placebo_mad Member


  • Sounds good! I like eating a raw carrot as it's sweet and gives me 100% of my vitamin A. I recently bought a Ninja blender so am enjoying making different concoctions with that! I don't like the taste of milk on it's own so I love making strawberry and banana milkshakes to boost my calcium and fruit intake. Hope we all…
  • Hi Marie, I've added you too. It will be so nice to have friends on here who are going through the same thing :smiley: x
  • Hi Lisa, hope you start feeling well soon. I had terrible morning sickness until week 14 and lost 10lbs. Not a good way to lose weight though as it means you have no energy when you really need it! My midwife just said to eat what I could when I could and if that was biscuits then it was fine! I'm making up for it now :) x
  • Congratulations, feel free to add me! :) The best thing to do is speak to your healthcare professional at your next appointment. As I have an average BMI, my midwife just gave me some leaflets about vitamins and nutrients in different foods but never mentioned calories. I think I'm just going to try and replace naughty…
  • OK thanks, I'll check that group out. Don't worry I definitely don't want to diet, I just want to get back to eating normally rather than eating chocolate, cheese and mince pies all day long like I have got used to doing over Christmas! :)
  • Hiya, I'm back on mfp after having a few months break and putting half a stone back on! Feel free to add me x
  • Hiya, I'm stay at home mum to a 2 year old and am interested in home cooked healthy meals. Feel free to add me x
  • Hiya, me too. I have a 22 month old and weigh more now than I did when she was 6 months old (which is why I'm back on here!)
  • Hiya, it's my first time looking at the forums and I could also do with some motivation so feel free to add me too! :) x