Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Cindypers
    Nice job! Keep it up.
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Wed. wish, to get more exercise
    . I haven't been to the gym for several days. Have been mia (one day stayed in bed), just couldn't face the cold weather here....for 2 nights listened to the earth explode with large 'bangs' and the house shake, called 'frost quakes' as the cold is so freezing that the earth freezes and kind of 'pops'! Haven't heard it since yesterday as the temperature is going up (we made new cold records to -40).
    Bought a stationary bike but haven't used it yet.
    Planning on going to the gym tomorrow. A friend called today and we agreed as soon as it's warm enough to go outside, we are going walking! I can't wait!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Karen-Sorry you had such a bad day at school and that you were treated this way. I know from experience that tears come more easy when I am tired and running on lack of sleep. Then I get frustrated because I am crying over the least little thing. I had a kid tell me today that she "f********! did not like me and "F******* something else today. All because I was going to take her cell phone away today-she was playing with it during class. This was after I was nice enough to let them listen to music provided they had earbuds with them. Needless to say, she will be out of my class for 2 days and in Saturday School. Hope you have a better day tomorrow and that you get some sleep tonight.

    Charlotte- Congrats on the birth of your grandson. I believe you got your wish for a grandson.

    Wish-That the warmer temps keep coming this way. The Polar Vortex is finally leaving my area tomorrow.

    Need to run now, I need to figure out new lab groups for my first period class tomorrow morning.
  • SeeLShrink
    @skinnyjeanz – It could be that I wasn’t drinking enough during the workout, but I average about 14-18 8oz glasses a day, so I don’t know! You’re right, those seats aren’t very tush friendly. I’m hoping if I get through it a few times I’ll get used to it and it won’t be so bad. Great job on getting your runs in! I was doing couch to 5k last summer, made it to week 5 and couldn’t hack it. It’s on my 2014 “bucket list” to finish it. The Midwest sucks in the winter! I’m so ready for Spring!!

    @kinnurse0754 – Congratulations on your grandson!! How exciting!

    @kah68 – It did wipe me out! I love your weekly goals, I may just have to start making weeklys myself!

    @mnwalkingqueen – It’s hard to get back into the right mindset, but it sounds like you have a plan in place. Do you think it may be beneficial to pre-plan and track your meals at the beginning of the day or the night before? Just a thought, I know it helps me to anticipate what I will eat versus being on the fence and then making bad choices on the fly.

    @JNettie73 – It’s great you are getting a good start back at work, I’m always still in denial when I get back from vacation, I never want it to end! It’s always so encouraging to get those positive comments and praise, you are working hard! I’m feeling fine today, no cramps, so yay!

    @bltyrone – Congrats on your loss! You can do it! I have some of your same wishes, especially about the weather! My husband and I are planning a move within the next couple years. There will still be winter in CO, but there will be so much more to do! Until then, I’ll wish for Spring and dream of mountains!

    @p1xyn1xy – Thanks! When I started I would have never dreamed of doing one class let alone two, but that’s one of the great things about making progress. I can do way more now than I’ve ever been able to do, and it makes me feel like I can always do more. Zumba is fun! Awesome job getting your eating in check, snacking is a hard one for me too! I’m sorry to hear about all the school problems you are having.

    @karenleona – LOL! The seat is definitely uncomfy! Hoping over time I’ll get used to it. Awesome getting your water in! Keep up the great work!

    @susan2396 – This was my 1st spin class. I’m at 242 and I’m not sure how I would describe my fitness level. I’ve been exercising for the past year, so it’s not beginner, but I’m certainly not a pro, and I have a lot of room for improvement! Patience is a hard one, especially in plateaus. All I can say is keep going and you will get there! Trust me, you’ll probably have to say the same thing to me sooner than I’d like to think about. You are working hard, way to go!

    @Melwillbeheal – Frost quakes? That sounds so wild! Congrats on the new bike, and good luck at the gym!

    As for me, today was a rest day. I got my fitbit goals done, and did a yoga session, which felt awesome on my sore body. Tomorrow I have circuit class again, and the mean trainer (it's funny I always call him that, he's our really good friend, but he's no joke when it's time to do work!) will be there, so I'm sure I'll get a butt-kicking! I'm planning on getting some cardio in before the class, but we'll see.

