Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Rozie1019
    Hi everyone! I promise I didn't just post once then leave. I had a really busy/exciting/stressful weekend. I'll be as brief as possible. Friday:Work was super stressful due to my boss being a stubborn idiot. By the time I got home I was exhausted and really needed to just relax. Saturday:We had a pipe that has been leaking fixed, or so we thought. Had a ton of errands to run. Sunday: Sunday was the worst in all, the morning was great for me. I went to my sisters first half marathon relay. She ran half the half marathon and her friend ran the other half. She ran 6.55 miles in 1 hour and 27 minutes. She didn't run the whole time but she did really good. She had her Iphone playing music the whole time and said she never walked more than 1 song. She even finished the last quarter mile with her friend. Then when leaving I found out the the pipe we thought was fixed had busted and was pouring out of our ceiling. Our water is currently shut off and the guy is coming back out today to fix it again and said he knew exactly what happened. Thankfully we don't have to pay for any of the repairs. We are renting the place from his parents who now live in FL and they are paying for all of the repairs. It's just frustrating. That was a lot longer than I thought it would be.

    Thank you to everyone who welcomed me and congratulated me on my marriage. I really appreciate it.

    NK1112- I do have a YMCA and other gyms near me but after research none have indoor tracks. I do have a lot going on but I can handle it most of the time. I take all my shirts that are too big and cut them and braid them and make them into ropes for my dog. He absolutely loves them. It's the only soft toy that lasts more than 5 seconds. The last one I made him lasted him about 3.5 months. When they start unraveling I rebraid it. I only throw it away once he has torn it to shreds.

    LaurieK & Robin- I live in Houston TX.

    Robin-I thankfully don't have much to unpack. I unpacked the important stuff already. I got some of my crocheting stuff out last night since I didn't have anything to do but sit around. I had my wallet stolen once they left my ID, SSC and debit card but took the cash, all $12, and my wallet. I was most upset about the wallet because my uncle had made it for me before he passed. I'm glad you got yours back and none of the cards were used. Rotten they took the cash and cards.

    Skinnyjeans- I'm the opposite the treadmill makes my joints hurt. I think my husband and I are going to slowly invest in weights for the house. I think it'll payoff in the long run.

    Mountmary- I love to cook too! My husband and I have been lazy lately due to our schedules not meshing well and mostly me getting home and being tired from work. I'm going to try and prepare more over the weekends from now on.

    To all those getting stressed with work: I get super stressed too. I listen to calming music all day and it seems to help quite a bit. I am a very non-confrontational person but my boss just has this way of really getting to me and drawing out the confrontation. It's time for a new job and I am going to start looking this weekend.

    Have a great day!

  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy Pretend To Be A Time Traveler Day
    Created in 2007 by the Koala Wallop online community, Pretend To Be A Time Traveler Day is an annual event which combines elements of performance art, humour and plain old fun.
    As the name suggests, the basic premise of the day is to pretend to be a time traveler, either from the past or from the future, who has somehow ended up in the present day.
    For maximum effect, this role play should involve friends and a full costume, should take place in public places and should involve conversations complete strangers.
    Get a group of friends together, dress up as time travelers from the future, ask strangers what year it is and respond in horror. Take on the character of a lone time traveler from the past and pretend to be amazed by all forms of modern technology. The possibilities are almost endless.
    The best way to celebrate this holiday is to find a Delorean and drive around town to see if anyone can help you fix your Flux Capacitor.

    “First we form habits; then they form us. Conquer your bad habits or they will conquer you.” ~Robert Gilbert

  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Hello everyone, sorry I've been a bit awol I've also been naughty and not logged in food either. I got a bit distracted with family feuds since the death of my SO's nan, but it has been getting better since her funeral last Monday, but issues are still arising over the Will etc etc. The ugly side of someone passing should never be witnessed, its all getting very personal and so I've decided to stay out of it now.
    THEN the decorations went up this weekend. I apologise now, but I am so not a Christmas person. I feel like the Grinch living in Whoville. I have an advent candle and have done half of my Christmas shopping so I think I have done well so far, but the sheer amount of decorations they can fit into a small terrace house is obscene! And my spacial awareness is non-existent so I inevitably end up breaking some form of decoration every year. My parents stuck by the Victorian tradition of putting decorations up as a family on Christmas Eve and taking them down after the 12 days of Christmas so two weeks of decorations is enough for me, not five.


