Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • ariggans2
    ariggans2 Posts: 3 Member
    Had a great NSV outside and got moving! Walked 1.5 miles on the treadmill this morning. It is such a gorgeous day that I had to get outside. So, my daughter and I took the dog for a walk around the neighborhood and put in another 1.25 miles!!!! Plus, the way our dog is on a leash, I also got some great exercise for my arms. :laugh:

    I did weigh this morning (Saturday is my weigh-in day). Unfortunately, I didn't have a loss, BUT I also didn't gain. I'm pretty sure it's because I ate out twice this past week.

    Also, enjoying my Bodymedia FIT.

    Hoping to be under 220 by Valentine's Day - that's 8 pounds I need to kill (I don't say that I lose the weight because that means I could find it again.) in 5 weeks. Possible, but going to have to get back to watching what I eat.

    I hope everyone has had a wonderful Saturday.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @ariggans--great job with the walking! When I first got my dog, gunner, he would pull so hard on the leash my shoulders and arms were constantly sore--so I definitely know what you mean about the arm workout! :laugh:

    @tammy--I'm glad the tips are helping. I really wish I had known waht to do with gunner from the start. Not sure if it would have made a big difference since we rescued him when he was already a year and a half, but it would have saved me a lot of grief at the outset.

    @kelley--sorry if I'm being dense, but if your goal is 2030 and your net after exercise is 1300, I would think that means you ARE eating back your exercise calories to meet the 2030 goal. But then you said you sometimes dip into your exercise calories, so I'm confused. Maybe I'm misreading your post. :huh:

    Welcome rebecca & cowgirl! :flowerforyou:

    Saturday Success:
    After adjusting my ticker up those 6 lbs on January 1st, I was able to knock off 2 lbs of that, so at least the scale is moving in the right direction. :happy:

    Did pretty well with food throughout the week. No treats b/c so many in my office are doing the Advocare (I'm not, but I'm happy they aren't bringing donuts and crap). The only exception to this was Firday b/c the yearbook club met and their adviser brought all of the leftover coffee cakes and such into our office. I ate a slice of banana bread and one dunkin munchkin, so not too terrible. I did end up over last night, but that was mainly due to after school cocktails. :blushing:

    My knee is feeling a lot better, but the real test will be to see how it feels after I run. Was planning to do so today, but we had a bit of an incident with gunner today. I took him for a walk and then was in the yard trying to clean up some of his "presents" (it has been weeks since I've been able to due to weather). Anyways, he was very excited "mom" was in the yard with him and decided to run circuits at full speed like a maniac. If you're squeamish, you may want to skip the next paragraph.

    I didn't realize anything had happened until I went to let him in and saw his back foot was all bloody. At first I thought he had ripped his toe off or cut it really badly. Upon closer inspection, I could see he had caught his toenail on something and it was cracked in half and bent completely down on itself. :noway: He really wanted his "after-walk" treat and wouldn't stay still to let me do anything about it until after he had his cookie. Then I was able to clean it, bend the toenail back in place, and clip off a splinter of toenail that was sticking out. I really wanted to cut the rest of the broken nail off, but when I tried, he squealed and ran away to his bed. :cry: I got him to calm down and let me finish cleaning it and put some neosporin on it, but it really needs to be cut before he catches it on something.

    Unfortunately, my vet was already closed, and it's not serious enough to warrant a trip to emergency. He doesn't seem to be in any pain--isn't even limping--so DH will have to take him over to the vet Monday morning to have all of his toenails trimmed. Fortunately, DH is off work Mondays.

    I was all dressed and ready to head to the gym after our walk, but I got blood all over my workout pants, and didn't want to leave gunner home alone. By the time my DH got home and I explained what happened, it was already after 4. I still needed to grade and hit the gorcery store, so I changed and came to Starbuck's where I will grade before doing the shopping.