    Wednesday - I WISH IT WERE SPRING!!

    You guys rock! See you tomorrow!

  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    We woke up to mild temps and about 3" of new snow. GS had a lot of fun walking to and from school today. It wasn't a fast walk, but was the only exercise I got today. My log for today looks pretty good on paper, but I think that I probably forgot something. I'm not sure what I accomplished, but I was sure busy all day.
    Karen, so sorry about the drama at school.
    Charlotte, congratulations on the new baby. I am expecting a new grandchild on January 21. We think this one will be a girl.
    Wishing for all of us that we can feel good about ourselves and what we have accomplished. I agree with KarenL. I didn't set out to lose 100#. I started with 25#. I have succeeded 3 times and am working on the next one. Looking at the whole picture can be really daunting. Lets all hang on. Don't want to lose any more of my friends.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Wednesday Wish...that my sister didn't work late on Friday so we could workout AND have supper out. We're going to settle for working out and a quick drink or two since it will be late before we can lift. The plus side of this is that we both agreed that we should work out....we picked the gym or supper out!!! :glasses:

    @Karen...great job on getting your to do list done yesterday. It's always a great day when it's a productive one. I'm sorry that you had a tough lunch/day. Glad you can work it out with her and you're both back to having good days tomorrow. :tongue:
    @Charlotte...congrats Granny!!!! :flowerforyou: Babies are such blessings!
    @Kelley...I don't work in the accounting department, but when I worked in Sioux Falls, we all loved the auditors -- NOT!
    @p1xy...Outgrowing schools is a huge problem here. We have received more "oil" people than they planned for (it's still quite a bit north and west of Bismarck, but I think alot of them moved their families to Bismarck so they could at least see them on their days off). They planned for 250 more kids in the 12-13 school year and ended up having over 500 more. The school district approved and built 3 schools this year. My son had to be bussed from the school to the local church that gave them classroom space. He spent roughly 40 minutes a day being bussed back and forth for lunch, PE, Music etc. Now with the new schools, we are back within space. Headache!
    @KarenL...please be careful!
    @Susan...Do you think your calories might be too low? You work out so much, are you eating your calories back? Please know that I don't have the answers, but those are things that I know other people have struggled with (MFP originally had me eating way less calories and after initial loss, I stalled for a long time. I upped my calories and got back on track. It's frustrating...I know.:grumble:
    @Kris...good luck on the job interview. If nothing else it will give you some options.

    AFM...I still need to figure out how to get more steps. I try at lunch to make several trips back and forth in my kitchen. Working from a tiny apartment doesn't give me many steps at all. :cry: My sister suggested that at least once an hour, I go walk a few circuits of my apartment complex...up three stories and back down. Will probably try that on days that I don't do cardio at the gym. Lifted tonight...we are back to where it's getting tough. 135 in squat...90 bench...90 Bent Over Rows.

    I do know that I have to time my eating better on lifting days. I overate at lunch time and didn't have many calories left, but figured I would go over. Then ultimately ran out of time to eat. Emma had an appointment at 4:30. Ran to the bank. Returned movies. Hair appointment at 5:30. Ran Jacob home. Choir at 7:00 and lifting at 8:20. Now it's so late the hunger has passed. I did eat some toast because I know I'd be starving in the morning.

    Monday - Lift (and c25K? -- we'll see) DID C25k AND 5 MILES ON BIKE - NO LIFT
    Tuesday - Zumba with my sis DONE
    Wednesday - Lift DONE
    Thursday - C25K
    Friday - Lift
    Saturday - C25K
    Sunday - Rest

    Goals for January
    * Drink 8 glasses of water (boy did I fall off the wagon on that one)
    * One soda a week
    * Lift three times a week
    * Minimum two cardio workouts a week (shoot for three but...)
    * Get my calories back under control and within my "goal"
  • dukesduchess350
    dukesduchess350 Posts: 77 Member
    @Karen- Sorry you had a crappy day. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day!

    @Charlotte- Congrats on your new little addition to the family!

