Land_Rocket Member


  • Hey, that's exactly what the group is here for :smiley: You've got a lot going on, and trying to keep on the weight wagon is probably the last thing in your mind at the moment, but, like everything in life, all you can do is carry on, and keep moving forward at whatever pace is comfortable. Just keep believing, and be…
  • Wow, I remember the old "greasy spoons".... many years ago when I used to travel around with my father, we'd always stop off at a greasy spoon; especially on long journeys - holiday times, we used to go between Essex and Glasgow which was around a 8ish hour drive(?) I think, and we'd always pull off somewhere to stop at a…
  • Busted! Yes I am in indeed in the UK. The UK apparently has one of the greatest health care systems in the world. In reality, I can't complain about it, as I know that if anything happens, I'm covered. The local hospital has an out-of-hours doctor who you can see if something really can't wait until the morning. In…
  • Unfortunately I dont know how long, but what I do know is that I didn't have a chance at all if it wasn't working reliably. All I can do now is keep sending videos to them,and hope they realise what it would mean to me. I know these things take time, which can be disheartening, it took wheelchair services a year to give me…
  • Well, it's now Thursday.. Some wobbling on the tracks admittedly (forgot about an accessibility conference on Wednesday, so didn't have anything prepared to take away with me). Ended up nibbling my way through 5(!) chocolate cookies - not bad over 8 hours, but bad planning on my behalf. However, didn't binge when I got…
  • I'm bored, anyone for extreme bumper cars? :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
    in Hello! Comment by Land_Rocket May 2015
  • Hello, and thank you for joining! It is nice to hear that your 26lbs weight loss enabled you to feel better and hopefully kick start the journey down the path to further weight loss, and hopefully even more better health. Motorized chairs always look great fun, but even after 40+ years, I still manage to do damage to…
    in Hello! Comment by Land_Rocket May 2015
  • Firstly, I'd like to welcome you to the new group. Firstly, the fact that you have a positive attitude will always be a good thing on your weight loss goal. Personally, I have always found it to be half the battle, so well done there. I'd also like to say 'well done' on managing to follow a low sodium diet. I can remember…
    in Hello! Comment by Land_Rocket May 2015
  • I have started a group on here, in response to another thread. If anybody is interested in joining, please feel free...
  • My apologies for the delayed response again.... I used to be a member of a group on here, but it just disappeared :( I have set one up for now, as it would be of great interest to me. We can always try and see....
  • My DC food averages around 800ish calories per day, and it's working for me.... You do have to top it up with veggies etc. However, I must say, keep an eye on the Salt (Sodium) levels - you may be surprised, as high salt/sodium will make you hold on to water.... Diet Chef is OK, but nothing beats a fresh cooked-at-home…
  • I can assure you, NOTHING can stop you reaching your goal. Keep thinking positive. Determination will = results! :)
  • Sorry to everybody that I haven't responded, but I'm sure you understand.. access issues. Having any excess weight is pretty much a disability in itself... as it causes low mood, mental chaos, poor posture, all manner of problems. The brain is a very complex and devious thing, if only it was as easy as just saying "I…
  • Excellent - nice to see some friendly activity on the forums. I always used to believe tetraplegia meant three limbs were affected. Oh well, can't be right all of the time :blush: I'm glad you've found the FitBit Flex to work for you. I did send out a few emails before I imported the BodyMedia, but I mainly got negative…
  • Sorry, yes they are at zero before I weigh. So, starting from zero, their position in the kitchen can cause the readout to change. The thing is that the scales are higher than my eye level, which is why I'm wondering whether I should get some scales where the display is vertically flat or removable like the OXO scales?
  • So, how is everyone's weight loss journey going? Since I finally managed to work out the appropriate calorie allowance (which was a real Pain In The Ash!), things are going great here. To work out my actual calorie needs, I ended up buying a BodyMedia Link Fitness Tracker from eBay (as you can't buy the Link in the UK)…
  • Also Kayleigh, thanks for the input, but mechanical scales are out of the equation for me. Depending on what angle you look at them you seem to get different readings, and being that I'm actually sat level with my worktops, I find that I get all manner of different results. So, got to opt for digital.. but thank you…
  • bolty, are they the dual platform ones? I was unable to find any reviews of them, and knowing my luck with Salter, decided to give them a miss. Apparantly, a 5p coin should weigh 3.25g(!) so I have a stack of 20x5p coins now that I am using to test accuracy. I really hate the fact that a lot of these scales start giving…
  • Well, I bought a set of Tanita ones from Amazon for £25, and already they are going in the cupboard to never see light again. They have "micro mode" which allows them to weigh in 0.1g increments, but they are sooo slow to switch on, and it seems to take forever to update when you add to the weight. So you tend to shoot…
  • Awesome... just found this post.... knew I wasn't alone on this forum.
  • Well, I have the Salter MaxView ones at the moment, currently £24.99 in Argos. Unfortunately, arthritis decided that it wanted me to drop them, so the top is now cracked. Also I found that depending on which kitchen worktop and where they are, the weight they tell me varies! So I'm not really very happy that I'm getting…
  • (bump) as got no replies yet.. Surely somebody must have some positive advice? Or are they all really that rubbish?? :neutral:
  • I was always told that there's no point doing it once they start asking for more :p