mantababe Member


  • i too have the same problem and its driving me mad..come on MFP please sort it. ps my account says they are both linked
  • i eat quite a bit of fruit at work ive been trying to replace it for veg due to the sugar, i tend to need a lot of snacks at work due to how busy we are, some days its non stop so im burning it and need things to replace my energy
  • i do have all them, cheese is a BIG downfall of mine so im trying to be careful, and unfort i dont like eating the low fat soap lol what do you consider a smal serving of nuts?
  • thanks guys thts great. i too am a veggie and i feel i dont really get enough protein so hench the idea of a protein shake, when at work we do stop for a quick "breakfast" break and i usually have a banana and yoghurt then, but its the time between 6-10 tht i need something to just keep me going. do you make the protein…
  • thank you for your help but what i wanted to do was to actually add a photo into my blog not to upload a profile photo