kab789 Member


  • I could not edit on this but not happy happy I am happy but my stress levels and my emotions are on a more even keel when I eat better and I workout. So any way... STARTING WIEGHT 176 CURRENT WIEGHT WEIGHT LOSS FOR THE WEEK
  • My why is Simple I want to feel better and be a happier person.
  • I conquered C25K Week 3(not a big deal for some but big for me considering when I first started the 1min runs almost killed me!) This is a big deal for everyone who does C25K. You rock! That is a big deal! Way to go!!!!! (There should be quotes in there but it didn't really work all that well!)
  • Great job way to go :) I just finished week 5 day 2 of couch to 5k and I feel very good. I was not at home when the 5 minute cool down walk was done so I decided to just run back home and added an extra 4-5 minutes to the total run. Today as the first time I felt like could keep going and be able to finish the couch to 5k…
  • Look for Leslie Sansone videos on Youtube she has some really good at home fitness walking videos.
  • I find when I do a longer cardio, the next day I am always more hungry than the day I do the longer cardio. I don't know why but that is what seems to happen for me.
    in Hungry Days Comment by kab789 June 2015
  • My question is about Map My walk/run. I put in to the ap my stats and age height weighting so on. It uses the GPS to track my walk/run an how long it takes to go the route I do and it gives me a calorie burned based on all the information I provide. Does any one know if the calorie burn is estimated high as well for the…
  • Hi Stacy just sent you a friend request
  • When I started back in January, I had thick calluses on my heals all around the outside part that sometimes cracked. Now that I am down 50 lbs and they are gone all that is left is just some rough skin. Friends say how small I am getting but when I look in the mirror I still see a larger person. I know I am getting smaller…
  • Finish couch to 5k and possibly running in a five K Feeling comfortable enough to go on rides at WEM fitting into a single digit pair of pants/skirt (I know it doesn't mean much with vanity sizing and all but I still want to)
  • Just finished week 3 day 3 I have wondered how others do it as well but this is what I do... I log the run and walk separately I downloaded map my walk and the calorie burn is the same on that app as it is when I log it in here separately. Now they are both from the same company so I don't know how much of a difference…
  • Hi Lacey, congratulations on your new married life! I started at 220 December 2014 so no judging here, and no one will judge you we all started some where on our own journey/adventure. My advise is like the others have already said cut back calories and start slowly exercising. I started walking with Leslie Sansone 1 mile…
  • Finished week 3 day 2 yesterday
  • Ha funny :) Thanks for that. I really want to run 5k I know I can easily do the Leslie sans one 4 miles with the intervals of running on mile 2 and 3 so I am pretty sure I can do this I just need to keep going and run for a full 5 k
  • I am not a runner never in all my 50 years have I ever run, maybe to catch a bus, maybe. I just finished C25K week 2 day three this morning, and because my girls wanted to do this too we went this afternoon and finished week 1 day2.
  • That should be week 2 day 3 going out in a but to do week 1 day 2 with my girls.
  • just finished week 2 day 2
  • Finished week 2 day 2 this morning. My girls (8 & 9)have been wanting to do this with me so I did week 1 day 1 with them this afternoon. And now, tonight I am tired, but so are they so they will sleep well tonight. We will see what Friday brings for the next day for all of us.
  • Way to go :smiley:
  • Way to go everyone on their NSVs!!!! I have a couple First time ever posting an NSV I now weigh less than my husband and the weight on my drivers license. I started couch to 5k this week. I originally started early April and hurt my leg so I waited to start again and finished the first day yesterday and am looking forward…
  • Good job on no night time snacking after supper. I find that this is hard for me especially after the girls are in bed and my husband is out for the night, I wander around the house. I will comitt with you for no more night time snacking until June 1. Then maybe the habbit will be broken.
  • Goals for April with the nicer weather coming I am hoping to get outside walking with my girls a little bit more so I think I will increase my goals to ***115*** I am going to try for the 30 day challenge 10,000 steps. (gulp) :# I figure 30 - 7 rest days = 21 days x 5 miles = 115 miles April 1-4 * 14 miles* using the 4…
  • Starting the 10,000 a day challenge... April 1 6000/10,000 (3 Mega Miles) April 2 8000/10,000 (4 Mile power walk) April 3 12000/10000 (4mile power walk and 2 miles from the 3Mega mile disc.) April 4 10,000/10,000 (4mile power walk and 1mile from the 3Mega mile disc.) April 5 0/10000 Rest Day Started using a step converter…
  • Starting the 10,000 a day challenge April 1 6000/10,000 (3 Mega Miles) April 2 8000/10,000 (4 Mile power walk) April 3 12000/10000 (4mile power walk and 2 miles from the 3Mega mile disc.) April 4 10,000/10,000 (4mile power walk and 1mile from the 3Mega mile disc.) April 5 0/10000 Rest Day Started using a step converter…
  • You are welcome, I didn't add the rest day because I was not sure what day I would do the rest on so I just left everyday blank for steps then when I use a rest day I will add it then.
  • 30 day challenge I figure 30 - 7 rest days = 21 days x 5 miles = 115 miles April 1-4 * 21 miles* using the 4 Mile Power walk and parts of the 3 Mile Mega walk. Friday and Saturday are the only days that I made the 10,000 step goal as I had just decided on Friday that I would do this challenge April 5-11 * April 12-18 *…
  • Good Morning everyone, Happy April Goals for April with the nicer weather coming I am hoping to get outside walking with my girls a little bit more so I think I will increase my goals to ***115*** I am going to try for the 30 day challenge I figure 30 - 7 rest days = 21 days x 5 miles = 115 miles April 1-4 * 21 miles*…
  • I am starting to consider a fit bit but I am not sure. My problem is that I can't wear a watch because the battery dies with in a week or two of putting it on. So I am worried about killing the battery if I have the watch style. So I need to find a clip one that works as well.