    AFM- Didn't have such a good day myself. Since we've had such cold weather our new which is a older home had frozen pipes. We thawed them out the other night. I went over there after taking fiance to work and the stupid dishwasher blew a pipe so we had water going into the basement. Lucky me I got my workout cleaning up all the water. I'm just hoping and praying that we don't have too much damage.
  • kinnurse0754
    kinnurse0754 Posts: 565 Member
    Thanks everyone for the congrats on my new grandson. Poor little tyke doesn't even have a name yet, my dil didn't want to find out ahead if it was a boy or girl and wouldn't even discuss names until the baby came. Now they are struggling to come up with a name they both agree on. I don't understand as my hubby and I had discussed names all through both my pregnancies so when the kids came, we knew what they were going to be called. Hope they come up with one soon.

    With all the late night phone calls, it was after 4 in the morning when I finally got to bed and then got woken up around 7 by the neighbor putting out his garbage on his was out to work. I didn't even think, I just got up, ran around the house collecting all the garbage. Through on my coat and boots over my housecoat and carried them outside, only to realize that it was not garbage day, only recycling day and I didn't have that much to recycle. I got back to bed about 1/2 an hour later and slept until woken by the phone just after noon. It was my son calling from his truck on the way back to the hospital to take his 2 girls to meet their baby brother. They were so excited on the phone that it was a boy. Hope they still feel that way when he's home from the hospital.

    I am really happy with my first week back on MFP. I've stuck to my diet plan, been under calories every day and have been drinking at least 8-10 glasses of water a day. It has felt great to be making an effort to get back on track. I'm going to weigh in on Friday so we'll see if I've made any progress. I'm sorry I don't do many personals. I just don't seem to have time for it but I do read everyones daily entrys. I find you all so inspiring, it makes me really happy to be back on this site. Thanks for being here.
    Have a great week and keep up the progress. For those of you struggling with illness or the January blahs, just hang on, things will improve. Keep logging in and drinking your water. Have a glass on me when you read this line. Cheers! Charlotte :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Good Morning all you wonderful ladies and gents!

    Today's rambings:
    I woke up at 5:30 am this morning with a ton of energy. As soon as I finish here I am going to change and get my workout in extra early.

    Yesterday was another good day at work. I found out that one of the teachers for my program (there are 3 of us) called out sick and they could not find a sub for her. There are only 2 board approved daytime teachers to sub in our program when we need help. Needless to say, both teachers had other plans and couldn't cover. My colleague and I ended up having to divide the 3rd class in half and have them join our classes. It was a bit difficult because I don't really know the other kids but thankfully the aide that came with them filled me in. I had to quickly change my class plans as I didn't have enough materials for the extra 4 children. I decided to make yesterday a fun day and we focused all on social interactions. But just to add a wrench into yesterday the school nurse came into my room to give me the heads up that one of the admins decided to do observations today. She was in the room next to mine and coming to my room next. ARGHHHHHHHHHHHH! My staff started to freak out and I had to calm them down. I told them that I will explain the situation to her and told her due to the sudden change we have to just "wing" it today due to the lack of supplies and let her know my new plan. Of course she popped her head in while I was on the other side of my classroom dealing with a behavior from my eloper and I didn't get a chance to speak to her. She literally stuck her head in, looked around, thanked me for jumping in to help with the extra students and left. WTH?!!!!! One of my aides informed me that when she stuck her head in she said "This is Jeanette's class, I know I don't have to worry about this room at all." :bigsmile: I took that as a HUGE compliment and was so grateful my aide made sure I knew she said that. Of course I immediately thought to myself "If she likes me so much can she please give me a full-time position?!!!!" :laugh:
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    Thanks for everyone commiserating about my daughter. She's on these superstrong antibiotics (for three weeks!) and they're making her a bit run down and sleepy, but it should knock the infection on the head.