    Will check back later tonight. :flowerforyou:

    Grading goals:
    1. 1/72 AP essays
    2. 65/72 AP journals
    3. write rec letter
    4. x/52 Scarlet Letter annotations
    5. x/16 AP analysis activities
    6. x/52 JRP journals

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--gym (cardio) DONE
    Tues--gym (lift and HIIT) DONE
    Wed--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE + gym (lift and HIIT) NOT DONE
    Fri--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (cardio)
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (lift and HIIT)

    Exercise & Weight:
    Bench press = 85
    Dead lift = 90
    Squat = 90
    Overhead press = 55
    Upright row = 60

    Overhead tricep extension = 25 (dumbbell)
    Bicep curl = 15 (dumbbell)
    Lat pull down = 100
    Tricep pull down = 90
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Karen~I think I confused myself! :laugh: My net calories are 2,030, I must have been looking at something else when I wrote that - sorry for the confusion. I'm sorry for gunner's injury, I hope his foot will be okay with no bleeding until DH can get him to the vet on Monday. I hate it when our furbabies are sick or hurt. :cry:

    @Tammy~Great job with the exercise today!
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Saturday success: I've lost 3.8 pounds this week. I haven't seen a loss like it in a while and while I know some of it is water weight, it's still gone! :tongue:

    Well, yesterday slowly fell apart for me. It might be in the water, but I've wanted to do nothing but cry for the last two weeks -- between not getting enough sleep, my husband's depression and the many, many activites/appointments this week, I felt very overwhelmed. I went to the gym to do the C25K and got about half way through and I just couldn't continue. Then I called my sister and asked if she would do supper and drinks with me. I think it was just what the doctor ordered because I feel better about everything today. I've even gotten some of my to do list done. No exercise today (other than cleaning) and it's been a cheat day, but I know I needed it.

    Hope it's all going well for you all. No personals tonight, just wanted to stop by quickly before Jacob calls to have me pick him up after the movie. Good night!
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 894 Member
    Sat. Success:
    well, I never made it for a walk outside as it was too icy....very treacherous walking to the car, it seems like the weather here lately is consuming me. I'll try again tomorrow.
    I had a nice surprise this morning. I gained 6 lbs. over Christmas holidays and haven't weighed myself in a long time....seems I lost 3 lbs.(not reflected in my ticker as it's still up a couple of lbs. and I don't want to change it). I'm trying to count calories still, but also counting carbohydrate grams. I think it's working and hope to stick with it. Now, I just have to get more exercise.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Karen- Sorry to hear about Gunner. Good luck with your grading.

    Success- Went to water aerobics today and did the workout without the exercise belt (deep water) then swam for about 30 minutes. It felt good to swim today and get back into the pool. This was a good week overall for exercise considering I wasn't sure how much exercise I was going to get in throughout the week.

    Plans for this week
    Sunday- bike (weather permitting) or gym
    Monday- Trainer workout
    Tuesday- Gym or rest
    Wednesday- Cardio maybe trainer not sure
    Saturday- Pool- aerobics and swim

    Last week successes
    Sunday- Gym changed to POOL- Done 21 laps in 30 minutes
    Monday- Trainer DONE
    Tuesday- Gym cardio or weights REST
    Wednesday- Rest Gym-Done treadmill
    Thursday- Gym REST
    Friday-Climbing DONE :bigsmile:
    Saturday- water aerobics and swim DONE :bigsmile:
  • debbiezag
    debbiezag Posts: 32 Member
    Great job everyone- it seems like there is real progress. I've been catching up on the discussion about your calorie limits and it made me curious. I've seen the weight on the scale drop slowly but I still don't see any real inches coming off or even people noticing. I know I'm not seeing it for others and its for health but I feel like that the real way to tell if there is true weight loss progress. My mother in law is a beautiful women who has a great figure still after 3 kids. after I had each of my 2 boys she bought me a tummy band to assist on weight loss with the best of intentions although it stung each time. Considering the fact that I know she pays attention to these things, I told my husband that I will know there has been visual progress when she finally acknowledges that she sees a change.

    I've been using MFP suggestion of 1200 cal a day, usually under and not eating my exercise calories back during the week but it doesn't seem to be working. I'm not used to lifting super heavy weights- I use 3 lb dumbbells while doing the jillian michaels work outs. Maybe I just need more time? Any suggestion would be great!

