TCMacRae Member


  • Today I rode my bike 21.5 miles. It was 10°F outside!
  • People who say weighing every day is bad don't realize that, for some, doing so allows them to gain a good understanding of what their normal daily variation really is. You just have to let go of the idea that each day's weight is the written-in-stone-gospel. Understanding daily variability is even more important if you…
  • I am a 57-yr old man, 5'9" in height. One year ago I weighed 208 lbs, and this morning I weighed in at 174 (yes, I managed to stay on track over the holidays). I did this by disciplined eating and lots of cycling (5,500 miles in 2014). I now cycle almost every day - 20 miles minimum each week day and usually 50-100…