    Moving swiftly onward. Even though I haven't been logging in, I have still done pretty well on my weight loss, it's gradually going down, then sometimes up, but mostly down. I bought myself some new scales on Black Friday and they measure body fat, but I haven't got round to figuring that bit out yet. But I instantly took a disliking to them when they told me I was 2lbs heavier than what my old scales said. So we haven't got off on the right foot, but I spent £90 on them so I will have to accept it really.
    Still swimming three times a week, I can now manage 3 full (33m) lengths of front crawl without choking and I timed myself today and I can do one length in 45 seconds. I'm not sure if that is good/bad/average but it is something to work on. :smile: I have just started to push myself to do 28 lengths in 30 mins. Ultimate goal? 30 in 30, if it wasn't for the fact I only have 2 weeks of work left before Christmas I would have made it my December goal but I may make it January's instead (particularly since I know Father Christmas has bought me a MisFit Shine for all my hard work)

    I hope you are all well, and succesful! I haven't had time to do personals, but I will tomorrow. :smile:
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    Good Monday everyone ...

    @Robin ... that's a good idea for vacuuming, I'll give it a try too. (LOL, my doctor once said .. don't vacuum, it's bad for your back. I said ... so who is going to do it, I live alone. His reply .... hire someone! I said ... you are so funny.)

    @Mountmary ... yes, I was a little girl of 5 years at the time and I remember quite a bit about the trip. Your post about loving to cook, and my photo of the ship got me to thinking last night about recipes. I went through my mom's old-world cookbook and realized just how nutritious and easy so many of those recipes are. I think ... hold on ... I think I feel some inspiration to cook some of them.

    @Skinny ... that's such a neat idea, going somewhere fun with a friend to do some of your grading. It's putting a whole different spin on the work at hand. Oh for the days when 12's were big (sigh).

    @maram ... what you say is so true. IT is a very individual story, weight loss. ... yet I think there is a common thread to everyone's story and that is behavior modification.

    @Rosie ... Using music to help set your pace is a good idea. I think I'll put that into my list of tips.

    @Morgori .. The quote you used today is one of my favorites. I repeat it often to myself.

    @Lois ... You'll have to share that Grinch hat with me. I don't even put up a tree, haven't since the dogs passed and I got cats. My husband and I also put our tree up on Christmas Eve, after our son fell asleep ... boy would we be tired come Christmas morning when he would be all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.

    AFM ... it's check-in day for me .... and ....
    I lost weight this week also ... a whole 1.4 pounds .. same amount lost as last week. ... and that's eating up to maintenance level input. I'm not resetting my calories until January.

    Calorie goals ... 7/7 at or below (average calories
    Housecleaning goals ... Did nothing yesterday as it was Sunday. Haven't started today yet because I had to take the car for service first thing this morning. But my plan for this afternoon is the refrigerator and pantry. Plus cook supper. It's meatless Monday in my plans today for supper. Haven't decided yet if it will be a soup or an omelet with veggies and cheese. The utility room project took a halt on Saturday and will be resumed again Tuesday.

    I've come up with an old idea revisited to get me feeling happier about the housework ... pay myself!

    “There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them.” ~Dr. Denis Waitley

  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    Hi everyone,

    WOW! I am hungry; I have had 2/3 of my calories for the day so there is not much room for a snack, so I thought I would jump on the thread.

    @ Kaye You make me think I should get out my knitting needles and try to re-learn what I have surely forgotten. That would have kept me out of the peanuts last night.

    @ Maram I can tell already that you are going to inspire me.

    @ Robin What was the book? I hope it was a good one. Wish I could “dangle” in the pool with you!

