Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Susan: I'm not much of an expert but have you tried shaking up your routine. Either your exercise or the way you eat? Just enough to get you out of plateau. There are people who work out their weekly calorie alottment and then alter the amount of calories a day to shake up their metabolism. (Don't quote me on this) BUT still have the needed deficit at the end of the week. Just an idea.
    Skinnyjeanz: I'm sorry about your friend being so mean and I totally understand why you let her off. But I hope u set her straight so she would not do it again. There's enough things in this world that make us cry that we don't need our friends adding to it.
    Mowmow: Good job on cleaning up your eating. It's a great place to work on. I had cut out the fast food but during the holidays it slipped back in. Back to the! Have fun at the interview, the best ones are when you don't NEED the job so you can be more relaxed. Luck!
    Mel: That weather sounds nasty and we're used to cold. Glad it's warming up! The bike sounds cool!
    Madeline: the pipes.... yikes! Fingers crossed that there isn't much damage. What a headache! Hope your furbaby is better! hugz!
    Charlotte: That's funny about the name. My husband and I argued about the names right until the baby was born. But they were all named within 2 hours. Generally my husband let me have the final say... I had gone through the labour. lol!
    Nettie: that is a fabulous compliment... you must be glowing!!!!:happy:
    Alison: that bread sound deadly. Now I want to buy the book. :ohwell:
    BJ: great job!!!!
    Alupinsk: I am great at self sabotage. If its not too deep, you need to find the reason you are scared. You need to face it, understand why and then reject that reasoning. Then everytime you think you are doing it, you need to do it again and again and again. You are literally arguing with yourself, so make sure you listen to what its saying and are able to counter. Everytime you get past... it is creating a stronger foundation for your argument. I have methods from some classes I took, if you want them. I am excellent at self sabotage, which is why I'm thinking of counselling. :ohwell: Always keep in mind WHY you are doing this!!!
    tlh: Nothing like kids to suck up all residual time in the day... lol! especially if the hubby gets uncooperative. Good job remembering to make time for yourself. It must be hard to deal with... I remember when my husband was sick off and on... for just about a year (they hadn't diagnosed his Crohn's yet) and he couldn't (I thought wouldn't) help with much of anything. He would hang out on the couch or was sleeping. I was so mad and frustrated... it was not a good time for us. Now that he's better dh only pulls that once in awhile or I don't make his life all that comfortable. :tongue: BTW, I up my steps w/ Zumba... I can count on 6000 steps w/ one Zumba workout. It really helps on days that I'm low, since the weather changed.
    kah: Fahitas sound great... have fun!!!

    I'm signed up for this Weightwise clinic... a course offered here in Alberta for overweight people. They decide if you are eligible for WLS and its the only way it would be covered by our healthcare. It's very hard to get into. I took a bunch of preliminary courses which is how I even heard of MFP. They gave me some excellent advice. I've been on a waiting list for six months. In that time I've tried to put into practice what I learned and yay I've lost 40 lb. They finally called me. My mom says I don't need to go now and that I'm practically at my goal weight. She is delusional since I have about 80 more to lose. I think I'm going to go because they offer one on one time w/ a nutritionist/dietician (I don't know the right word), counselling (I have a few issues, which is part of the reason I start gaining back the weight) and some other courses I just wouldn't have access to otherwise. I don't have to get the surgery, heck I might no longer be eligible since I lost so much. I'm actually kinda looking forward to it.

    I'm so tired! I have to work till 1 tonight.. YIKES!
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    Thanks guys.

    I have a dress on the wall that's a juniors xl I hope to wear next month. I think I'm afraid of losing who I am. I want to be this 150 pound girl but Im scared to she what she's like. I've never been 150. I can't remember being under 200. I think going back to baby steps may be the best option. Maybe I tried to integrate back into more normal eating habits too soon. Love you guys for providing support. I know I'm not doing bad I just want to be doing better :)
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Just a drive by to give a little inspiration (at least it inspired me!).

    wow! what a change 100 days can make. Thanks for posting this
  • NaomiGibbins
    NaomiGibbins Posts: 57 Member
    Just a drive by to give a little inspiration (at least it inspired me!).

    wow! what a change 100 days can make. Thanks for posting this

    Just watched this video, now I'm in tears!
  • NaomiGibbins
    NaomiGibbins Posts: 57 Member
    Alupinsk keep up the hard work. I believe in you - just keep on tracking and you can get into that dress.

