jasperdog52554 Member


  • I don't think I've worn a belt ever in my 32 years lol. My butt and hips have always been plenty big to hold everything up.
  • I have seen benefit in this woe for myself, though I only lasted about 5 days. I lost a noticeable amount of weight /inches, but had 0 stomach pain. That is huge for me! I am fodmap sensitive and think that probably contributes to issues eating veggies. And I agree with Goat. I absolutely cannot do moderation. Though, with…
  • bump for later
  • Ooh, I want to share in the Aldi's love! anything and everything dairy eggs (I just scored a dozen large eggs for $0.49) almond milk I don't love their greek yogurt, (Fage snob) but the kids love the regular kind fruits and veggies, though I agree you do have to be somewhat selective frozen veggies- they have the best…
  • this! I like breakfast sometimes for dinner, but the only thing I can manage in the morning is a donut (or 2) or McDonald's. I do best when I skip it all together. I actually feel nauseous sometimes after eating breakfast. The hunger is there as you mentioned, but it is so much less once you get used to the schedule. I…
  • No advice here, just experience. I have tried low carb many times and failed. I never got satiated for some reason. Even increasing my fat intake just made me feel sick. I am currently doing no to very low carb. I think the dairy and nuts I allowed before just spurred my appetite. I am essentially doing meat and eggs with…
  • Don't stress out too much. I was about your weight now at the end of all 3 of my pregnancies gaining 35-45 pounds each time. I lost over 30 lbs in the first 2 weeks. The amount of fluid that comes off your body is mind boggling.
  • I'm sure I consume more now than I realize but I try to be conscious, checking labels and allergen menus whenever able. Cooked dairy is supposed to be more tolerable, so I try not to freak out if I accidentally eat something. For some cutting out obvious choices is enough. Good luck!
  • That was our only symptom too, and it returned with my slip up. I don't know if you eat out much, but go dairy free is a great resource for chain restaurants. I can eat fries almost anywhere except McDs. Why would you have dairy on your fries? Blows my mind...
  • Still dairy free and feeding my 6 month old. We never officially tested for milk protein allergy but evidence speaks for itself. My little one was better in a day. Literally a day! I was amazed. She is very sensitive and symptoms returned after accidentally eating cheese on my "hamburger." It hasn't been as hard as I…
  • I am currently breastfeeding a 6 month old who has never had formula. I have been able to lose 6-8 pounds per months without much change in supply. I have noticed periodic dips, but usually just in my pumping efforts. I do think it is ok if done sensibly. I am dairy free out of necessity for my baby and go back and forth…
  • Hmm. I use the app and still log my breastfeeding as -500 under food. Still worked this morning. Maybe worth a look.
  • Check out Ruthless by Weider. $30 at Walmart for 20 - 20 min workouts. I am about 1 month in and seeing results. I sneak it in while my 3 month old is happy or napping. Bonus - all body weight workouts, no equipment needed.
  • Oh hell yes! He makes bald look goooood. Johnny Depp, I'll take him as scurvy Captain Jack!
  • Please add me! I have a 9 week old and joined about 4 weeks ago. I had a c section and tried to exercise, but it was too stressful, mentally more than physically. I go back to work Monday and hope to add some exercise in a couple weeks once baby and I get into a routine.
  • Hi. I too would like to lose 100. I've never been able to handle the "slow and steady" mindset. Which is probably why I am still the weight that I am. I started MFP 3 weeks ago and have lost 9 lbs so far, would love some company on this journey.
  • Please forgive me if I mess this up, I literally joined yesterday and have never belonged to anything that I have actually posted to. We are very much in the same boat. I am 6 weeks pp with my third. I have lost all but about the last 10-15 lbs of baby weight, but nothing since 2 weeks. 4 weeks with no weight loss has…