    @ Kelley Good luck with WW. I have had good success there in the past. I am really glad though that you are going to continue to post here. Good luck with all those medical tests. Such fun that is (NOT)

    @lllecc You are really doing well. I think your week at a time idea is a great one. Keep up the good work.

    @ Niki Congrats on the nice loss again! I am waiting now to hear what you cook. I think some of the old traditional recipes are definitely the best.

    @ Lori I am sure you are going to win that challenge. Your determination is unbeatable!

    I think all of you baking cookies are very brave. I have thought about it; probably should for gifts etc. but am afraid I will enjoy the “samples” to much. I do make some good ones…as we all do.

    Monday check in: After I finished my calories for the day yesterday I sat down with DH who was watching the football game. I had a Diet Coke; alas, he was eating dry roasted peanuts and I fear I had some too and went over on calories. “Sunday Sabatage” that Soosun mentions seems to be a real trap for me too. I am going to need to work on that a bit. AT least now I see it. I seem to be able to do pretty well the rest of the week, so why not Sunday?

    @Karen and Laurie and other teachers. Good luck finishing out the time before Christmas. It always seems there is more going on then and the kids focus sometimes wavers….especially if you teach little ones.

    December Challenge:

    Calories under goal: 6/31
    Salad a day: 6/31
    Exercise: Dismal

    Thanks every one of you for being here.

    It is snowing.
    Go Pack go
  • maram29
    maram29 Posts: 100 Member
    @GrandmaKaye: :smile:
    @kah68: TY. Hope you had enough energy for cardio...
    @Morgori: I think 'Pretend to be a Time Traveler Day' is fantastic (excuse the pun). My 9 year olds (I teach fourth grade) will LOVE to do this with Charades during our Morning Meeting tomorrow. I can't wait to see what they come up with. I might also get a little real with the habits quote. :wink:
    @Lois: It sounds like swimming is working for you! Keep on keeping on!
    @Niki: Great job with your loss! Love your quote.
    @MountMary84: I hope we can inspire each other. I'm with you about baking cookies...I'm afraid this year. I do need to bake, but want to plan it out so everyone getting the cookies will get them and I will not have any leftovers, perhaps except for 2.
    The little ones are a delight to be with at this time of year, as long as you keep them hopping. Down time is your enemy. :open_mouth:

    AFM: This past weekend was better than the previous one (OUCH). Sodium was more to a dull roar, as were my macros. Need to get a lot of things done RE: Holidays this week. Otherwise, business as usual. Log diary, cardio, weigh in....

    Take care of yourselves. Rock on!
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    The quote I posted earlier needs to have the proper credit.
    "Success is not final
    Failure is not fatal
    The courage to continue that is the key"

    Winston Churchill
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Karen- My last day of school for this year is December 23, we return on January 5. I wish we had the whole week of Christmas off but not this year. I have been told to check out the Loft as well, maybe I will have some luck with pants.

    Lois- You are making good time in the pool, as you increase your endurance your time will improve.

    Short night on personals. It has been a long day. My trainer ended up with a 2.5 hours break between her last appointment and me so I met her at Ft. Meade. It was a good workout and a nice change of scenery. The upside was that I was able to work longer to plan our lessons for this week. We have the basic plans for the next 4 days so it helps, we just need to finish up a lab and make copies.

    Have a great week.

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys! Good to hear everyone is trucking along!

    @lori--love the quote--Churchill was a wise man.

    @maram--4th grade seems like a fun age, though I lack the patience for anyone under 16--and even they are difficult at times. :smiley:

    @barbara--I think all of our focus is wavering in the classroom right now. Today before the bell for class, one of my seniors said, "I'm so stressed but I'm too tired to even get anxious about it." I told her that was the perfect description of my current state as well. LOL

    @niki--I LOVE that quote! I want to passive-aggressively send it out to all of my fellow teachers, some of whom are already whining about contract negotiations that they've done NOTHING to facilitate. Of course, I won't. As far as the 12s being loose, that's certainly not the norm for me, and I can honestly say I have no memories of ever being in a size this small. I think I went right from children's sizes into Juniors 12/14 (US) and then onto Misses 14.

