amber5151 Member


  • Yes I believe so, some have been shown with masks. There hasn't been a single success yet. I think 2 men looked like they were on their way to possibly working in the right direction, but most this season have failed
  • Welcome! Feel free to add me!
  • I've been trying to get pregnant with our 3rd for a year. I'm trying to get healthy just in case being overweight is a contributing factor in why we haven't had a successful pregnancy this go around. Also our reproductive endocrinologist is talking about possibly IVF this winter so I'd like to be a healthy bmi and not…
  • Do you weigh your food?
  • That yoga ball will be your best friend. Bounce holding the baby, hold her and rock her sitting on it instead of a rocking chair. While she's content doing tummy time, do some YouTube yoga ball videos
  • I'm 5 ft 7, currently 177, first goal is 150, then final goal is muscular 130-140
  • Good job on quitting smoking! Some things that helped me, sugar free lifesaver mints and still going outside when I'm having a craving. I will grab a mint and go sit out on the patio and play on my phone. Then once the craving is gone, I go back in. Today was 170 days nicotine free for me, it gets easier ❤
  • Hmmm I thought I replied but it disappeared on my end. We've been trying since September after getting my tubal ligation reversed in August. I had a 6 week miscarriage in November. This will be my third, my husband's first. Good luck to you as well!
  • I completely log it all as much as I can (if you went out a lot on that day it may be hard, but do best guesses) so I can be realistic in my weekly view of my calories. I had one of these last weekend. Got starbucks, drank wine, went out for Mexican food and ate my old favorites, went out later and drank. The next day I…
  • When i get pizza, i do the same thing so now i order 3 (3 people in my house) personal pan pizzas instead of a large pizza and make sure i have the calories for my pizza. That way if i want to eat it all i can. And everyone else eats their pizzas so there's no leftovers to snack on
  • So stop weighing for awhile. Keep logging and tracking your food. Then let a month go by and weigh yourself on the same exact day in your cycle.
    in Help Comment by amber5151 February 2017
  • Single mom to 2 boys (5 and 9) here! feel free to add me!
  • Me! Hoping to lose 15 to 20 lbs
  • Count calories and drink lots of water and get more active. How old are you?
  • [edited by mods] I wear mine every day
  • Also with ribs, a lot of weight is in the bone. You aren't eating a full lb of meat. so to log it accurately you would have to tear it from the bone, weigh it, and then log it the correct serving.
  • I way over eat on the weekends, and every Monday I tell myself I won't do it again. This is the reason my scale hasn't moved. I hope you find something that works, and if you do, let me know! During the week, I feel like I do great, I am motivated, etc. Then Friday night until Monday morning I blow it, even when I say I am…
  • It is insensitive, and No they are not props. However, they signed up for the show as consenting adults, they are not being exploited and they should expect to serve as not only entertainment for people, but as cautionary tales. I do not know how they feel. I use it as a cautionary tale that if I were to eat incredibly…
  • It motivates me. Just like Hoarders makes me clean my house, 600 lb life makes me want to work out
  • Oh Honey I feel you! I exclusively breastfed my youngest. My saving grace was bedsharing, I would sleep topless and just roll over and feed him and never get out of bed, it made for a much more restful night, even though I don't think he slept more than an hour and a half straight until he was about 6-8 months old. Just…
  • I have lost 2 lbs this week! but I am pretty sure it is about to come right back since my cycle is due soon.
  • I am a working mom of 2 boys. 3 and 7. I weigh the same right now as I did when I gave birth to my youngest. I lost 10 lbs of it but then gained it all right back after I got some cosmetic surgery (boobs) and got out of my workout its been almost a year since THAT and I still am at my highest weight. I have…
  • Yes! We are having one here at my work. Any time I mentioned that I was thinking of it I got "why?" Just because I am not overweight, doesn't mean I don't have my own personal goals. But in the end I didn't join. Probably for the best because I have only lost 2lbs since then and who knows it might be back tomorrow so it…
  • A good Bra period is a huge help! So many women are wearing the wrong size bra and wonder why their backs and shoulders hurt!
  • Go to nordstrom and get fitted for a good sports bra. My sportsbra is a 32H, I don't remember the brand. It is underwired, X strapped, I can run in that thing and don't have them hitting me in the face. (Mine are by choice and expensive surgery so if they shrink much I'll be pissed ;p)
  • I used to do pump a few times a week and flow once a week, I loved it! I just ordered the dvd set from beach body since the gym isn't as convenient with 2 kids working full time. Hoping to get back into it this way!
  • Bump for answer. Mine have been like this since I had my oldest child. Side note, I did notice that when I was doing yoga 2x a week (a few years ago) the pain was nonexistent, so maybe that will help? Anecdotal but it might help.