    Kah68 nothing wrong with being over one day. You didn't put it all on in one day last time, just make sure you track and plan to be on target for the week as a whole. Glad you had some fun me time.

    Tlh you are amazing! You are reaching so many of your goals you are truly an inspiration!

    AFM, my non scale victory this week is...I've bought equal (which i hate) tablets to replace the sugar in my coffee (which I simply have to have!). I've been below my calorie allowance mostly, but almost always over in my sugar, not any more!

    Enjoy your Saturday, N
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi everyone. Sorry I was gone the last couple of days. It was the mad rush to get hubby back off to work. The boat pulled out of Seattle early this morning and as long as sea trials go well will be on its way to Dutch Harbor Alaska. I spent the day getting lots of healthy foods and some new exercising equipment and cleaning out the last of the junkfood. In my effort to get more organized and on top of things I am putting together a binder with everything I need to do and assign different things to different days. I really want to get a routine and get better at staying on top of things. I am happy to say I have recorded my food every day so far this month. Some of it has been ugly but it is there in black and white for me to see. My workout today didnt go so well.First I had bought some new insoles using the Dr Scholls mapping machine to get just the right ones and after two laps the dang things had almost crippled me. Needless to say at fifty bucks they are definitley going back to the store. I am also working on teaching my puppy how to walk on a leash with manners and there is a lot of pulling him back at this point and I think I strained something in my back between the shoulder blades since that whole area is lightly throbbing. So now I am limping around the house and stinking like muscle rub:laugh:
    Well I hope you all had a great day and I will cya tomorrow.:flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker:
  • kinnurse0754
    kinnurse0754 Posts: 565 Member
    Sorry I missed a couple of days. I've had two nights from hell at work and I'm just wiped out. I haven't been able to eat all my calories but have been pushing my water. I'm off the w/e so will spend some time tomorrow catching up on the posts. I'm just so tired tonight, I'm heading to bed early and hopefully will feel better tomorrow. I've got a bit of a sore throat tonight so popping some VIT. C and echineasia. Hopefully it'll help. Have a great w/e all. Charlotte
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    My day started off bad but ended better. We had rain this morning that turned into freezing rain by the morning commute. The school system started school on time. There were over 70 accidents this morning. Luckily, I got to school but I did show up late. Some of the major roads out of Annapolis were closed and the major highway I take to work was shut down in different areas due to accidents. My first period kids did a great job today and were working on the lab when I arrived. The rest of the day went smoothly considering the kids were just as upset as the teachers about reporting on time with the ice outside. The parking lot was a mess as well. The school system blamed the on-time opening the bus schedule because they could not turn the buses around after 5am. They will get torn apart in the press and they deserve it, especially since the forecast called for freezing rain this morning. According to the school system the roads were find between 3 and 4 am, they turned bad between 5-6 am. Many districts opened late around us including the community college and NSA but the schools went on time.

    I did climb tonight but it was a shorter time than usual, it worked well and I did climb a couple of 10.a's tonight. Tomorrow will be water aerobics.

    Karen- I hope your knee pain goes away.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    There's never anything very exciting about my fitness routine, but I have met my goal of doing something everyday. Today I was able to go for a good 3 mile walk outside. I didn't get out until DD picked up the kids at 4:30. The temps were mild so even though it was getting dark when we got home it was still not too cold.
    Everyone else was going their own way tonight. DH wanted to eat out, but I talked him into letting me fix us some fish instead.
    Haved a great weekend. Kaye
  • ariggans2
    ariggans2 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm not really new to MFP, but haven't posted before. Reading through this thread, however, I see a lot of the same issues I'm facing as I attempt to be half of my former self. So, I'm here to say hi.