    On a side note I've had a tough 2 days. My mood is all over the place and I just want to eat even though I know I'm not hungry. I can't log in what I eat from Friday afternoon to Sat night every weekend and we do big family meals every Fri night and Sat morning so I basically have to pick and choose what I put in my mouth and guess the calories of home cooked meals. I ended up eating back my exercise calories yesterday and basically skipped dinner tonight just to make up for it.

    Sorry I just needed to vent. I know that I could refocus tomorrow but it would be nice to be in a routine where I don't have to think about everything I eat every time I pick up a fork lol.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Debbie--You don't say how long you have been doing this or how much you have to lose. Typically, the soonest you can expect to see a real change or have others notice what you have accomplished is after you've lost about 10% of your weight. You might just be getting impatient, and we all do that.
    Today we finally got to go Costco shopping. Its been a couple of months as our Costco is about 60 miles away. I really needed to stock up. We had lunch at a salad buffet, so I did okay there. The thing that always kills me on Saturday is our traditional waffle breakfast with the family. There are usually 10-12 people and some days I just can't resist a cup of the homemade cocoa. I did come in under today anyway, because I also had salad for dinner, and I got in a good 2 mile walk.
    My NSV for today is that I have finally posted a couple of before pictures on my profile. They were both taken more than 2 years before I started to lose weight, but they are the most recent ones I have. It has been my practice to be sure that I am the one taking the pictures. I hadn't gained more than 5-10 pounds in that time, so they are pretty accurate. It amazes even me to see how different I look. The others in the pictures are my father and my sisters. The more formal one was taken at my stepmother's funeral and is of my whole family. The other one was taken on my front porch when some of the family came for DS's wedding in July, 2010.
    I hope all of the furbabies are recovering, and that those of you who are struggling with depression will find some encouragement and relief. Take care of all of those sore muscles and injuries.
    Have a great Sunday. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • debbiezag
    debbiezag Posts: 32 Member
    Kaye- you're absolutely right, I forgot to mention my time frame and it may be that I am actually getting impatient. (I needed a place to vent among people who are on a similar journey) Basically I'lI stopped breastfeeding Dec 2012 and that is when I gained an additional 10 lbs in the past year on top of what I had to lose from the pregancy. About 6 months ago I did the Wii program My Fitness Coach program which helped me lose a ton of weight after my first boy was born in 2010- but I did that while nursing I basically lost all the baby weight plus went under what I was pre-pregnancy).
    However, it didn't seem to work for me second time around and I gave up after 2 months. I did try to watch what I ate though justnot to the extent as I'm doing now- logging in has helped me tremendously. So I have consistently been doing Jillian Michaels workout about 6 days a week for 2 months now- Ripped in 30 now 6w6p. After doing Ripped in 30 for a month I saw no change at all whatsoever- not in measurements or on the scale- I just felt happy that i was doing something for myself. That's when I came across MFP!! I joined and the rest is in my previous blog :)
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kaye--wow, you can really see the difference between your before and after pictures--great job! :flowerforyou:

    @debbie--I agree with kaye; it's hard to give advice without more info. I tried to look at your food diary, but you must have it set as "private." I notice you have a 23 lb weight loss goal on your ticker--is that your total weight loss goal or just an initial goal? If you're only 23 lbs overweight, then the weight will probably come off very slowly. If you have significantly more than that to lose, you may need to increase your calorie allowance and/or eat back your exercise calories. Your body needs fuel in order for your metabolism to function and efficiently burn calories. I've known a couple of people like kaye and another former poster in this thread, angelika, who have done really well netting under 1200 calories/day. However, I think they are the exception. Most people need a minimum of 1200 NET calories. I also agree with what kaye said about it taking time for people to notice--it took about a 10% loss for me as well. Also, I noticed I would get a lot of compliments every time I finally moved from baggy, ill-fitting clothes into the next size down that fit me well.

    @laurie--thanks--gunner seems to be doing okay, but he won't stop licking his foot so I think it may be bothering him a bit. Although he's not crying or limping, I imagine his toe MUST be throbbing a bit. Nice job getting to the pool and getting in so much exercise overall this week considering you didn't think you would have time. :drinker:

    @mel--Hooray for losing half that gain! :drinker: The sidewalks were a wet, icy mess here as well. :ohwell: So much of the snow has melted, but there's still snow and ice underneath all of the puddles, so gunner and I just went around the block.