    @lois--welcome back!! Do NOT apologize for not being a Christmas person. One of my FB friends posted something right before Thanksgiving that basically said that no one should have to do anything he/she doesn't want to to celebrate a holiday. That really resonated for me. I love my family and celebrating the holidays, but I hate all of the added work and stress. Years ago, DH and I used to host Christmas dinner and then his sister moved into a bigger house and wanted to take over. This was fine with us, and I haven't put up one decoration in the years since she took over. I get no "joy" out of all of the extra work, and DH and I are both much happier without that chore of putting up and taking down the tree. I also decided that this year I'm not sending out cards to anyone except for a few aunts and cousins who live out of state. If that makes me a Grinch, so be it. :wink:

    @rozie--ooh, sounds like a rough couple of days. Thank goodness you don't have to foot the bill to boot!

    @kelley--good luck getting through all of your medical tests.

    Monday Check-in:
    Made it through the weekend and a long Monday. I got zero grading done other than a couple of paper revisions my juniors turned in on Friday. If they are keeping up with all of their practice work (assignments they do for feedback, but that earn no points), they can revise papers and tests for higher grades.

    Union meeting after work was long considering it wasn't even a bargaining meeting--it was just the teachers prepping for our next meeting at the table. Tomorrow I have another long union rep meeting, but HOORAY, our faculty meeting on Wed was canceled. Going to use that time to hit the gym and probably walk gunner if this yucky, cold drizzle lets up.

    December All-In:
    Under calorie goal: 8/8 days (goal is 28/31 days)
    Workout: 1/8 (goal is as much as possible)
    8k over Winter Break (not sure what day) in 56 minutes (Thanksgiving 8k was 56:49)

    Grading Goals:
    1. 60/66 AP essays
    2. 18/66 AP Journals
    3. 30/60 SL Tests HALF DONE!
    4. x/66 Tone tests

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun--walk gunner DONE
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner + gym
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good evening. I've been following all of the posts. I am always inspired by your efforts. Just a couple of thoughts.
    Cooking and baking are on my list of things I am not willing to give up. They are an important part of my life, so I have to work around them.
    Vanity sizing is very real. 45 years ago I weighed 125 pounds, and wore a size 12. I now weigh 50 pounds more than that and again wear a size 12.
    I am reaching my goals today, so am food 8/8, exercise 8/8, water7/8.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Hi everyone who's posted since me! I just finished reading thru, thought I'd do that first then go back and do personals. Well, darn it, before I started I took my sleeping pill, and its foolish of me to even try now ;)
    All I can remember is um, Laurie mentioned Scuba - how fun, I did it once right after high school and right away saw a fish bigger than me on my first dive - scared the ### ont of me. Haven't done it since - but I'd love to!
    - Nite -off to bed o:)
  • maram29
    maram29 Posts: 100 Member
    Good morning,
    Just got my HIIT workout in...logging my day and decided to check in. I forget what is supposed to be done on Tuesday. Ah well, I'll catch on.
    Have a fantastic day. Go rock the world.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Just a quick check in which is all I can seem to find time for these days. Work is nuts, too many social gatherings going on and shopping for gifts puts me over the edge. I wish I was a bear (and I could be given my level of grouchiness). I would hibernate until the holidays are over!!

    All in Challenge:

    Under Calories: 6/8
    Exercise: 7/9
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    @NK1112 - Ah Niki there is plenty of Grinch hat to go around, :smile: We stopped getting a real tree when we got a dog because the needles got in her paws and discovered the world of trees with lights and tinsel on it already and never turned back.
    @maram29 - I'm loving the swimming, I just wish I could look as graceful as some of the others in the pool. They make it look so easy and I'm there puffing and splashing around ha ha ha!
    @Lauriek70 - Swimming got a lot easier when I realised that you have to pull yourself through the water with your arms rather than push with your legs. My arms and shoulders have been aching ever since!
    @skinnyj - I'm never used to be a Grinch, I think its since I met my SO and now I have to choose which house I wake up in on Christmas Day, which one I have Christmas Dinner in and where I end up at the end of the day. Which means I can't have a drink and enjoy myself until the end of the day when the driving is done. And boxing day I have to drive 4 hours from London to Liverpool to see his dad for a couple of days. The more people involved the more complicated and stressful it gets. Back in the day I woke up at mum and dads, ate at the restaurant down the road walked home and relaxed! I can't believe how much you have going on right now! How you cope I have no idea! Well done to you though!