    I have made the adjustment (as of October, 2013) to eat a clean diet. I'm going for natural, organic, no preservatives, etc. whenever possible. It's amazing the options that are out there when you take the time to look. I am hypothyroid and have had awful stomach issues since having my gallbladder out many moons ago. For the first time in I don't know how long, I feel GOOD! I have energy and don't have to make mad dashes to the restroom after eating (yes, I know...TMI). :blushing:

    I just finished 13 miles on my recumbent bike and received my Bodymedia FIT today. I'm still trying to figure it all out so if anyone has any tips, please share.

    I made a big batch of red beans & rice this week and will be having some leftovers over the weekend. Hopefully, DH will be home tomorrow night and we will grill steak and roasted veggies. If he doesn't make it home in time, I have some organic pizza in the freezer for the kiddos and me.

    My goal for the end of last year was to be under 230 and I made it with 3 lbs to spare! I spent part of yesterday getting together my mini-goals for the rest of my weight loss. My next goal is to be under 220 by Valentine's Day. It will be the first time since my son was born that I have weighed under 220. Overall, the thing that is keeping me focused is a trip with my son's Boy Scout Troop that I want to make with them. It is to one of BSA's high adventure bases and you have to meet certain weight requirements in order to attend. That's the thing I keep in my mind when I feel like slipping.

    I'm looking forward to getting to know you guys and helping each other along this journey!

  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Super excited!!! Tomorrow I'm walking with a fell MFP's. Here to find out we only live 3 miles from each other. We're finally going to meet face to face and go for a walk together to chat. She's lost over 100 lbs and looks great. She has more to go, but on a great track. She's not in this group, but just posts on my wall. Finally, I've found someone to walk with. Cyrus has a birthday party in the afternoon then we may go to church tomorrow night versus Sunday. The rest is just getting the house in order since we go to Atlanta next weekend. So excited for that trip too.
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    woke up at 2 am. Read for an hour but it is so windy and noisy i can't get back to sleep :grumble:
  • Rohibelieve
    Rohibelieve Posts: 17 Member
    All the best
  • SeeLShrink
    Hey all!

    Sorry I missed yesterday, it was busy!

    Yesterday was just a rest day, I got my fitbit steps in, and also went grocery shopping and restocked on healthy foods. Today I picked up a shift at the nursing home, so I'll be working 3-11. Going to get my fitbit steps in, and do a yoga session before I head out.

    I did find out some not so great news . . . I had a physical back in November, and had gotten my labs drawn at that time. I never heard anything so I figured all was fine. Well, when I called the other day to schedule an appointment, I asked them to send me the November labs because I was curious and wanted to check them out. Yikes! My Cholesterol is high! My cholesterol was at 217 and my LDL was 141, which is borderline high . . . eesh! It's frustrating that I've done all the work to become healthier and somehow I missed this. So from here on I'll be making some changes. No more egg yolks, less cheese, 2% milk ( I am NOT a milk drinker), and I'll be really monitoring my sugar intake. I've always been a little adverse to fish, but I'm going to give it a try. Hopefully I can make these modifications now and get it under control. I have a blood clotting disorder, so high cholesterol is NOT a good thing for me. I definitely don't want to have to be on medications for this, so I'm going to work hard and hope for better results next time!

    Saturday successes - I got my 3 workouts in already this week, and I plan on going to the gym tomorrow, so that'll make four. I've also been tracking well and noticed that my sodium intake is going down, which is awesome because that's a hard area for me. I'm still kind of hung up on the cholesterol thing, so that's all I have for today :P

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend, keep up the good work!

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys! I was putting together a post of personals last night and then my laptop started acting up, so I had to shut down for the night. :grumble:

    Welcome to the newlings! :flowerforyou:

    @laurie--sorry your district didn't call the late start--you'd think they would err on the side of caution. I know in our district, the superintendent will catch heat regardless of the decision, so he tends to lean toward shutting down or having a late start b/c at least he can defend that decision by citing student safety.