    @tracy--it sounds like you needed a little "me" time to just decompress--glad you got it last night. Also, congrats on the almost 4 lb loss--that's awesome!! :drinker:

    @kelley--thanks for clarifying the calories. :smile: Fortunately, gunner's wound isn't bleeding much--just a bit on the towel when I wipe his paws after he comes in from the yard. I really hate that he can't understand what's wrong with the toe and why "mom" hurt him with the clippers earlier. At least he seems to have forgiven me--he's been cuddled on the couch next to me all evening. :heart:

    AFM--I promised myself I would get 10 papers done this weekend, plus finish the 10 AP journals I brought home. I managed one more paper and 5 journals, so I've got my work cut out for me tomorrow. :ohwell: In addition, I MUST get to the gym!! No walk for gunner tomorrow due to the injury--he's gonna hate that! At least I got my grocery shopping done today and also finished buying presents for my niece's b-day party in 2 weeks.

    Grading goals:
    1. 2/72 AP essays
    2. 65/72 AP journals
    3. write rec letter
    4. x/52 Scarlet Letter annotations
    5. x/16 AP analysis activities
    6. x/52 JRP journals

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--gym (cardio) DONE
    Tues--gym (lift and HIIT) DONE
    Wed--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE + gym (lift and HIIT) NOT DONE
    Fri--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (cardio)
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (lift and HIIT)

    Exercise & Weight:
    Bench press = 85
    Dead lift = 90
    Squat = 90
    Overhead press = 55
    Upright row = 60

    Overhead tricep extension = 25 (dumbbell)
    Bicep curl = 15 (dumbbell)
    Lat pull down = 100
    Tricep pull down = 90
  • kinnurse0754
    kinnurse0754 Posts: 565 Member
    Hi All, Just a quick drop by as I'm still feeling under the weather. Slept most of the morning. Sore throat, fever and no energy. Feeling a git better tonight but not enough to concentrate on all the posts I've missed. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. But, on the positive side, I'm drinking tons of water and still under calories today. Will drop in tomorrow to see how everyone is doing. Night.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Saturday Success: I've had a good week overall. Stayed under calories 6 out of 7 days. Trainer twice and worked out 4 days on my own. This morning was a really nice walk with a friend on MFP. We did 4.5 miles. She's got torn knee cartilage so we didn't go as fast as I normally would, but that's OK. I will do an HIT tomorrow so no worries. It was nice to finally meet face to face and already feel like we have so much in common. She's lost 170 lbs and has a bit more to go. She hasn't weighed herself in like 6 months. She basically had her husband take away the scale because all the anxiety it was causing, which I could totally relate. We're definitely going to walk again. It was great!
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 894 Member
    Sunday Share:
    I'm a grandmother of 5 babies....3 of them are all around 1 year old. I spend a lot of time with them. I'm married and have a husband that wants to travel. I resist as my health hasn't been good since I gained weight. I realized last night that I have to lose this weight, not just for me, but also for hubby. He wants to travel...he wants me with him...this morning was a revelation..I want to travel too..I want to feel good in a bathing suit and be able to hike, bike. We used to do these things together and he's upset that we've stopped. My age is not the reason..he's 12 years older than me and he plays tennis, works out regularly. I don't want to be a drag on him anymore.
    For that reason, I'm being a little more drastic and have decided to go more low-carb. I'm reading "Wheat Belly" right now and it's pretty interesting. I think a lot of my health problems could be attributed to this in part.

