protein shakes

hi anyone has any advice on the best protein drink to buy? im in the process of loosing weight and increasing my upper body strength, and what i really want is a good protein drink that could replace breakfast, esp when im up early for work, on these days i have cereals [weighed] but the reduced intake of these dont keep my hunger at bay for long which isnt good for working


  • pope705
    pope705 Posts: 109 Member
    If you are looking for a shake to replace breakfast, you are looking for a Meal replacement Powder, as opposed to strictly a protein shake. The MR one will have higher carb and fat content than a protein shake. If you go the strict protein shake route, it should have roughly 25g protein per serving with less than 3-5g carbs and fat.
    You will then need to blend it with carbs (bananas/milk/berries) and fat (coconut milk/avocado/nut butter) to have a meal replacement, according to your chosen macros.
    I tend to choose vanilla flavour as it is mild and can be blended with a wide variety of things. Most of the brands and flavours are trial and error. Plain chocolate and vanilla are USUALLY pretty tasty despite the brand, but some flavours are really disappointing (Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Whey in Cake Batter flavour comes to mind...shudder!)
  • cakelight
    cakelight Posts: 9 Member
    I'm a vegetarian and I love Vega. I got the vanilla powder and out of all the protein powders I've ever used, it's the least chalky. All I taste is a strong vanilla flavor. I'm doing a 30 day green smoothie challenge, so I add it to a shake with greens, banana or avocado, and soy or almond milk, and change up the fruits and add ons occasionally.
  • Amanda4change
    Amanda4change Posts: 620 Member
    I use the lean 25 from GNC in vanilla and add frozen fruit and almond milk for meal replacement. My daughter uses the GNC cellous (spelling?) which is protein versus meal replacement (she has the chocolate flavor and likes it, I haven't tried it)
  • katherine_startrek_fan
    I usually get Ensure protein shakes. I easily get in enough carbs and fat during the rest of the day.

    Alternatively, Special K has some really yummy ones. They just don't have as much protein and have way more sugar.
  • mantababe
    mantababe Posts: 9 Member
    thanks guys thts great. i too am a veggie and i feel i dont really get enough protein so hench the idea of a protein shake, when at work we do stop for a quick "breakfast" break and i usually have a banana and yoghurt then, but its the time between 6-10 tht i need something to just keep me going.

    do you make the protein shakes with milk if so then that should be fine for me
  • pope705
    pope705 Posts: 109 Member
    You can do milk, water, coconut milk, almond milk, juice, whatever you feel like! I don't do dairy so I stick to coconut/almond milk or water
  • KaramelRuns
    KaramelRuns Posts: 2 Member
    I'm just starting with protein powder too... is it better to get plain or flavored powders? I typically have it in a smoothie, but if I wanted to cook with it too then would I use the same?
  • JenniferInCt
    JenniferInCt Posts: 431 Member
    One tip- i add pb2 (powdered peanut butter with most fat removed) to my chocolate protein shake (whey isolate decadent chocolate). Its seriously good. And if u try a brand and think u hate protein powder, try again. Some are gross and some are more tolerabe. I use the six star brand whey isolate from walmart. Its yummy. I add water and shake and its just enough frouthy but not foamy for me. With pb2, its actually like a treat. I drink one after the gym, before i even leave. Im so much less sore after a workout bc of it.
  • JenniferInCt
    JenniferInCt Posts: 431 Member
    And i love vanilla everything, but have yet to find a van protein powder i really like. For shakes/fruit smoothies, id go with plain. You can get the flavor from fruit and stuff. You can always add a little vanilla extract too for flavor. And plain is best for pancakes, food, etc. my opinion anyways