kiwiroz Member


  • Do you have a fitbit watch (or similar?)
  • Oh my I updated the App (which I thought I had set up to do automatically) and I've had a couple of days with no issues. Shame on me for not checking that first :# Woops
  • Thanks for the tips yes I'm psyching myself up to do a hard reset on it tomorrow which is the latest fix they have suggested but they say the problem is caused by my phone that its not one of the ones that the tracker is tested against so no guarantees therefore it will work properly
  • The latest is they've told me it's a Bluetooth issue with my phone that they only provide support or guarantee it works with phones that have Bluetooth 4.0. I have 4.2 which I thought would have been better/newer but obviously not. So may be a new phone rather than a new tracker :) thanks for all the suggestions I've had a…
  • Don't wait til Monday to start again. Dust yourself off and start logging. Maybe be slightly more active or slightly closer to your calorie goal each day rather than having an alll or nothing view. The biggest thing that helped me is that this can't be a diet that you eat that way for a while lose the weight and go back to…
  • I'm an android kinda of girl but might have to go to the dark side just to get some sanity
  • Seems to be a lot of issues on all their forums and the problems have started in the last year or so it might be related
  • It's only a recent issue with the sync to MFP the main problem is it not syncing with itself (so to speak) yip done all the usual fixes the latest is to try a hard reboot so will see what happens
  • Chamois Cream? Like cyclist use - I assume you can use it in other areas :#
  • Lemon drizzle cake
  • Quesadilla
  • Thank you @AnnPT77 its more they are selling it, well and taking it themselves and desperately pushing it in a way bubbly over The top manner. I know I just have to block them and just do me. You have great thoughtful advice as always.
  • I'd may be try a little decafe that amount would give me the shakes and some serious headbanging seasickness withdrawals if I had to go a day without for any reason.
  • :D that made me laugh out loud I nearly choked on my crisps .
  • What exercise do you do? I only ask because I wonder if strength training might be an option for you? (there are those on this forum who are more knowledgeable than me on this who might advise better). I just wonder if it might help to start building a body frame you are happier with and resistance exercise is beneficial…
  • Also to add - I also find there is a difference between whether I log an exercise in my fitbit (if you have one that does that) so a HIIT workout logged separately might give me 250 exercise calories but if I don't log it and just take my fitbit activity burn across the day I don't necessarily see a 250 bump compared to…
  • Just as a comparison I am set at 1500 and try and only eat half my calories from the fitbit. If I found the weight was falling off ;) I would adjust and eat more. I accept I have errors in food logging and there will also be errors on the burn side. You can only go by your data and how that relates to your losses/gains on…
  • I like Fitness Blender on YouTube free individual sessions or on their website they put together a 4 week programme. Their low impact one is on sale at the moment $4.50
  • I've just brought a Fitness Blender low impact programme (they have a number of their programmes on sale at the moment) or their individual videos are free on YouTube.
  • I tend to fast from around 8pm to 7am but I'm not zealous about it. The other day for various reasons I didn't get breakfast until 1pm. I was nearly in a car accident, I dropped a plate and smashed it, lost my keys and was very very hangry and in total brain fog. Learnt my lesson there :#
  • Sending a hug as I'm in the same category. In the chart it says maximum rate of loss doesn't mean that is what you should aim for. Also recommend eating a % of exercise calories to prevent hangry outbursts and fuel workouts 😁. I can't remember which MFP guru uses the phrase the winner is the person who can eat the most you…
  • Even if you are last out of the water you will still be ahead of everyone lying on the couch x
  • Another vote for fitness blender. Free videos online. I have also brought a 4 week programme from them which is body weight only and mixes up HIIT, upper, lower, core and stretches.
  • I agree I definetly think I'm bigger then the current avatar. I live in hope one day I will have a real photo to compare against the goal photo o:)
  • There is the good old 21 days to build a habit myth so quitting something 17 days in might make sense. Of course most of us can attest that it takes way longer to build a habit particulaly ones that relate to health and wellbeing
  • Ive used this in the past
  • Just to warn you when I started lifting weights it took 7 weeks for the whoosh to appear. But boy was it one hell of a whoosh! So just stick with it and if you are doing the right things the scale will eventually show that
  • I would be averaging the calories over 7 days rather than 4 because my priority would be getting a decent night sleep.
  • Oh my I saw the original thread and was going to weigh my heinz beans this weekend but I have been beaten to it :p