megia3 Member


  • I'm also 5'6" and weigh 189. I have the exact same problem, so for the last two months I've kept track of my full body measurements. Even though my weight is the same, I'm losing inches all over the place. I haven't seen the results in weight loss, but I've noticed that this seems to be normal for my body type. I'll lose…
  • Today's WOD: Metcon (No Measure) Half "Annie" 25-20-15-10 Double Unders Situps Push Jerk (Find 1RM) Metcon (Time) 21-15-9 Front Squats 135/95 Toes 2 Bar
  • I'm registered too! Since I've just started, I'm interested in seeing how much I improve over time. I'll definitely be aiming for the scaled option.
  • I had the same problem yesterday, but decided it must be water weight. I limited my sodium intake to 1500mg, and increased my potassium to around 3500mg. When I stepped on the scale, I had a 4.4 pound loss overnight!!! I'm doing this again today and tomorrow, because my research showed that I ate way to much sodium last…
  • This stuff is awesome. Not all grocery stores carry it though, so I do a little happy dance when I find it in stock. :smiley: