Anyone else pregnant?

I've put 5lb on over Christmas and am nearly 5 months pregnant. Have come back on mfp to try and eat better and get more fruit and veg. Would be good to lose a few pounds too but not sure if I should be restricting calories?


  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,236 MFP Moderator
    Don't restrict calories while you're pregnant! You need to be feeding your baby. :) If you're concerned about weight gain, you need to be talking to your OB.

    Here's a group you might be interested in:
  • placebo_mad
    placebo_mad Posts: 13 Member
    OK thanks, I'll check that group out. Don't worry I definitely don't want to diet, I just want to get back to eating normally rather than eating chocolate, cheese and mince pies all day long like I have got used to doing over Christmas! :)
  • Sweet_Surrender
    Sweet_Surrender Posts: 6 Member
    I found out on Sunday that I'm pregnant. :) I'm around 5 weeks. I was wondering the same since I'm in the 1st trimester since I'm really overweight.
  • placebo_mad
    placebo_mad Posts: 13 Member
    Congratulations, feel free to add me! :) The best thing to do is speak to your healthcare professional at your next appointment. As I have an average BMI, my midwife just gave me some leaflets about vitamins and nutrients in different foods but never mentioned calories. I think I'm just going to try and replace naughty treats with fruit snacks and eating normal foods rather than the overindulgent! X