To the new requests - I apologize for the delay in adding you to the group, I was away for a day and a half or so and missed the notifications. It should be remedied now. Welcome to all of the new faces, I look forward to getting to know each of you.
I apologize that you found my profile picture disturbing. It is not my advocacy of violence or an intent to shock people, but rather a display of enthusiasm for one of my favorite (fictional) characters. It is certainly your prerogative to choose which groups to interact with, I hope you find some that meet your needs. I…
Anxiety here, too. I sleep very lightly and if anything wakes me up I'm up for the night. I suck at the "go to sleep" game.
Thanks for joining us, looking forward to getting to know you better.
Heart surgery is definitely a good reason to be feeling anxious. Best of luck on both counts, feel free to join us. We're a small group right now, but all the better to get to know each other. Anxiety has been there for most of my life, it is a daily struggle. The older I get, the more I'm convinced that anxiety/depression…
Thank you all for the responses and for the group add requests - it is a comfort to know I'm not alone.
Thanks for the response, looking forward to getting to know you.