    Well, Thursday truth -- I have been experimenting with homemade bread, having had fantastic bread made by our friend over New Year. I bought Peter Reinhart's book _Artisan Breads Every Day_, and have made bagels (which are for dinner tonight so I haven't touched them) and pain au levain. Friends, DO NOT BUY THIS BOOK. I am afraid I have had a very bad reaction to the pain au levain, in that I have eaten about half of it. With butter. OMG it's delicious, the nicest loaf I've ever baked and I'm confident that the next one will be even better as I learn from my mistakes. Though perhaps not the mistake that caused me to eat my own weight in bread in the first place. Oh dearie dearie me.

    @wwmorrow -- welcome! Don't think about the whole journey, just about the next few pounds. It doesn't take much to start feeling better about the mirror and how you feel. And try to be kind to yourself; looking great isn't just about what you weigh. I know plenty of larger women, including plenty of people on this thread, who look fantastic. I know it's hard, but try not to be ashamed of the way you are.

    @Jeanette -- we're always working hard with my son to get him to speak more appropriately. Well, do everything more appropriately, really. We've spent the last year or so really focusing on showers and personal hygiene, and it's worked! Except that he cannot see why he needs to change his socks every day, and shouldn't sleep in them... If they were any stinkier, they'd walk themselves to the laundry basket. Your progress pictures are fantastic! Very clever, and sensible, to take photos in the same clothes.

    @bityrone -- welcome! With five kids and all those pets, you should have plenty of opportunity for exercise. Though take it easy at first if you're still recovering. Do you have stairs in your house? Because you can get a great workout right there on your own stairs; you don't need bleachers!

    @Susan -- Lyme disease is tricky because it can be hard to make sure that all the bacteria have really gone. There aren't good tests for the bacteria, only for the antigens -- and of course, you stay positive for a long time so that's not a reliable way of telling whether you've still got the disease. For most people, these antibiotics do the job. But there's a chance that it won't quite work and she'll have problems later; for the time being we're just making sure she eats and sleeps well and takes the full course at the right times. And Fitbit have great customer care -- so I'd talk to them about your Fitbit problems.

    @Tracy -- we're very lucky in that my daughter's had no symptoms apart from the rash and a bit of sickness over the New Year; so fingers crossed we've caught it and killed it before any of the major symptoms kick in.

    @Karen -- I've volunteered to marshal at a couple of parkruns, and been tail runner once (the person who walk/runs at the back and makes sure everyone gets home safely). So that was good, but I want to get started again. Just not enough to actually, you know, get off my backside and get running again. And (more Thursday truth) I have not *actually* go the dance mat out yet. Later.

    @Charlotte -- welcome to your new grandson! What lovely news.

    Welcome to all the newlings. This is such a great group.

    Hope you're all having a good day and that you're wrapped up warm if it's cold where you are. I'm going to go and exercise right now. Though I'd have to do dance mat for about a week to burn off all that bread and butter!


  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    p1xyn1xy- Wahoo to your workouts and eating better! Sorry to hear about the problem with schools. I hope they get it straightened out. Grrrrrr to the developers.

    Karen - Thanks for the compliment. I think it is wise to focus on the weight in small increments rather than the big picture. Great advice.

    Susan - LOL to Fitbit.
    Ugh to the scale. I have been doing really good. My lowest was 234.6. Yesterday I saw 233.9. I was super excited even though I don't weigh in until Monday. This morning I stepped on and saw 235. :grumble: I am not sure if it is from the surplus of sodium from yesterday (oops), TOM symptoms or a combination of both. I in a bit of a shock this morning even though it wasn't much.

    It's funny you said that about FB. I am on there a lot less too. I hardly ever post on there anymore. But I am on here all the time. Most of my time here though is to log my food aside from my mornings I spend posting and commenting.

    Skinnyjeanz - Sorry to hear that your friend did that to you and that you were brought to tears. I am glad she did apologize even though it was a half hearted one. Hopefully today is a better day for you! :flowerforyou:

    MyMOwMOw - Best of luck to you on your job interview! I hope it goes extremely well.

    Mel- I have never heard of frost quakes before. They sound scary.

    Laurie - UGH to that disrespectful child in your class. I don't know how you and Karen do it with the older children. I would never be able to do what you do. I like them so much better when they are younger. I will take my students with disabilities any day over having to be with a room full of teens! :noway:

    Lauren - I love that you call your friend the "mean trainer"! Congrats on getting in your Fitbit goals and yoga.

