heidici Member


  • I am really sorry to hear your story. Like you I have 2 children, I lost all the baby weight 4 years ago and have used MFP to stay on track when needed. Then in the past year, I turned 41, my job got a little more stressful and bam....I am almost as heavy as I was. The weight just don't want to come off.I am 157 pounds,…
  • Bless you, wake up calls are not really what we want for Christmas. I also got PJs for Christmas, in my usual size and my husband has clearly not noticed I am a little heavier......as the PJs split around my bottom area after a few days wear! So, I am going to fix them and then work hard on slimming into them! What are you…
  • Hi Kimberly, I know exactly how you feel, it is difficult to stay motivated, especially this time of year. My top tip is to buy yourself a new outfit, but buy it on the small side. Hang it up in your bedroom where you can see it and use this as your goal. You could also use an old favourite outfit that is a little too…