    AFM - I have to run to the shops on my lunch break to get my little brother his present and send it off because he is in Florida working at the moment and the last international freight fight is tomorrow apparently. So its all go go go!

    Have a good day everyone!

  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    Morning everyone!

    WOW! The run up to the holidays really do sort of push us all kinda hard don't they?

    @Kaye Ahhh, yes, I remember vanity sizing and the big change. My wedding dress was the first time I had see that; it was a size 9! I remember when sewing patterns changed a few years later; how confusing!

    @L2T Glad you are still here. Hang in there.

    I want to thank you all for being here. It is because of you I am still at this. My friend that I started with around Halloween (not on the thread) is sort of "absent" just now. I know I would have faded out too without you. I may not be doing perfectly, but I am still trying and it is because I have you sitting on my shoulder and gently nudging me. I didn't quite make my calorie goal yesterday, but I was only over by a little. It would have been so easy to run it way up last night, but I didn't. Yay! Thank you all.

    Make it a good Tuesday.


  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    G'Morning All ....
    just a quick check-in today before I get on my way to a changed schedule. The weather report said it's going to start snowling later on tonight and we'll have snow through most of the rest of the week. I had plans for Thursday that I've switched with today so I won't need to drive anywhere over the next couple of days when the snow is on the ground.

    Challenge ... 8/8 at or under calories (goal is 28/31)
    All-in goal .... my housework didn't get done yesterday that I'd planned. I took a nap instead and didn't wake up until my son called me at 6:30 PM.

    The quotes I've posted have been snitched from Morgori ... Tom, thanks so much for your inspirational notes ... there are growing in my list of inspirational messages.

    “Be not afraid of growing slowly, be afraid only of standing still.” ~Chinese Proverb

  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    edited December 2014
    Good morning everyone.

    NK1112- I snitch the quotes from the internet :D

    Happy Christmas Card Day
    When : Always December 9
    Christmas Card Day, honors Sir Henry Cole (1818 - 1874) of England. Cole created the first commercial Christmas Card in 1843.
    Just a few decades ago, sending Christmas cards through the mail was a holiday "must". Sending cards through the mail continues to be very popular. The cost and time for writing and sending cards has caused many people to stop sending them. Free Ecards have surged in popularity. Animated Christmas and seasonal Ecards have made sending and receiving them a lot of fun.
    Today is a good day to send out your Christmas cards and holiday greetings. If you have yet to do so, use today to get a start.

    “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” ~Wayne Dyer

  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    @ Tom Thanks for the nudge. I wrote our Christmas letter yesterday; just need to address it and get them in the mail. I do it because I enjoy the ones we receive so very much. I love Wayne Dyer...
  • MrsMorgori
    MrsMorgori Posts: 51 Member
    Hopefully we'll get those cards out on Sunday, after the Holiday Party on Saturday night, when we get a couple more new pics! Have a Great Day Everybody
  • Rozie1019
    Good news, got the pipe fixed. Bad news, we have low water pressure in our shower and the sink in the shower room. The sink in the room with the toilet is fine along with the other 2 sinks in the house and the upstairs shower. Thankfully we can shower up there until we get the other problem figured out.

    Yesterday was rough. I over ate and I have no one to blame but myself and the pipe, but mostly myself. I wasn't able to prepare somethings on Sunday so I had no snack on the way home and that's when I get the munchies so I bought some small things from Taco Bell, which I usually avoid. Then when I was close to the house my hubbs called saying we forgot to get out something for dinner this morning so I picked up chipotle. Then hubbs went and bought me ice cream to cheer me up and I ate it while watching tv with him. Today is going much better.

    Have a great day!