    Charlotte - I am sure they will come up with a name soon!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Susan~I’m not a huge advocate for weight loss supplements, my trainer has brought them up before. I tried one and it created a whole mess of problems, causing my already messed up thyroid to go completely wonky (had to go on new medication). That being said there are supplements that I think you would benefit from – fish oil (a lot, I take 10g), magnesium (I take 400mg, and vitamin C (I take 1g--good for stress), I also take 5,000IU of D3. Remember that you have been in this situation before (we all have), just keep doing what you’re doing and eventually the scale will cooperate – remember to take measurements too. Does your scale measure body fat % and muscle %? Mine does and it makes a difference, seeing body fat go down and muscle go up. Oh, like Tracy suggested – take a look at your calories. I think you need more. We have similar stats and I eat 300-400 more calories a day, also increase your carbs a bit and your protein a bit. Are you still using macros of 40/30/30? I’m finding this formula makes me feel my best. I know how frustrating it can be, but hang in there!

    I’ve taken Spin and what I discovered is that you are working out at AT (anaerobic threshold – AT is also lower in Spin) for almost the entire class so burning more glycogen than fat. I have gotten to the point where my legs will hurt from the lack of glycogen in my body, depending on the instructor it can be really intense – you can adjust your intensity and sit when you feel like you can’t keep up though. I have come out of that class soaking wet and completely drained of energy – oh and STARVING!!! Talk to your trainer about it though if you want to try it, she may recommend a certain instructor.

    @Karen~I am so very sorry for the horrible day you had at work yesterday, I’m glad your friend/colleague apologized. I’ve been in situations before where I’ve been so angry I cry, it’s just a reminder that we’re human, sometimes our emotions get the best of us – I think part of it too is that you haven’t been sleeping well. I hope that you had a better night of sleep last night and that today is a better day. :flowerforyou:

    @Kris~You’re busy, busy, busy. Glad your foot is better and that HR gets the ball rolling so you can hopefully headed back to work next week.

    @Tracy~They say if you have a desk job you should get up every hour and move, so I think taking a 5-minute walk is a great idea (weather permitting of course), you’ll not only increase your steps but take yourself away from your desk for a bit. I have an advantage in that my office is in a separate building from our main office and there is no bathroom in my building – so lots of walking between buildings for me.

    @Charlotte~Poor guy doesn’t have a name, you would think they would have discussed names if they had a boy and names if they had a girl. My mom told me once she had my name picked out when she was 8. :wink:

    @Nettie~Hooray for the compliment from your admin, that always makes for a nice day at work!

    AFM~What a frustrating day yesterday, PC at work decided to go wonky – I literally did nothing for 3 hours while I.S. fixed it. That just drives me crazy! Had a good workout with my trainer yesterday – set a new record of 100# dead lifts. I have a session with him again today which he said will involve agility stuff, not sure what he has in store for me. :huh:

    Exercise Goals:

    Monday~Gym, Arc Trainer DONE!
    Tuesday~Gym, training session. Not done (canceled and worked late)
    Wednesday~Gym, training session DONE!
    Thursday~Gym, training session
    Friday~Rest Day or Gym to make up for Tuesday
    Saturday~Gym, running drills (supposed to be sunny and 60s so may do this outside)
    Sunday~Gym, training session

    Have a fabulous day!
  • BettyJoCan
    BettyJoCan Posts: 47 Member
    I don't post much but I do read all the posts. It's moving much faster than it did when I first joined and is hard to keep up with sometimes! lol You all inspire me a lot. I feel like I'm doing well right now and I've set high goals for myself, but I honestly believe that I can reach them. Just want to say thanks to everyone for your words of wisdom and for sharing your lives so openly because it does make a difference and it lets me know that I'm not alone when I have a bad day.

    One of the things that surprises me the most is I've gone from a size 34 jeans to a size 22 jeans and I still have sooo far to go. This is the smallest I've been since I was 18 years old (I am currently 35) and my desire is to keep going. I'm not satisfied where I am. Maybe that's crazy, but to me, it's awesome. I've never been this motivated to lose weight and I guess that's because I've never done it for the right reasons. Anytime I tried before it was to make someone else happy - this time it's for me!

