I find walking painfully boring.

I lift weights hard 4 days a week where I am doing a 8x8 routine from Vince Gironda. It is a killer. I really need to walk everyday, up to an hour. How can I make this more interesting? My knees do not always feel great since I have bone on bone in my knees.


  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Do you have access to a pool?
  • mvshant
    mvshant Posts: 15
    try walking outside and try going to different places to walk, or changing your route.
  • mvshant
    mvshant Posts: 15
    its really cold in missouri today, so i have to walk inside which i hate! but got to do it, i cant wait for springtime to get back outside
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    I wouldn't walk if I were you. Find something else that won't kill your knees, like swimming.
  • aelphabawest
    aelphabawest Posts: 173 Member
    I listen to podcasts or books on tape while walking.
  • Of_Monsters_and_Meat
    Of_Monsters_and_Meat Posts: 1,022 Member
    This would not be boring.

  • MelanieRBrace
    MelanieRBrace Posts: 245 Member
  • Nancy_hc
    Nancy_hc Posts: 123 Member
    I like that my gym has TVs that you can watch while on the cardio machines. I dont have cable at home so I use that time to catch up on all my shows! I basically watch a movie while walking or sometime of television program while running and it keeps me entertained and makes the work out go by pretty quick.
  • bobsox
    bobsox Posts: 5 Member
    Could always hang a raw steak off your belt and stroll past the dog pound?!

    But seriously, what about riding a bike. I don't mind walking but riding a bike allows me to see more and it takes a lot of strain off the knees. I live in a place with a lot of snow and if I'm not up for snowshoeing I've got a stationary bike and I listen to audio books. I make sure I get something interesting so I'm always looking forward to "reading" more because sometimes the sheer excitement of exercising just ain't there.
  • mmm_drop
    mmm_drop Posts: 1,126 Member
    Ugh, I could never walk for that long on an indoor track or a treadmill. However, the miles and minutes fly by outside. I just dress for the weather, grab my iPod and my dog and go.
  • momaureen
    momaureen Posts: 5 Member
    The knee situation sounds very painful and seems like it would be very hard to walk an hour a day with that. I walk about 90 minutes daily, currently 40 - 60 minutes a day due to knee pain; hopefully that will change soon. During the walks I attempt to keep it interesting by thinking, reflecting about my life and sometimes praying. Much of the time I listen to music or radio talk shows (NPR) on my ipod. I change my route or walk in a different direction. I've joined a walking "meet up" group and go to different locations to walk with them once in a while. The time can get to be tedious, but the above actions take the edge off somewhat.

    Best of luck to you. Keep us up to date with your status.
  • jms14letgo
    jms14letgo Posts: 138 Member
    I love putting in headphones and just tuning out the world while I walk. Are you on a treadmill or using an indoor track? Maybe find someone to talk with, that would help pass the time.
  • SuggaD
    SuggaD Posts: 1,369 Member
    edited January 2015
    Music. I walk the dog with my iphone in my pocket w/ volume turned all the way up and Pandora playing. Love it!

    (Music makes everything good/fun).
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Music, and if you're on a treadmill, a good book to read/show or movie to watch.
  • Archerychickge
    Archerychickge Posts: 606 Member
    Might want to try an elliptical rather than a treadmill... Less impact for those knees.
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    I usually carry on a conversation with my dog when I walk. She doesn't talk back or argue and so I get to win every debate.
  • txteachermom
    txteachermom Posts: 83 Member
    try the Leslie Sansone walking videos on YouTube. Get a Fitbit and some music. My Fitbit has made all the difference in the world for me. My friends and I can challenge each other on there, and I find myself pushing beyond my goal of 10,000 steps to get more so I can pass friends up on the leaderboard. I love walking, it's my primary exercise.
  • AgentOrangeJuice
    AgentOrangeJuice Posts: 1,069 Member
    You never would have made it to Mordor with the One Ring.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Maybe you could be a volunteer dog walker and get some company?
  • Kiyalynn
    Kiyalynn Posts: 128 Member
    I agree with the music... I hated walking... then I realized I paced when I listened to my MP3 player... After that I just went outside with my MP3 and ended up at going all across town.