wants to have a look at it…
  • Thank you for all the support you guys have given me. I really appreciate it. Yesterday was a hard night for me. My Dad went home yesterday and that left me home alone for the first time since my mom passed. I was just a big ball of tears. I need to make sure I have something to focus on when I'm home alone. My eating was…
  • I know I've been gone over a week now, but I am back. Unfortunately my mom passed away last Monday. It has been a very hard week for my family. We are very sad that she is gone but we know she is no longer suffering or in pain. She is now cancer free up in Heaven. She fought so hard from the time she was diagnosed until…
  • Good afternoon. Thank you to everyone who is keeping my mom in their thoughts and prayers. It means a lot to me. She isn't doing too well but she is making a little progress. The short story: She has stage 4 metastatic breast cancer and leptomeningial disease (the cancer spread to her spinal fluid). Chemo really hasn't…
  • Yesterday was stressful. My mom is in the hospital. She's not doing too great right now. If you all could keep her in your thoughts and prayers I would greatly appreciate it. I did not eat well yesterday. I was just kind of in a fog all day after I heard my mom wasn't doing well. I did do my hair and makeup and that gave…
  • **WHEW** I thought I lost all I typed. I closed my other browser page and started scrolling around and forgot I was posting when I realized I hit the back button a few times. Thank goodness for that. Good morning. I am officially back as of today. I have been having a stressful time, between work, my car, and my house.…
  • Sorry I have been gone so long. I have just been extremely stressed out about a lot of things. I will catch up later. I hope everyone is doing well! Rozie1019
  • Good day everyone! Kaye-Really hope you get 100% soon! No fun being sick. Mara- I eat baby carrots for snacks. Low cal and crunchy and a hint of sweetness. You can eat a pound of them and they only barely hit 200 calories. I know, I have done this on many occasions. They go great with homemade guacamole or ranch. I make my…
  • Just a quick check-in. My mom's surgery went well. When she woke up from it all she was telling the nurses how she was ready for her steak and shrimp. The night was sleepless mostly because both of us were uncomfortable. She was released Thursday afternoon. Her Dr. called and told her the nurses were telling her that my…
  • Today I am eating light because for dinner it's burger king. My mom is having surgery today and I promised to stay the night with her in the hospital and bring her home tomorrow. (Which goes with my wed wish that her surgery goes well) She told me I better bring her burger king or she'll send me home. She's such a hoot!…
  • Good news, got the pipe fixed. Bad news, we have low water pressure in our shower and the sink in the shower room. The sink in the room with the toilet is fine along with the other 2 sinks in the house and the upstairs shower. Thankfully we can shower up there until we get the other problem figured out. Yesterday was…
  • Hi everyone! I promise I didn't just post once then leave. I had a really busy/exciting/stressful weekend. I'll be as brief as possible. Friday:Work was super stressful due to my boss being a stubborn idiot. By the time I got home I was exhausted and really needed to just relax. Saturday:We had a pipe that has been leaking…
  • Hi All, I hope I can join! I'm Rozie (like Rosey) I'm 24 and recently married. I used to use mfp for a while earlier in the year and I was doing pretty well. Then I deleted my account because I got caught up in wedding planning, the wedding, and the honeymoon. I used to follow this thread but never added anything, I was…