

  • Xylitol is poisonous for dogs and cats too I believe, but it's ok. Liquid sucralose I enjoy the most.
  • Low carb, protein to a certain goal, fat for satiety. Keto here as well.
  • Looks like a gimmick, especially at $24/lbs.
  • What about it do you not like about it, out of curiosity?
  • It is not unrealistic and can be done (n=1, me). It'd only be a problem if you were underweight or close to being underweight.
  • Been doing for a year, blood work has improved. Energy levels are up. No complaints other than I can't eat twinkies in moderation. Losing weight on keto was easier for me at least. Check out www.reddit.com/r/keto or the keto groups on here for more info. This is all n=1, of course.
    in Keto? Comment by Zhost January 2015
  • Well the light has been seen, I can eat twinkies now and lose weight and be healthy so Imma do that, thanks y'all
  • Hey back, people still defending sugar? That empty nutrient stuff?
  • What formula? Also that sounds like water weight to me. I'd look at your sodium/potassium/magnesium levels for electrolyte imbalances?
  • The only possible snarky comments I could've made were asking if you knew what a sugar crash was and cytokines. If you take offense to them, I apologize but the first comment was a legit question and the second has to do with what I came here for originally.
  • I should've put a note saying, this was actually a personal question in that I'm just curious as to what it'd be. This wasn't a statement for argument. Though, if you'd like I can provide mine from ditching carbs and sugars.
  • At this point I'm so far removed from why I originally posted here (Inflammation/cytokines/sugar) that I'm losing track of everything. So keep doing you, I'll do me.
  • In the end it's all CICO for weight loss, but that's where it stops. How healthy you are at the end depends on what you ate to get there. High carb restricted eating will help you lose weight, but I'd be interested in seeing your bloodwork.
  • Arguing against why people shouldn't eat a lot of carbs/sugar is what then?
  • And ketones will do the same for me, the basic glucose my body will need will come from the natural low GI complex carbs from veggies or GNG.
  • People just like a reason to keep eating what they want "in moderation" and then having to go do extra time at the gym to burn it, then bash on those who try to forsake sugar and do keto or some variant.
  • See ya, enjoy those carbs for me would ya? I'm not a fan of cytokine elevation (Go back some pages for info on that).
  • Your link itself shows a higher BG response from high carb.
  • Then my crusade on sugar is going along nicely.
  • Considering most are drinking a low fat latte with a bagel that has low fat cream cheese to go with it, yes.
  • When you take into account the whole low fat craze and people still overeating their TDEE, 10% is actually a lot higher than you think.
  • And here I a go explaining, again. Insulin spike, not so big deal, helps deal with satiety, in which protein actually helps better than carbs. BG spike, not so good. Might cause issues, ie sugar crash. That's it.
  • Joslin and 2 Uni's. Why are you so skeptical of people having sugar crashes? Have you not heard of this term before today?
  • http://www.drugs.com/cg/non-diabetic-hypoglycemia.html http://www.livestrong.com/article/350740-how-to-quickly-reverse-a-sugar-crash/
  • I didn't say it was easy. But that's how it works.
  • Go look at your average American. That's the support you need. Seriously, they're not fat because of a high protein low carb diet or even keto. It's because they eat of mix of processed *kitten* that usually ends up being high carb junk. Eat too many carbs? Insulin spike and then blood glucose levels go crazy. And I…
  • The way carbs work is they get burned first. They don't get burned? Off they go to muscle and the liver to be stored as glycogen. Oh those stores are full? Time to be triglycerides, lipogenesis. Fat is burned if there is no readily available carbs to burn, first from the food you eat. Oh you're at a deficit? We'll pull it…
  • They go well with hummus.
    in Snacks Comment by Zhost January 2015
  • You're correct its not in the symptom list. And while the saying goes causation=/=correlation, it should be noted that sometimes people do in fact eat again, otherwise the wiki wouldn't even have it there. Yes I agree insulin can suppress appetite. And yes blood glucose is affected more by carb intake, which in general is…
  • What was their reasoning for this?