    Maybe for the first time, I'm not loving winter. It's been brutal here and I could dream of warm sand, sun and water.
  • I am new to MFP (today is day 1) and am at my highest weight ever. I have a 2.5 year old and decided this is it, no more excuses. 100+ is overwhelming so I am using clothing as my motivator (dress size) as comfort is important and who wants tight waisted pants. Excited to join!
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Sunday Share: I'm Tracy. I'm 40 years old and have a husband and two children that definitely keep me on my toes. They are part of the reason I want to be successful with weight loss. I want to be able to look back on their one childhood and say I had fun with them instead of just participating from the sideline. I want to do this for my husband -- I want to be be around to enjoy our life together and be able to do adventures with him. I want to do this because I see my mom struggle with her weight and now at the age of 70, the health issues she has that are related to being overweight for so much of her life. I want to do this for myself. I love to go on adventures and be able to not worry about whether I "fit" on a new ride, or hike that hill, or put on that life jacket. I want to feel good about myself again. I want to feel energetic and not be tired all the time.

    I went back and read yesterday's post (rant) and I mistyped. :huh: Not sure what happened, but I have only felt like crying constantly on Friday and Saturday. But I do feel better after taking a 24 hour "me" day. I have the water bottle filled :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and am ready to head off to church. It will be the first time I see my Mom since Christmas. Between the cold and being sick, she hasn't been in church for two Sundays and my weeks have been so busy I didn't carve out time to visit her (although I know she wasn't alone because of my husband and/or sisters).

    @Tammy...good for you! Love those days when you've put in all that work and logged successful. Good luck on Monday!
    @ariggans..."killing" it! :heart:
    @Karen...2 pounds is a great start to the New Year. Cocktails...they'll get you every time! :laugh: Poor Gunner. Glad it's not bad enough to warrant an emergency vet visit, but ouch!
    @Laurie...glad you made it to the water aerobics. I don't use the belt either. When I started it was because I was worried it wouldn't be big enough to go around me, but then I realized I got a better work out. I need to get back there.
    @Debbie...people didn't really notice my weight loss until about 25 pounds (that aligns with the 10% that folks are saying). Since I've been dealing with the same 10 pounds now for 1/2 a year, I'm not surprised that people aren't seeing any other changes. I had great success initially with the 1300 that MFP told me to eat, but then I ran out of steam. I was hungry all the time and didn't have the energy for great workouts. Once I upped my calories, I was doing much better. When I do the Jillian workouts, I can't use too big of weights either even though I lift heavy's a tough workout.
    @Kaye...I love the traditions you have with your family!
    @Kinnurse...get better soon!
    @Susan...I'm so happy you were able to connect with a "new" friend and do the walking. Having someone to do this with (for me anyway) is helpful. I only lift with Kristen, but it makes it go better.
    @Mel...I think a lot of us have the same opinions of winter. I know I live in the North and everything, but goodness, this one is especially nasty. :angry:

    Hope you all have a great start to your week!
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    I've been on mfp for a year, but I'm new to this thread. I kept 16 lbs off in 2013, and hoping to keep off another 52 lbs in 2014!
    My goal for January is to take back dinner. I work full time right now and get home exhausted. I've been leaving supper to my portion-unsavvy husband for several months now, and I'm going to start doing the meal planning again so we can get back on track with healthy meals of the right size. So far, so good. Kids liked what I made last night, and I'm down 7 lbs already. (I think the fresh foods and watching my water intake are to credit for the big drop.)
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Oy, poor Zoe - I was cooking steaks this morning and after I moved the pan to the oven she hopped up on the stove and burned her little feet. She seems okay now and I don't see any damage to her pads, but it sure scared her a little. :frown: I think she wanted some of that steak!

    @Susan~What a fun afternoon, I'm glad you two connected!

    @Debbie~My guess is that 1,200 calories is not enough - if you are exercising a lot and not replenishing your body with the fuel it needs it tends to hold onto weight. Like Karen said, 1,200 calories has worked for a couple of posters here, but it isn't for everyone. If you open your diary for us to see, we might be able to offer you some feedback on changes that might work to get the scale moving downward again. Not sure how much you need to lose, but people didn't start noticing my weight loss until I lost about 50# (at least they didn't start making remarks until then).

    @Charlotte~Hope you got some rest and are feeling better today.

    @Mel~Wheat Belly is a great book from what I've heard. I don't eat a ton of carbs (about 40%), but just enough of the right kind of carbs to fuel my body - this seems to be working for me now. For a while I was eating hardly any and was so listless.

