

  • Competition standards state that the thighs and chest touch the ground.
  • Hero WOD "Collin" 6 rounds Carry 50 pound sandbag 400 meters run 12 Push press (115/75) 12 Box jumps (24/20) 12 Sumo Dead lift high-pull (95/65) Navy Special Warfare Operator Chief Collin Trent Thomas, 33, of Morehead, Kentucky, assigned to a Navy SEAL team based out of Little Creek, Virginia, was fatally shot on August…
  • "A tampon would be in the wrong hole...just sayin'" Ha ha yes I know this but someone told me it had something to do with the pressure in the general area.
  • Sounds odd....and maybe TMI for the men, but I did hear that wearing a tampon helps with this issue.
  • I've been doing it for three years and love it. Literally changed my life. My adivce, try it but realize going in that you're not going to keep up with those around you. That's not what it's about. It's finding your skill level and working on improving that. And the great thing is that people around you will support you no…