    We can do this yall...don't give up! :)
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Just a drive by to give a little inspiration (at least it inspired me!).
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Wish bitter cold helped people lose weight, instead of gain it lol
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Wish bitter cold helped people lose weight, instead of gain it lol

    Good morning everybody.

    I pulled a muscle in my left arm and it hurts to do pretty much anything with it. Yesterday I stayed home from work because of it. Today it is a little better but still cannot use it.:grumble:

    I lost some of my holiday gain!

    “None of us can change our yesterdays but all of us can change our tomorrows.” ~Colin Powell

    Wish bitter cold helped people lose weight, instead of gain it lol

    Good Morning !!

    Yes indeed!! If it cold weather could help me lose instead of gain , I would already be at my goal (LOL) It's been really cold here in Illinois . It warmed up a little today. I really don't complain about it because Illinois is usually cold this time of year. But it does make you want to just crawl in bed and nibble on things you shouldn't! I haven't gained any weight and haven't lost any. I been slacking a little on exercise. I am getting back on track now ! Good luck everyone
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    @Madeline...ugh..frozen pipes!!!

    @Charlotte...I agree. We had it narrowed down to two boy names and 1 girl name by the time I hit my 3rd trimester. Now with our youngest, we got the phone call 24 hours before we got her, but we still had a name picked out by the time we held her in our arms. Hopefully baby boy will have a name soon.

    @Jeanette....I think that is a wonderful compliment!

    @Toots...yes, if cold helped lose weight, the northern half of North America would have a whole lot bigger population!! :laugh:

    @Kris...thanks for the video...good for her and great motivation.

    Thursday Truth: I've been craving BBW wings for two days now. I think that is what threw me off yesterday...I really wanted something to fill that need and ate poorly so I went hungry most of the evening/night. I think I'm going to get them for lunch and just work my calories around it. If I get them off my mind, I hope I can see straight again. :devil: Plus tonight is a C25K night so I know I'll earn some extra calories from that.

    I have a second truth. My husband suffers from depression. He used to deal with it with alcohol (obviously, that doesn't work!!). It's gotten better over the last couple of years to the point that he only has 2-3 bouts a year, but I get so frustrated with it. When he gets in a slump, he sits and watches TV and plays computer whenever he's home. I sure could use some help around here -- both kids' activities are in full gear and I'm trying to be really good about the gym and our house is suffering for it. I talked to him about it this morning, but it was a lot of "yeah, yeah." I've visited with doctors and therapists about it and I understand it in my head, but in my heart, I'm tired and I just want some help!!!
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Thursday Truth: went to the gym today , (no water as pipes burst), did a good workout on the elliptical. It just seems like the carorie burn is never enough.
    STarting something new....lower carb eating...we'll see how it goes. It's harder than I thought to keep the carbs low, but it's a learning process I'm sure.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Charlotte - So happy for the new, nameless grandson! What joy they bring!

    Skinnyjeans - I would be as frustrated and teary-eyed as you were after that lunch-room incident. She was rude and that definitely was a half-hearted apology she dished out to you. You are very gracious to consider that she may have been having a bad day too.

    MowMow - another interview - excellent ! Ask them if there is the potential for transfers in that Navy job. Also don't mention you have gout or health issues. You can say you stubbed your toe, but I'd leave it at that. Working for the Navy would carry some supremely good benefits, I would think.

    KarenLeona - I'm so sorry to hear your heart valve problem is blocking your activity so severely. So, the laundry basket AND six stairs is too much - darn it! That really does cramp your style! I'm glad your still able to ride your bike. We are all backing you and hoping for a speedy spring to get you to your surgery month.

    AFM - My dentist filed down my broken tooth yesterday and its a lot better. Thank goodness. I spent the afternoon with a friend playing PS2 games - that was a lot of fun - and ate my second hamburger in as many months. Yum. Wish I could do it more often - but too tempting because of the side dishes. Always seem to want something like fries along side of it or potatoes in some form! Ended up drinking some Baileys last night too. Still not doing a good job on logging.