    Sunday Share~I'm Kelley, 45, and an accountant in the healthcare industry living in a suburb of Dallas. I'm a mom to a sweet Maine Coon, Zoe, who adopted me a year ago. :love: She's a sweet, silly and playful cat who is growing like a weed. I first started on this weight loss journey several years ago with Weight Watchers, which definitely got the ball rolling and helped me to shed 75#. Its a great program but wasn't sustainable for long-term for me, so switched to MFP. So far I've lost another 40# and have a short term goal to lose 25-30# by March (Panama Canal Cruise).

    I really need to tackle a project around here this morning, I procrastinated yesterday and didn't accomplish much. I can't decide where to start, so think today my goal will be to get the baseboards and railings clean in the living room - prior to a session with my trainer this afternoon.
  • lynder64
    lynder64 Posts: 285 Member
    :smile: Hello! I just joined myfitnesspal today and my goal is to lose 100 lbs by my 50th in December of this year! I would love to contribute to this thread and look forward to making this journey with all of you!!!

    Sunday Share: I've tried many diets over the years, some with great success, only to go back to my old ways and re-gain everything I'd worked so hard to lose and sometimes, more. I get that it needs to be a lifestyle change if I am to successfully lose 100 lbs and keep it off... and it is with that mindset that I start out fresh on my weight loss journey today... one step at a time.

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone!

    So many newlings! Welcome to you all! :flowerforyou:

    Sunday Share:
    I'm Karen--44, married, with one fur-baby, my 8 yo boxer/shepherd mix, Gunner. I'm a HS English Lit. teacher in the suburbs of Chicago. I started on MFP almost 3 years ago at 241 lbs. The first 40 lbs or so came off within the first year, but since I've entered Onederland, it's been a struggle--long periods of maintaining or gaining and losing the same 5 lbs. I found robin's thread (under its previous name) in July of 2011--so grateful I did or I probably would have given up long ago and gained back everything I lost and then some. This group has been so supportive and motivating! :flowerforyou:

    My goal is to lose 20 lbs by my vacation at the end of June--that would put me at 170 which is my initial goal weight (once there I will decide whether I'm done losing). I'm nursing a knee injury right now, but that won't stop me from working out. I love to run and also started lifting heavy a few months ago. My main issue right now is nutrition. I need to consistently stay under my calorie goal and increase my protein intake. I've done better at this the past week or so after some really carb-rich, cocktail laden holidays. :blushing:

    Today, I'm going to hit the gym in a bit and then I need to grade. Not the most exciting way to spend my weekend, but not terrible either. :smile:
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,211 Member
    Sunday Share:
    Sorry I didn't get on here yesterday. TOM arrived and I woke up with a fierce headache. I spend most of the morning sleeping on the couch. I got up and attempted to do my hips, thighs, buns and abs workout however it just didn't go well. A few minutes into my muscles were aching. Not the kind of ache that you can "just" push through. I was achy, tired and completely miserable. It was just one of those days I needed to listen to my body. I decided to use yesterday as a rest day and do that workout today instead. Brian and I took down half of the Christmas decorations. Today I plan on starting on dismantling the villages before we head out to my parents house for my brother's birthday celebration. The house looks so empty it's a bit sad. :cry:

    I think my leg aches had something to do with my new boots that I have been wearing all week long. I got them for Christmas from my in-laws ~ my nice ones not my crazy one. They have a wedge heel. I usually wear flats to work because it is easier to chase the children around, especially my eloper, and is more comfortable. I am assuming walking in a wedge (very comfy though) and working out really hard this week attributed to my aches. I felt it mostly in my calf just below my knee and a bit in the back of my upper thigh. I am feeling much better today, which I am thrilled about.