    @pixy--I think it's great that you are going ahead with the clinic even though you may not need the surgery.

    @kelley--hope you enjoyed the fajitas and margaritas! :drinker:

    @susan--I don't take any supplements other than a vitamin D/calcium--my D levels are always low, so it's doctor recommended. I haven't been good about remembering to take it lately though. Your post was a good reminder, so thanks. :smile:

    @kelley--are you at 2000 calories net? I tried upping to near 1800 net this fall and didn't see any progress. Now, don't get me wrong, I know there are other factors like macros and the fact that I started lifting heavy around the same time. But 8 weeks at 1800 did nothing for me. Then, I dropped back down to my previous 1550 for the holidays and failed miserably at sticking to it. I was eating crap and going over regularly which is why I gained. Now, I'm set at MFP's recommendation of 1670 and sticking to it for just one week, I've dropped 2 lbs of that holiday bloat. Of course that 1670 doesn't include my exercise calories, so on gym days I'm probably eating around 2200. Oh, and my knee has no swelling--never did, even right after I hurt it.

    @nettie--I do need new runners, but just haven't had time to go shopping. I'm sure it will help, but I know it's not just that. I hurt the knee doing squats--like as soon as I finished my last set, I was limping, so I know exactly when it happened. I just don't know exactly WHAT I did to it. :ohwell:

    Whomever asked about scales--I have an Escali that measures weight, body fat %, and water ratio. It's an $80 scale I ordered through Groupon for about $30. It's currently available through the Escali website for $34. I really like it and have found it to be consistent.

    I know there were others I wanted to post to, but I can't remember what I wanted to say.

    Grading goals:
    1. 1/72 AP essays
    2. 60/72 AP journals
    3. write rec letter
    4. x/52 Scarlet Letter annotations
    5. x/16 AP analysis activities
    6. x/52 JRP journals

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--gym (cardio) DONE
    Tues--gym (lift and HIIT) DONE
    Wed--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE + gym (lift and HIIT) NOT DONE
    Fri--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (cardio)
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (lift and HIIT)

    Exercise & Weight:
    Bench press = 85
    Dead lift = 90
    Squat = 90
    Overhead press = 55
    Upright row = 60

    Overhead tricep extension = 25 (dumbbell)
    Bicep curl = 15 (dumbbell)
    Lat pull down = 100
    Tricep pull down = 90
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hey all!

    Sorry I missed yesterday, it was busy!

    Yesterday was just a rest day, I got my fitbit steps in, and also went grocery shopping and restocked on healthy foods. Today I picked up a shift at the nursing home, so I'll be working 3-11. Going to get my fitbit steps in, and do a yoga session before I head out.

    I did find out some not so great news . . . I had a physical back in November, and had gotten my labs drawn at that time. I never heard anything so I figured all was fine. Well, when I called the other day to schedule an appointment, I asked them to send me the November labs because I was curious and wanted to check them out. Yikes! My Cholesterol is high! My cholesterol was at 217 and my LDL was 141, which is borderline high . . . eesh! It's frustrating that I've done all the work to become healthier and somehow I missed this. So from here on I'll be making some changes. No more egg yolks, less cheese, 2% milk ( I am NOT a milk drinker), and I'll be really monitoring my sugar intake. I've always been a little adverse to fish, but I'm going to give it a try. Hopefully I can make these modifications now and get it under control. I have a blood clotting disorder, so high cholesterol is NOT a good thing for me. I definitely don't want to have to be on medications for this, so I'm going to work hard and hope for better results next time!

    Saturday successes - I got my 3 workouts in already this week, and I plan on going to the gym tomorrow, so that'll make four. I've also been tracking well and noticed that my sodium intake is going down, which is awesome because that's a hard area for me. I'm still kind of hung up on the cholesterol thing, so that's all I have for today :P

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend, keep up the good work!


