chanty09 Member


  • Name: Chantal Age: 34 Height: 5'6 Start Weight (1st July): 163.6 Goal Weight (1st August): 153 1st July: 163.6 8th July:162.6 15th July:160.8 22nd July:159.8 29th July:158.6 1st August: Weight lost/gained this week: -1.2 lb Weight lost/gained this month: -5 lbs Successes/struggles this week: It's really hard to lose weight…
  • Name: Chantal Age: 34 Height: 5'6 Start Weight (1st July): 163.6 Goal Weight (1st August): 153 1st July: 163.6 8th July:162.6 15th July:160.8 22nd July:159.8 29th July: 1st August: Weight lost/gained this week: -1 lb Weight lost/gained this month: -3.8 lb Successes/struggles this week: success getting into the one fifties.…
  • Name: Chantal Age: 34 Height: 5'6 Start Weight (1st July): 163.6 Goal Weight (1st August): 153 1st July: 163.6 8th July:162.6 15th July:160.8 22nd July: 29th July: 1st August: Weight lost/gained this week: -1.8 lb Weight lost/gained this month: 2.8 lbs Successes/struggles this week: stuggle- I wanted to eat everything in…
  • It is hard, but just because they can eat whatever and how much they want doesn't mean they are healthy. I hit my "I can't live like this anymore, I have to do something about" in December. My boyfriend now eats healthy with me, and we go on walks as a family. Main reason being we have a 15 month old little boy who we want…
  • Name: Chantal Age: 34 Height: 5'6 Start Weight (1st July): 163.6 Goal Weight (1st August): 153 1st July: 163.6 8th July:162.6 15th July: 22nd July: 29th July: 1st August: Weight lost/gained this week: -1 lb Weight lost/gained this month: 1 lb Successes/struggles this week: struggle 4th of July festivities, success: eating…
  • I am not sure why you aren't seeing any difference. From my personal experience (I was a cocktail server) I walked about 5/6 miles a day with a tray, but my body was used to it. So I couldn't count that as exercise at all because it was part of my daily routine. To my dissatisfaction because at the end of the day I was to…
  • Name: Chantal Age: 34 Height: 5'6 Start Weight (1st July): 163.8 Goal Weight (1st August): 153 1st July:163.8 8th July: 15th July: 22nd July: 29th July: 1st August: Weight lost/gained this week: Weight lost/gained this month: Successes/struggles this week:
  • Hi my name is Chantal, I have the misfit flash. My name is Chanty12, I only wear my flash when I am doing an activity such as walking. I do not have any "friends" on my account. I also find that the flash isn't very accurate, compared to say s health on my phone? The only way it's semi accurate is if I clip it to my shoe,…
  • I am not from Canada but I live in niagara falls Ny. I will be in toronto today for the tragically hip show... love toronto. Happy Canada Day everyone
  • Look at the inches off of your waist alone!!! Great job you look fantastic
  • For the first time in, I would say, a year and a half I could wear pre pregnancy jeans and not maternity jeans. My son is 11 months old... it's taken some time. I was overweight when i got pregnant so I have 35 lbs to go to get where I should have been before i was pregnant. Yay!
  • "If you are breastfeeding the weight will just fall off of you" biggest lie ever! My son is 9 months old, I breastfed for 4 months I lost nothing from breastfeeding. In fact I haven't lost any weight until recently counting calories. I have definitely learned that if we have another child I will not eat because I can.…
  • I am looking to lose about 70 pounds and would love to have people with similar goals