    Susan - Thanks. I hope that door opens soon. It would make paying off the student loans and saving money for a new car so much easier. :wink: I am going to apply to teach summer school this year. I hope they give it to me. Working those extra hours this summer would really help greatly. My aides have been talking about it since we returned from vacation. Admin has not posted for it yet, but I am keeping my eyes open so I can jump on the opportunity.
    That is great that you are going to meet up with a fellow MFPer for a walk. Hope you have a great time!

    tlh - I am considering doing the C25K program come Spring. I was able to get the app free from Amazon when I had my Android phone. I lost the app when I switched over to the iPhone so I will have to download it again. I downloaded Runtastic Pro when my Starbucks offered it as a free app a few weeks ago. I am not quite sure what it does but I think it just tracks your runs for you rather than giving you that interval training to get you started. How do you like the C25K app? Do you think it is worth getting for someone wanting to start running?
    I hope your hubby gets back on track soon. That must be really difficult for you. :frown: Sorry to hear you have been feeling blue lately. I am glad you were able to get out and are feeling better today!
    Congrats on your loss, that is wonderful news!

    p1xyn1xy - I think it would be interesting for you to go especially since they are offering that dietitian and counseling. You may learn a few new things to help you along your journey. What are your feelings about having surgery now that you have already lost 40 lbs? Do you still really want it? Or do you feel what you are doing is fine and working for you?

    Laurie - We had that freezing rain too. I was surprised when I was watching the news and they were talking about snow in the tri-state area (NY, NJ and CT). When I looked out the window all I saw was rain. Apparently it was really bad in the morning. News reports said we had over 200 accidents on LI and emergency crews for my county were on delay due to the high amount of accidents. Luckily the roads were not bad by the time I had to go see my students.
    Congrats on your NSV in the deep water!

    Alicia, Rebecca,jroge627, hansea47, justlyn64, and the rest of the newbies I may have missed - Welcome. Make sure to come back often and check in with us.

    Lauren - Sorry to hear the results of your lab work. I am surprised they didn't contact you for that. Sounds like you have a good plan though. Congrats on getting in your workouts!

    Skinny - How is your knee feeling now? Any better? When I start running, I may pick your brain on running shoes brands to invest in.
    It was me who asked about the scales. I am going to look at the link you posted in a bit. Thanks for the info.
    Sorry to hear about the incident with Gunner. I hope he is doing better.

    countrcowgirl - Sorry to hear things went off track for you. This is my second go at MFP. I went off track too and gained back my weight. (27lbs) I found getting back into it was much easier my second time around because I already knew what I was doing. Welcome back!!! I wish you much success.

    Kah - Congrats on the loss and the fabulous workout!

    jtconst - Wahoo for not letting the frozen computer get in the way of your fitness goals.

    ariggans2 - Great NSV! Congrats. :happy:

    debbiezag - I can understand your frustration, I have been there a few times myself. I am not quite sure how to accurately help you as I cannot view your diary. But it sounds like possibly not logging Friday and Saturday for those big family meals may be messing you up. I am going to guess that you are eating more than you realize and sending you over. I don't advise skipping meals. MFP goal already has you set at a deficit. Skipping meals just causes a greater deficit and is unnecessary. From a nutritional standpoint, you want to make sure you body is getting the proper amount of nutrients it needs to keep functioning normally. I frequently eat back my exercise calories and continue to lose weight. Remember it is a trial and error process. What works for one person does not necessarily work for another. You may have to try different things out until you find what works for you. Maybe try upping your caloric intake. Maybe try a few weeks of eating back your exercise calories.
    Here are a few things I would look at if I were in your shoes:
    ~Are you weighing and measuring everything you are eating? And I mean everything - even condiments.
    ~Are you logging everything you consume? (Salad dressings, oils to cook, condiments, drinks - other than water)
    ~Are you getting in your water?
    ~Are you being completely honest with yourself when you log? <~~~I was guilty of this one the week between Christmas and New Year - it certainly reflected in the scale.
    ~Focus on the NSVs. These little motivational things keep me going when I have my dark moments.
    In addition to using the scale I do monthly measurements and progress pictures. These show wonderful results when the scale is being your arch nemesis. Hang in there and stick with it. You will see results. :flowerforyou:

    Kaye - Great pictures. You really can see the difference that all your hard work and dedication has made for you.

    kinnurse - I hope you are feeling better soon. Yippie to the water!

    Kah - Oh no. I hope Zoe is ok. One of my girls, Harvest Moon, begs for food all the time. Thankfully she has never jumped on the counters or the stove. That is one of my big fears.