

  • i agree with cheshirecatast... if i dont plan my day and at least have some sort of idea what i am going to eat, i will slip up. i think, for me, its because i am still new at doing this. i never had to diet until i had surgery. Now i just look at food and gain weight. its a huge pain in the *kitten*, tracking and…
  • its really cold in missouri today, so i have to walk inside which i hate! but got to do it, i cant wait for springtime to get back outside
  • try walking outside and try going to different places to walk, or changing your route.
  • that is great that you have done well, it really motivates me to hear someone else has had success. i love how the site tells you the sodium, fat, carbs, etc. today is day 5, first weekend coming up. but, i plugged in my menu for the weekend and printed it off. logging on at work is easy, i am right here in front of a…
  • :)
  • :)
  • oh i am the short one in the photo lol, trying to get my boyfriend on this site, no luck so far, maybe after he sees some results!
  • 1 box of devils food cake, 1/2 cup of water, 1 can of pumpkin. mix well, pour into cupcake pan, makes 12-24 calories 100-200 each depending on how you devide the mix up. these are so moist and so delicious! i cant keep them around long enough!
  • i plan my meals for the week on Sunday.
  • i bet your best bet is going to be excercise. considering your height and your current weight your not far from being at your ideal weight and those last 10-15lbs are hard to lose. you may even gain muscle and not lose much more but lose inches. i have found low carb works the best, but its not for everyone. good luck!
  • yep i was going to suggest the same thing, you can make a really nice omellet with cheese turkey and any veges you want for under 400 cal, especially if you use egg beaters or 1 part yolk 2 part egg white. Eggs are the best as far as low cal satification!