Tesstax_43085 Member


  • That's one big reason I'm trying to lose the weight is to help with my back issues.
    in Hi Comment by Tesstax_43085 January 2015
  • I will work on that. It will take some time for me to really see who it is I want to be because right now...I'm just not sure.
  • Thank you so much everyone for the kind words and encouragement. I truly am at a loss for how overwhelming it is to feel the love coming from all your post. I can't add people for some reason. When I click on names it tells me page has expired or moved. So please take no offense if I don't add you as a friend, but feel…
  • Thanks Cassmarie. :)
  • Thanks for the insight. I too try and tell myself that I'm okay, that my husband is happy with me, and that I won't be that person that has a heart attack at 40. The truth is I'm slowly killing myself by being so unhealthy and I want to see my son grow. I want so much, and I am the only person that can get off my butt and…
  • You sound like my type of motivator. I need the in your face truth to be motivated. I can't add for some reason but feel free to add me. I want to make friends but i dont need another facebook so I get you on that aspect.
  • Hello, I just started my journey too. Looking for friends and motivation as well. I need that in your face type of motivation, like get it together you are unhealthy keep pushing forward. I can't add right now but feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Thanks you guys. From some reason I can't click on names and add people. So I will try and add as soon as I can.
  • That's what I want...eat healthier. No diet, just healthier life style.
  • Thanks. I need the motivation and encouragement helps. My husband likes to say I'm beautiful the way I am but truthfully I need someone to say, look your unhealthy get it together. Friends while doing this I believe will help tremendously. Thanks for the friend invite.