    Lauren--I have borderline high cholesterol--currently hover just above 200, but it used to be much higher. I tried eating a very low cholesterol diet with little results. I've found through trial and error that if I eat lower carbs my cholesterol stays at its lowest. I can eat eggs, cheese, meats no problem, but if I eat too many carbs my cholesterol spikes. It has something to do with blood glucose levels (I can't remembering the "sciency" details of why this matters). It's part of the reason I try to stick to 40/30/30 macros.

    I'm not saying that's what you should do, but it's something to consider if the low-cholesterol approach doesn't work for you.
  • accebersmith
    accebersmith Posts: 96 Member
    Hello, everyone. I'm Rebecca, and I'm going to lose one hundred pounds and then some. My journey's been long, and I might post someday about what got me here, but for now, suffice it to say that I'm tired of being tired. I am (finally) married to someone who supports me wholeheartedly and wants me around for decades to come, and we have a six year-old blonde hurricane who needs his Mommy healthy and strong. So here I am. :) It's nice to meet you guys.
  • countrcowgirl
    countrcowgirl Posts: 249 Member
    So I am back at MFP after not doing much for the last 8 months or so, had lost over 60 lbs before and gained it all back plus some. So I see for Saturday we are to post our victories... mine is just trying to get back at it. I know before when I had done well I was in some groups and had great friends... then my father got ill and I went off the rails. So I am back at it, with new optimism and looking for more support. So my victory this week is just getting back on MFP and trying to establish a support net work.

    Look forward to learning more about all of you!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Karen~No, 2,030 is calorie goal - net, after exercise, is around 1,300. Sometimes I dip into exercise calories but for the most part this seems to be working, I'm not hungry and macros are 40/30/30 which also seems to be the right formula. I have it set to lose 1.5/wk. I should say too that on days I can't get a workout in, I try to eat under that 2,000 to compensate.

    @Susan~Sounds like a fun day!

    @Laurie~I'm sorry admin didn't call school or have a late start yesterday, sounds like no one should have been on the roads. Glad you got your weekly climb in though to wrap up the week!

    AFM~My victory for this week is a 2# loss, hope the trend continues. Had a great time last night and the margs were delish and worth the calories! :wink: I hit the gym early this morning and got 3.5 miles in - a lot of walking but working on running drills to increase my speed and shave some time. Afterwards I hit the sauna for a bit.

    Now I'm trying to decide the rest of the day. Its gorgeous here and I even have the windows in the house open. I think I'll get grocery list done and get shopping done early, then maybe start on projects around the house.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Well hello all my friends:happy: Today is wet, windy, and stormy. I LOVE it. I havent let it slow me down though. I broke out the leslie sansone on youtube and got about half her 3 mile power walk done and then the computer froze. Did I let this stop me. Nope. There was a break in the rain so threw the dogs leashes on and went for a quick and windy two laps. Zeus who loves water was in heaven as there were small lake sized puddles everywhere:laugh: I then came home and rounded off with the stretch routine I found on youtube since the comp was working again. All in all a successful workout for the day.
    Walked 3.2 miles
    Got 6972 steps in
    Burned 1126 calories of which I recorded 800

    My success for the week is I have logged my food every day. I have also been under or at least within maintenance every day I think so the best week I have had in quite awhile. Hopefully Monday reflects that :smile:

    Karen I wanted to thank you for the tips on walking the puppy. He is starting to lunge alot less and even comes back to my side some of the times when I say come without me having to pull him. I think our walks are destined to become a lot more pleasant:laugh:
    Hi to all the new people I saw when I was reading through. You have found a great site. Everyone here i super nice and helpful.

    I am hoping to get into a store I heard about in one of the towns close to me that specializes in walking/running shows. They measure you feet and watch you run and walk and get the shoe that fits the individual best. The person who told me about them said hers ran about 110 but I paid 85 for the nikes I have worn out so not that big a differnece.

    Well everyone have a great Saturday. I am going to sit back and enjoy the storm.:heart::drinker: :flowerforyou: