BarbaraHelen2013 Member


  • Air fryer Baked Sweet Potato, Black Bean & Lentil Chilli with salad. I won’t use the air fryer to bake a Sweet Potato again, I don’t think the result is as good as the oven method.
  • @acpgee - You’ve sent me down a rabbit hole with the Tuscan Bread! I think it’s Pane Toscano rather than Pane Comune, as all the recipes I’ve found for the latter do contain salt. (They’re all in Italian, which I don’t speak, but the word for salt is obvious in most European languages 😂) I’m going to give the Toscano a go…
  • A few years ago, when my husband was first told his blood pressure was too high I did try to make a salt free loaf of bread. At the time I wasn’t aware that salt isn’t only added for flavour but more importantly it retards the growth of yeast. On the second proving the dough ballooned out of the tin in an alarming manner…
  • My version of Beetroot Soup, with Horseradish and a small amount of Blue Cheese, I used Moong Dal to thicken.. Made a huge batch and have a few vague ideas to vary how I eat it over the next few days.
  • I’m not sure whether this is the sort of thing you’re looking for because I’ve not come across the term ‘egg bake’ here in the UK. I tend to make it for quick tasty lunches but if you eat breakfast then I’m sure it would be good for that too. It’s delicious and very satisfying.…
  • @mtaratoot - if you have raw red lentils left from your lentil and rice dish a few days ago then I’ve got a delicious recipe for your beetroot. Personally, I don’t roast the beetroot that doesn’t get grated for the Dhal, I chop it into…
  • Since it’s not possible to choose where your body fat is lost from when you’re trying to lose weight, the only thing you can do is make sure your calories taken in are less than the calories expended through daily life and any intentional exercise. Put your stats into the MFP set up and choose a sensible deficit, depending…
  • I much prefer to get my protein from food, even as a vegetarian I don’t find it difficult to reach a decent protein level. Beans, lentils, a little dairy and the odd egg suit me better than a highly processed powder. Not sure why the powder fad took hold when protein is easily found in everyday food. A marketing triumph I…
  • Was making bread for my daughter today (a regular thing when she’s planning baked Camembert for her and her partner for dinner) and the first dough just wasn’t behaving as it normally does so set a second batch going. Resulted in having a spare loaf. So I treated myself to a little cheese on toast with my Black Bean &…
  • I’ve had this Black Bean Spaghetti in the cupboard for a while but have struggled with figuring out what to serve it with. I’d normally just go with an Italian Tomato Sauce but I couldn’t get past how grim that might look! So today, I decided I’d go with the ‘black & white’ theme - it’s Ricotta with a little Blue Goat…
  • First time I’ve consciously seen a Blue Goat’s Cheese, although I’m sure they exist. This one is delicious - not aggressively blue but balanced by the tang of goat’s cheese. It’s a semi hard cheese I think…didn’t melt into my pasta sauce as well as the Abergavenny soft Goat's Cheese I usually use but tasted amazing. 😋
  • First time I’ve ever heard Spam referred to as ‘a necessary evil’ 😂 I have little to say on the subject of ultra processed foods - they’re not a big issue in my diet as a vegetarian who cooks at home from scratch. Just wanted to comment on the Spam thing, it made me smile! I do appreciate it features more heavily in some…
  • You’ve reminded me of the ‘test’ I had to pass before they let me go home…(other than the bowel opening thing, which I fibbed about…) I had to show that I could walk up a flight of stairs in the hospital and back down again. Wasn’t an issue at all but I do remember being a bit nonplussed by the requirement 🤷‍♀️
  • Made a big 9+ portion batch of Black Bean & Lentil Chilli this morning. Fortunately, it’s amazing otherwise I’d have 8 more portions to get through! 😂 Here with 50g rice bulked up with sweetcorn. I’ll come up with 8 different ways to serve it though…variety is key, for me.
  • I think it’s more about when you receive the update that changes things. It took a few weeks before my app updated to the new dashboard style when people had been wingeing/talking about it on the forums for ages. I’m in the UK and still have use of the Barcode Scanner, but I’m sure the day will come… I have my phone set to…
  • @acpgee - yes, I make chips out of left over tortillas of all kinds, to prevent them from being wasted. Latterly I’ve used the airfryer rather than the microwave or a dry cast iron pan. Still doesn’t change the fact that I can’t do the calories from the chips if I want any meaningful amount of cheese on my nachos! 😂 It’s…
  • Looks really messy I know! I’ve hurt my back so my husband made himself Nachos last night with all the stuff I cannot fit into calories. 🙄 I was so tempted! So tonight, I made my version for myself - Sweet Potato and Cauliflower Nachos. All the flavours but a fraction of the calories! Whole messy plate came in at under 500…
  • @kshama2001 - Happy to have given you the chance to think about it ahead of time making you more receptive to the suggestion when it was put to you. I wish someone had done that for me! 😂 So pleased that you’re up to posting to let us know how you’re feeling. I agree that the sore throat is the worst bit when you first…
  • Yes, I realised that it only says ‘Track Your Exercise’ at the start of the week, before it registers any activity. After that it just appears as shown in that screenshot!
  • I just sprinkle the cut flesh with lime or lemon and pop into a reusable bag. Keeps for 3-4 days without oxidising and going brown. They say that leaving the stone in the unused half also stops the flesh from deteriorating but I’ve not really seen that working as well as the citrus juice method .
  • Oh glad to have helped! Makes a change for this old(ish) non tech savvy woman to be able to show how things work! 😂
  • Looking at that link the company actually state their small size avocado are 160 calories not the 88 calories you suggest. Either way I’d be weighing the flesh so it wouldn’t make a difference, but anyone who deals in ‘half’, ‘whole’, ‘ one fruit’ etc might need to be aware if they eat them regularly.
  • Must be the difference between the Inspire and my Fitbit Luxe I guess. I think I assumed all Fitbit Dashboards would be more or less the same. 🤔 I guess if your Fitbit doesn’t have some form of GPS capability it won’t track in the way I thought. I’ve only vaguely played with the MapMyWalk App, but I imagine you could…
  • Not the best use of my fermented cherry tomatoes that I posted upthread a bit… but could no longer resist trying a few . Eaten on the side of a vegetarian Jambalaya and some Tenderstem Broccoli. The tomatoes are kind of fizzy and intensely ‘tomatoey’ with a scented hint of basil and garlic. They’re softer than a fresh…
  • Interestingly OP has posted several very similar ‘plans’ over the months, asking very similar questions. First question was almost exactly a year ago. One can only surmise these plans haven’t been ‘doable’ because they’ve not been ‘done’ successfully. 🤷‍♀️
  • Essentially over the course of the week you’re taking in 11,000 calories which is equal to 1571 calories per day. Without knowing more about you (height, weight, gender, age, activity level and goals) it’s not possible to assess how appropriate, or otherwise, your plan is. 🤷‍♀️
  • Pushing the stroller is the likely issue with your steps counts using wrist versus hip devices. I know for sure that pushing a supermarket trolley prevents the steps counting, unless I’m walking fast and with no pauses to pick stuff from the shelves. I think it also depends on your gait. Whether you walk with a bounce in…
  • Something I didn’t mention…I was advised to get out every day for a *short* walk…and by short they said they meant to the nearest lamp post or something similar. I did this, with my daughter for support as soon as I got home, increasing the distance slightly (a few yards) every day. I do feel this helped a lot. Surgeon was…
  • I had a TAH, plus removal of ovaries and cervix 10 years ago due to fibroids, I had what the surgeon said was a 20 week uterine size and he did warn me he may have to do the vertical incision surgery, Fortunately he decided to do the more standard hip bone to hip bone horizontal incision, which heals easier than the…
  • Lovely photo, just one weird question I probably shouldn’t ask…😂 Your ankle tattoo (if that’s what it is?) all I can see is Fred Flintstone but I’m fairly sure that’s not what it is!